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Rewire The Black Mind To Prosper: Common Sense Approach to Self-Empowerment

“Rewire the Black mind to Prosper” was written as an aide to rapid comprehension of essential common-sense ideas, to give Africans in America, perhaps of all levels of Academia, an opportunity to understand how to control situations and gain an edge over a mentality of defeat in an unjust society, in efforts to gain understanding of and or perhaps power over any situation in all areas of Life. In retrospect, there are no truly original ideas to be had in this world. Many ideas come to us and are formulated from prior influences or knowledge gained from others, as any Book that was written over the course of thousands of years… “Rewire the Black Mind to Prosper” perhaps, will bring a new common-sense idea to help an oppressed Melanated People to learn how to maneuver as a God and perhaps gain Self- Empowerment in Society.

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Wired to Eat: Turn Off Cravings, Rewire Your Appetite for Weight Loss, and Determine the Foods That Work for You

From New York Times best-selling author of The Paleo Solution…

One month to reset your metabolism for lasting fat loss.

One week to discover the carbs that are right for you.

Do you struggle to lose weight and get healthy? Are you playing the blame game and berating yourself for “cheating” on your diet? This struggle should come as no surprise, as we are genetically wired to eat more and move less, the exact opposite of the advice we are often given. Now there is a more customized weight loss solution that works with your body, a solution based not on arbitrary restriction of foods but on what works for you. Developed by former research biochemist, health expert, and best-selling author Robb Wolf, Wired to Eat offers an eating program based on groundbreaking research that will rewire your appetite for weight loss and help you finally determine the optimal foods for your diet and metabolism.

With his best-selling book The Paleo Solution, Robb Wolf helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight by eating a low-carb paleo diet, but paleo is only a starting point, not a destination. Now he’ll share a more customized way of eating that may be the key to permanent weight loss and better health. You’ll start with Wolf’s 30-Day Reset to help you restore your body’s blood sugar levels, repair your appetite, and reverse insulin resistance. There are more than 70 delicious recipes, detailed meal plans, and shopping lists to aid you on your journey. Wolf also includes meal plans for people who suffer with autoimmune diseases as well as advice on eating a ketogenic diet. Once you’ve completed this phase of the plan, the unique 7-Day Carb Test will help you determine what amounts and types of carbs you can tolerate.

No more guessing. Now you can find out for yourself which foods you can and cannot eat instead of relying on a one-size-fits all diet. Transform your diet by discovering your personalized weight loss blueprint with Wired to Eat.

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Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness: 500 Positive Affirmations to Rewire Your Brain


Has life dealt you a bad hand? Are you broke, depressed, unhealthy, or in a bad relationship? Have you lost your job, failed to follow the career path you wanted, or fallen short of achieving your dreams?

You need to change your thoughts! Negative thoughts of fear, rejection, failure, and self pity plague us all, but continuing to have these negative thoughts keeps us in that slump for what seems like eternity.

If there was a way to replace negativity with positive thoughts, you could have all the success and happiness you could ever dream of.

Well you can have those things! By changing your thought process you can rewire your brain to start attracting success and happiness into your life. Reading positive affirmations reprograms your subconscious into a positive source of energy that attracts anything you want in life. It’s called the Law of Attraction! It’s a universal law that works without question!

These 500 daily affirmations of success and happiness will begin to immediately reshape your life no matter how bad things may seem. In reading this book you’ll learn:

How to stop negative thoughts How to reprogram your mind for the better How to create success and happiness How to become the person you’ve always wanted to be How to stop struggling and start living a successful life
“You become what you think about” is a universal law that has changed the lives of many people who have learned to consciously control their thinking. Reading affirmations conditions your mind to believe what you are telling it. When it is flooded with positive thoughts of success and happiness you begin to attract those things toward you.

This book could be the most life changing book you’ve ever read. With over 500 affirmations to read you’ll have the tools you need to start rewiring your brain for the life you deserve!

Scroll up and grab a copy today!

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Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations Bundle: Rewire Your Brain with Powerful and Positive Affirmations to Rapidly Change Your Life

This bundle combines powerful law of attraction positive affirmations to put you into a positive state of mind instantly. It includes the best seller Rewire Your Brain: 300 Affirmations for Positive Thinking, along with other hits sure to shift your perspective and train your mind to focus on what you do want, instead of what you don’t want.

This positive affirmations audiobook includes the following audiobooks:

1. Rewire Your Brain: 300 Affirmations for Positive Thinking
2. Powerful and Positive Affirmations: The Modern Method to Rapidly Change Your Life
3. Law of Attraction: Affirmations for Positive Thinking and Happiness
4. I Am Affirmations: Rapidly Change Your Life with the Law of Attraction

How you talk to yourself is going to affect your life – whether you admit it to yourself or not. Many times in your life, you might be the only obstacle standing in your own way. It’s up to you to make sure what you say to yourself – and about yourself – benefits you.

These affirmations will:

Help you feel empowered Help you celebrate yourself Increase your self-love Boost your confidence Create a habit of positive self-talk

These affirmations are about using the law of attraction to change your entire outlook on yourself. They will help you remember why you deserve everything you dream about having, and they will help you realize your true and most genuine self.

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Meditations for Happiness: Rewire Your Brain for Lasting Contentment and Peace

Happiness is far more than a positive feeling that comes and goes. Science is proving that happiness is a skill that we can all develop. On Meditations for Happiness, Dr. Rick Hanson presents a series of guided meditations that allow you to literally rewire the neural pathways in your brain to experience deeper and more lasting contentment and peace. Dr. Hanson discusses the nature of happiness, its role in our evolution, how our brains both make us happy and create suffering, and how we can use and shape our brains over time to experience more joy and be more at ease in everyday life. He then leads us step-by-step through 14 transformative meditations and exercises.