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I Am: Rapidly Increase Confidence and Improve Self Esteem with Hypnosis, Meditation and Affirmations

Success boils down to one element – the confidence to take action. Without confidence, even the best plan will never be set into motion and will never deliver results. This collection is designed to help you realize your potential and give you the confidence boost needed to live the life you truly want.

First meditation: 40 minutes of positive self-empowerment affirmations for improved self-esteem, confidence, self-respect and self-image.

Second meditation: A 12-minute meditation designed to calm your inner world and provide refuge from the daily grind. It is an escape from any negativity that might be clogging up your thought process so that you can return back to your true vision for life.

Third meditation: 20 to 30 minutes of positive affirmations designed to rapidly change your life and elevate your vibration.

You are the only person responsible for your happiness and success. Make today the day you finally start taking your dreams seriously and take action.

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I AM Affirmations: Rapidly Change Your Life with the Law of Attraction

How you talk to yourself is going to affect your life – whether you admit it to yourself or not. Many times in your life, you might be the only obstacle standing in your own way. It’s up to you to make sure what you say to yourself – and about yourself – benefits you.

These affirmations will:

Help you feel empowered Help you celebrate yourself Increase your self-love Boost your confidence Create a habit of positive self-talk

These affirmations are about using the law of attraction to change your entire outlook on yourself. They will help you remember why you deserve everything you dream about having – and they will help you realize your true and most genuine self.

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Law of Attraction Positive Affirmations Bundle: Rewire Your Brain with Powerful and Positive Affirmations to Rapidly Change Your Life

This bundle combines powerful law of attraction positive affirmations to put you into a positive state of mind instantly. It includes the best seller Rewire Your Brain: 300 Affirmations for Positive Thinking, along with other hits sure to shift your perspective and train your mind to focus on what you do want, instead of what you don’t want.

This positive affirmations audiobook includes the following audiobooks:

1. Rewire Your Brain: 300 Affirmations for Positive Thinking
2. Powerful and Positive Affirmations: The Modern Method to Rapidly Change Your Life
3. Law of Attraction: Affirmations for Positive Thinking and Happiness
4. I Am Affirmations: Rapidly Change Your Life with the Law of Attraction

How you talk to yourself is going to affect your life – whether you admit it to yourself or not. Many times in your life, you might be the only obstacle standing in your own way. It’s up to you to make sure what you say to yourself – and about yourself – benefits you.

These affirmations will:

Help you feel empowered Help you celebrate yourself Increase your self-love Boost your confidence Create a habit of positive self-talk

These affirmations are about using the law of attraction to change your entire outlook on yourself. They will help you remember why you deserve everything you dream about having, and they will help you realize your true and most genuine self.

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I AM Affirmations: Rapidly Change Your Life with the Law of Attraction via Beach Hypnosis and Meditation

This audiobook contains 20 to 30 minutes of positive affirmations designed to rapidly change your life and elevate your vibration. It is a part of the Beach Hypnosis and Meditation Series.

The beach is the most effective place to induce a mindful and relaxed state of mind. Research has indicated the sound of water has a calming effect on the brain, leading to increased mindfulness, deep relaxation, and a feeling of being one with the universe. These healing properties occur even when just the sound of water is present.

This audiobook includes seven different ocean and beach soundtracks to help diversify your sessions. You can listen to a different version each day of the week or as often as you prefer. Each beach setting is designed to help you relax and increase the effectiveness of your session.

This audiobook includes the following seven beach settings:

Serenity on the beach Lakefront home private shore Quiet reflection on the beach Gulf of Mexico ocean waves Crashing waves on cliff Ambient oasis Ocean waves crashing on rocks

These affirmations can be listened to during any part of the day or evening. They can even be listened to during sleep for your subconscious to take in.

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Instant Confidence Boost: Affirmations Bundle to Increase Your Self Esteem, Empower Yourself and Rapidly Change Your Life

How you talk to yourself is going to affect your life – whether you admit it to yourself or not. Many times in your life, you might be the only obstacle standing in your own way. It’s up to you to make sure what you say to yourself – and about yourself – benefits you.

This bundle includes the following positive affirmation audiobooks:

I Am Affirmations: Rapidly Change Your Life with the Law of Attraction Self-Esteem Affirmations: Instantly Boost Confidence and Increase Self-Love

These affirmations will help you:

Boost your confidence Increase your self-love Improve your mood and attitude Create a more positive perception of yourself

These affirmations are about using the law of attraction to change your entire outlook on yourself. They will help you remember why you deserve everything you dream about having – and they will help you realize your true and most genuine self. Don’t let low self-esteem stand in the way of a better life. Take action and get an instant confidence boost with these law of attraction affirmations.