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Strengths Based Marriage: Build a Stronger Relationship by Understanding Each Other’s Gifts

Marriage expert Jimmy Evans and strengths expert Allan Kelsey show listeners how to have a happier, stronger marriage by applying the concepts from the popular StrengthsFinder assessment to their relationship.

One of the biggest obstacles to a happy, strong marriage is a lack of understanding of yourself and your spouse. With Strengths Based Marriage, MarriageToday cofounder Jimmy Evans and Gallup-certified strengths coach Allan Kelsey give listeners the tools they need to dismantle that hurdle and develop a deeper and richer relationship. Applying the revelatory concepts from the popular Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment to marriage, Evans and Kelsey break new ground in helping listeners understand themselves and others. Utterly practical and deeply insightful, the book covers topics like stopping the cycles of pain, speaking love to your spouse’s heart, and secrets of successful marriages. Strengths Based Marriage will forever change the way you see yourself, your spouse, and your marriage.

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The Emotional Edge: Discover Your Inner Age, Ignite Your Hidden Strengths, and Reroute Misdirected Fear to Live Your Fullest

Ever Feel Like Your Inner Age Doesn’t Match Your Outer One?
The Emotional Edge empowers you to stop knee-jerk reacting in ways that hurt and instead start expanding your life to become the greatest expression of you possible.  Once you know your Emotional Age, you can take any needed steps to become more fully grown-up so you stop giving your power away. You’ll now see when you’re inadvertently sabotaging yourself and understand why. You’ll be able to channel your fear and anger into courage and willingness, and live your best life without guilt, shame, or blame. Never feel like a victim of circumstance, genetics, or your past again, instead dive in and discover:
–The EA quiz to see whether you’re a Parent, Child, or Adult ‘archetype’—and what to do about it
–Learn your communication scale and style: moving from passive or aggressive to appropriately assertive
–Tune into your unique needs mentally, emotionally, and physically
–Rewrite your relationship, work, and bliss paths
Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you, now it’s time to get the best of them!

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StandOut 2.0: Assess Your Strengths, Find Your Edge, Win at Work

The Groundbreaking Strengths Assessment from the Leader of the Strengths Revolution

In the years since the publication of First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths, millions have come to the simple but powerful realization that to get the most out of people, you must build on their strengths. And yet, as Marcus Buckingham astutely points out, though the strengths-based approach is now conventional wisdom, the tools and systems inside organizations—performance appraisals, training programs, and succession planning systems—remain stubbornly remedial and exclusively focused on measuring skills, finding gaps, and attempting to plug them. It’s a crisis for individuals and organizations, with management ideas and everyday practice utterly out of sync.

That’s about to change. StandOut 2.0 is a revolutionary book and tool that enables you to identify your strengths, and those of your team, and act on them. The original edition of StandOut provided top-notch insights from one of the world’s foremost authorities on strengths, as well as access to a powerful, cutting-edge online assessment tool. Now, in addition to a much more powerful assessment and a robust report on your most dominant strengths, StandOut 2.0 contains or provides access to:

• A StandOut profile, easily customized and exported, that you can use to present the very best of yourself to your team and your company
• Your own Personalized Strengths Channel, which, after you’ve taken the 15-minute assessment, will send you a weekly tip, insight, or technique to help you do your best work this week
• An entire strengths-based performance management system, including check-in and evaluation tools to track your progress, and that of your team

And much more. StandOut 2.0 is your indispensable guide for building on your strengths to further your career—and help your team and organization win.

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Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow

For decades, Gallup scientists have researched the topic of leadership. They’ve surveyed a million work teams, conducted more than 50,000 in-depth interviews with leaders, and even interviewed 20,000 followers to ask what they admired in the most important leader in their life. The results of that research are unveiled in Strengths-Based Leadership. Using Gallup’s discoveries, authors Tom Rath and Barry Conchie identify three keys to being an effective leader and use firsthand accounts from highly successful leaders — including the founder of Teach for America and the president of The Ritz-Carlton — to show how each person’s unique talents can drive their success. A new version of Gallup’s popular StrengthsFinder assessment helps readers discover their own special gifts, and specific strategies show them how to lead with their top five talents. Loaded with novel research, inspiring stories, and actionable ideas, Strengths-Based Leadership offers a new roadmap for leading people toward a better future.