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101 Systems Theory Quotes: One Hundred and One Quotes on BFST for the Novice and the Curious

Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST) has become a significant resource for many clergy and congregational leaders. Since the groundbreaking volume by Edwin Friedman in 1985, Generation to Generation, the theory continues to be an influential “theory of practice” for ministry. As a bona fide theory, that is, one grounded in a field of study and practice, BFST provides a more rigorous framework as a theory of practice than devotional, romantic, metaphorical, or individualistic understandings of the role of clergy in a particular context, the congregation. In a day of liminal transition and great swells of anxiety in local churches the benefits of framing one’s function as a leader using BFST as a construct for understanding emotional systems in congregations can be a significant resource for healthier and more effective functioning. The 100 quotes in this primer serve as an introduction and overview of the theory for novices, the curious, and “veterans” of the theory.

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The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia: Molecules, Brain Systems, Motivation, and Cognition (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation)

One of the first major theoretical reviews of schizophrenia since the publication of the 5th edition of the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the DSM-5, this volume is a landmark in the history of schizophrenia research. It assembles recent groundbreaking developments in research on schizophrenia and reaffirms its central place in the mental health research agenda. Significantly, this volume reflects the paradigmatic shift in schizophrenia research applied in parallel to new approaches in psychiatric diagnosis. New models and findings from across disciplines in recent years reflect a new and greater understanding of the workings of the brain, which, in turn, helps develop our knowledge of the neuro and psychological processes in schizophrenia. Consequently, this volume illustrates a historical convergence of psychology, psychopathology and the neurosciences in schizophrenia.

World-renowned leaders of the schizophrenia research community in fields such as neuroscience, psychiatry, neuropsychology, and clinical psychology offer clear suggestions for further advances in psychological and medical interventions, assessment, prevention strategies, and research. And in keeping with other titles in the Nebraska Symposium on Motivation series, these papers are noteworthy for their depth of detail, scientific rigor, and clinical relevance.

Included among the topics:

Cognitive organization as a dimension of individual differences and psychopathology. Neurodevelopmental genomic strategies in the study of the psychosis spectrum. Multimodal brain and behavior indices of psychosis risk. The NIMH Research Domain Criteria Project: new approaches to classifying psychotic spectrum disorders.   

The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia is one of the most forward-thinking and engaging treatments of the field in recent years, and is an indispensable text for all researchers, academics, and clinicians who treat or study mental illness, especially psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health practitioners, and neuroscientists specializing in schizophrenia. 

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Loving The Self Affirmations: Breaking The Cycles of Codependent Unconscious Belief Systems

These affirmations were specifically created to help heal the unconscious belief systems responsible for low self esteem–low self worth–guilt–shame–fear–and primarily codependency. All relationships in life are mirrors of the relationship we have with Self.  The relationship we have with Self is the result of the value or lack of–we absorbed about Self when children.  If when we were children and forming ideas about Self–we were taught to believe we had no worth–then our ideas about Self are fractured.  The only way to truly ever have satisfying adult relationships is to uncover what are ideas are about Self–confront them–feel them–and eventually heal them by deliberating using the power of the mind to create healthy Self concepts.  These affirmations, if practiced and meditated upon daily with an open mind–will help to not only uncover faulty programming, but it will help you to learn how to create positive self talk.  If these affirmations are adopted mentally, and if they are practiced consistently, your negative patterns of thoughts must change.  So too then, will your life.

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  • Used Book in Good Condition
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The Selected Teachings of James Allen Vol. III: The Mastery of Destiny, As a Man Does: Morning and Evening Thoughts, Man: King of Mind, Body, and Circumstance, Out from the Heart, Men and Systems

James Allen was one of our finest thinkers. In this 4 – in – 1 omnibus edition Allen show’s you the power of positive thinking and a path to prosperity with dignity. These teachings are as timeless today as they were when they were written. Many of today’s best sellers, such as The Power of Positive Thinking, Laws of Attraction, and The Science of Success, and The Secret owe a deep and abiding debt to these great works. Now you can read the words of the master. This edition includes: The Mastery of Destiny; As a Man Does: Morning and Evening Thoughts; Man: King of Mind, Body, and Circumstance; Out from the Heart; Men and Systems.

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The Science of Medical Intuition: Self-Diagnosis and Healing with Your Body’s Energy Systems

Almost 20 years ago, a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon named Norm Shealy was introduced to Caroline Myss, a young woman with a special gift: she could “see” illness in other people with only her intuition to guide her. After extensive testing, Dr. Shealy concluded that her ability to diagnose illness-even from remote distances-was 93 percent accurate. Now, in a major publishing event, these two pioneering voices are together again in a revolutionary self-care curriculum, The Science of Medical Intuition. First presented by Myss and Shealy at a series of infl uential workshops, The Science of Medical Intuition is designed to help you take control of your total health through intuitive self-diagnosis and healing techniques. Complete on 12 enriching sessions- more than 12 hours of learning-here is the only course that covers every phase of Myss and Shealy’s groundbreaking approach to self-care. Note: Completion of this course is a prerequisite for further studies of medical intuition with Caroline Myss and Norm Shealy. In addition, we recommend listening to Energy Anatomy (page 18) before ordering.