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My BIG Fat Book Of Life Quotes: The Tool Kit For Living A Better Life

Are you tired of feeling sad or bad about the way your life is going? Then this BIG Fat Book Of Quotes can help you with reaccessing some of the things that are holding you back from living a happier life! In other words, it can help you get unstuck! Many people hold on to painful experiences because they don’t know how to let them go or they just won’t let them go! Thing is, if you get too tangled up in what keeps you sad, you are disallowing yourself the opportunity to feel anything else but sad. If you are willing to do a bit of work, or try a new way of thinking about all your painful experiences, you may just find yourself in a better mindset, which will allow you to feel happier! Sometimes, when we see things written down, it creates a thought process that opens up all those closed doors in your brain! Inside this book, you will find one or two or a hundred things that may resonate so loudly with you, it will help you strike the match that will give you hope that things can be different for you! All this book requires of you is that you read it with an open mind and an honest heart and, when you feel that little spark go off in your gut, you act upon it. You deserve to feel better! You are totally worth it! So go on, find your match and change your life one step at a time!

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Journeys from the Heart Centre: Meditation as a tool for healing and Self-empowerment (Volume 1)

This is the first book in the trilogy, and is a how-to manual and guide for Empaths who desire to understand their feelings and emotions, and heal and empower themselves. If you think/feel that your life and this world, full of denial and unlovingness, is the opposite of what you desire, it is no coincidence that you were drawn to this book. In the course of my journey I discovered that meditation/visualization was a tool that not only expanded my conscious awareness, but could also be used to gain insights into the issues I was experiencing in my life, and provide what I’ve come to call, mini-healings. Unlike traditional denial based meditation where the intent is to put aside, ignore, and deny your thoughts, feelings and emotions, and enter into a temporary state of bliss, reverie and peace, you now do the opposite. In a non-denial based meditation, the intent is to accept your so-called negative thoughts, feelings and emotions, and give them expression in order to find the underlying causes to the issues in your life and begin the healing process. This book provides examples for all the healing modalities, or tools, as I’ve come to call them, which I use on my healing journey, as well as providing additional notes, understandings and insights that will assist you on your personal healing journey and your search for truth, love and life.

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A Women’s Tool for Self-Empowerment: Encouraging Yourself

A Women’s Tool for Self-Empowerment has been designed to motivate and empower your life. This book will push you to identify areas in your life that may be hindering your empowerment. Empowering yourself is essential for your success. Success is predicated on the ability to remind yourself of past victories. Victorius times call for recall of endurance and ambition. The willpower to elevate your mind and spirit past your current situation will challenge you to focus only on your Victory in life. Empower yourself daily through A Women’s Tool for Self-Empowerment.

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Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards: A Psychic Tool Kit for Awakening Your Sixth Sense

From the Bestselling author of “Diary of a Psychic” Sonia Choquette has created this interactive and informative card deck with accompanying instructional booklet to help you get in touch with your sixth sense and empower yourself to reach your life’s purpose and Trust Your Vibes. You can use the cards and booklet for daily inspiration and guidance.