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Journeys from the Heart Centre: Meditation as a tool for healing and Self-empowerment (Volume 1)

This is the first book in the trilogy, and is a how-to manual and guide for Empaths who desire to understand their feelings and emotions, and heal and empower themselves. If you think/feel that your life and this world, full of denial and unlovingness, is the opposite of what you desire, it is no coincidence that you were drawn to this book. In the course of my journey I discovered that meditation/visualization was a tool that not only expanded my conscious awareness, but could also be used to gain insights into the issues I was experiencing in my life, and provide what I’ve come to call, mini-healings. Unlike traditional denial based meditation where the intent is to put aside, ignore, and deny your thoughts, feelings and emotions, and enter into a temporary state of bliss, reverie and peace, you now do the opposite. In a non-denial based meditation, the intent is to accept your so-called negative thoughts, feelings and emotions, and give them expression in order to find the underlying causes to the issues in your life and begin the healing process. This book provides examples for all the healing modalities, or tools, as I’ve come to call them, which I use on my healing journey, as well as providing additional notes, understandings and insights that will assist you on your personal healing journey and your search for truth, love and life.

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Effective Birth Preparation (Hospital or Birth Centre): A Self Hypnosis CD Programme (Natal Hypnotherapy Programme)

“The Natal Hypnotherapy Effective Birth Preparation CD” will enhance your pregnancy and birth experience, by helping you to develop and use your natural skills and inner resources. The CD uses a combination deep relaxation and guided visualization to help you overcome fears, create a state of calm and relaxation, maintain your health, increase bonding with your baby and maximize your bodies potential to give birth naturally. This CD is also part of the “Natal Hypnotherapy Programme” which won the ‘Pregnancy Product of the Year’. Benefits of listening to the “Birth Preparation CD” (Hospital or birth centre) include: reducing fear of giving birth; increasing your ability to manage pain; developing a deep trust of your body’s ability to give birth naturally; feeling calm, relaxed and prepared for the birth; increasing your sense of being in control; increasing your chance of having a drug fee labour; and, reducing the chances of having post natal depression.