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Self Hypnosis Stop Compulsive Lying Hypnotherapy CD

Self hypnosis CD by professional hypnotist, Rachael Eccles: STOP COMPULSIVE LYING

Do you have an inclination to tell lies unnecessarily?

Do you try to stop but feel it is a powerful habit?

Do you have low self esteem issues?

This is a much more common problem than many people realise. Usually people who suffer with this problem cause themselves all kinds of problems with friends, family sometimes work too. The compulsion to lie often over such silly things is powerful and hard to stop. The habit sometimes originates in childhood, perhaps there was a problem and they made up ‘stories’ as an attempt to ‘make it all better’. Everyone knows it is common for children to go through a bit of a phase if telling lies but when it continues well into adulthood it does need to be stopped.

Would it be great to be free of the burden?

Imagine not needing to constantly worry about being found out.

Imagine how your self image will improve as a result of overcoming this problem.

People who tell lies like this often mean no harm but unfortunately it is very destructive to their relationships with others as it damages trust. The compulsive liar also has to deal with guilt, fear of confrontation, embarrassment, shame and damaged confidence and self esteem. This recording is designed to take you beyond the limitations of habit. We have all suffered with a habit at some point but habits can be broken, just like this habit of compulsive lying can and will be broken. Let the recording guide you into a relaxed state where your subconscious will receive the hypnotic suggestion that aims to help you break this habit for good.

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Exercise Fitness & Motivation Hypnotherapy

This superb high quality hypnotherapy CD by the UK’s best selling hypnotherapist Glenn Harrold, combines powerful clinical hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art digital recording technology. There are two Hypnotherapy sessions on the CD. Track one is a 30 minute hypnotherapy track that will help you build a powerful desire to exercise regularly by associating feelings of great pleasure and enjoyment with exercise and fitness. Track two is a 15 minute hypnosis affirmation track that can be used as a booster. On the CD you will hear a pleasant English voice and 60 B.P.M sound effects guiding you into a deeply relaxed state of mental and physical relaxation. In this very receptive relaxed state you are given a number of post hypnotic and direct suggestions to help you to become more active in your daily life. There are also a number of background echoed affirmations, which pan from left to right in your headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to the unconscious mind can facilitate positive changes very quickly. At the end of the recording you will be gently brought back to full waking consciousness with a combination of suggestion and music. There are also a number of positive subliminal suggestions (listed inside) which are embedded in the fade out music and facilitate the overall effect. This powerful CD is a completely safe and very effective way of helping you to create a powerful desire to become fit through regular exercise. This title is part of the highly successful Diviniti Publishing Hypnosis range, which has sold over 500,000 units and is well established as the UK’s best selling self-help audiotape and CD series

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Effective Birth Preparation (Hospital or Birth Centre): A Self Hypnosis CD Programme (Natal Hypnotherapy Programme)

“The Natal Hypnotherapy Effective Birth Preparation CD” will enhance your pregnancy and birth experience, by helping you to develop and use your natural skills and inner resources. The CD uses a combination deep relaxation and guided visualization to help you overcome fears, create a state of calm and relaxation, maintain your health, increase bonding with your baby and maximize your bodies potential to give birth naturally. This CD is also part of the “Natal Hypnotherapy Programme” which won the ‘Pregnancy Product of the Year’. Benefits of listening to the “Birth Preparation CD” (Hospital or birth centre) include: reducing fear of giving birth; increasing your ability to manage pain; developing a deep trust of your body’s ability to give birth naturally; feeling calm, relaxed and prepared for the birth; increasing your sense of being in control; increasing your chance of having a drug fee labour; and, reducing the chances of having post natal depression.

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Self Hypnosis Paruresis Hypnotherapy CD

Self hypnosis CD by professional hypnotist, Rachael Eccles: PARURESIS

Do you suffer from Paruresis, also known as “shy bladder” or “pee shyness”?

Do you find the prospect of using public toilet/restroom facilities a real problem?

Do you find it difficult to pass water (urinate) when you sense other people may be be around?

This is a social anxiety disorder that can respond to hypnotherapy as a means of overcoming the habit pattern. As Paruresis is an anxiety disorder it generally becomes the case for sufferers that the anticipation of needing to go to the bathroom anywhere outside of the sufferers own home, can be a real problem. If you suffer with this you will be all too aware of the limitations it can impose on your life: Day trips, going out shopping, going on holidays or even visiting friends or relatives can be very difficult anxiety inducing activities. This self hypnosis recording aims to break down the connections that perpetuate the anxiety reaction. Visualisations in the hypnosis recording guide you through going to public toilets and feeling absolute calm, this is like a mini-rehearsal so when it comes to the real thing you feel very much calmer.

Just imagine the freedom of being able to go anywhere without needing to consciously worry about this problem?

Imagine feeling just as calm as anyone else about going to the toilet/restroom, able to urinate without any difficulty and without anxiety.

Gradually as you experience some positive occurrences of being able to go without difficulty, the belief in the ability to overcome the problem becomes real for you and the habit fades away. Please listen to this recording at least daily for 3 weeks and then use it as and when required thereafter. If you are still not sure whether hypnosis is for you, please visit the advanced hypnosis website ( and read about how hypnosis works.

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Self Hypnosis Stop Drinking Alcohol Hypnotherapy CD

Self hypnosis CD by professional hypnotist, Rachael Eccles: GIVE UP ALCOHOL

Do you want to give up alcohol?

Do you think about how healthy you would feel without alcohol?

Do you worry about damaging your body with alcohol?

If you want to stop drinking alcohol this self hypnosis could be the key to your success. Many people use self hypnosis for all kinds of things, it is a proven method of influencing your subconscious mind in ways that will be beneficial to you. So, with regular use of this recording, you should find that your desire to drink alcohol lessens more and more. Of course if you regularly drink large quantities of alcohol it would be advisable to consult your doctor before stopping, once you have the go-ahead it is time to begin a new stage of your life – free of alcohol. How liberating it will feel for you, it will be as if a weight has been lifted.

br>Imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning every day with a clear head!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to allow your body to recover and heal

Imagine all the ways in which your self esteem and confidence in yourself will change for the better!

Are you ready to begin the journey….to become the best version of you? Imagine people you know, imagine how surprised they will be to see you so different. Your body will become healthier, you may lose some weight, your confidence will increase, your self esteem improves, you will find that you feel more positive, much less inclined to be depressed or negative in any way. This self hypnosis recording lasts around 25 minutes, it is designed to be used every day for 3 weeks and then as and when required thereafter.
Look up Rachael on youtube or Amazon MP3 for a voice sample