The Silmarillion tells of the elder Days, of the First Age of Tolkien's world, when Morgoth, the first Dark Lord,…

Now at a great low price! The years-long New York Times bestseller now a major motion picture from Spielberg's Dreamworks…

This short, life-changing books expounds on the value and power of thought. A must read for adolescents and people interested…

Readers around the world have thrilled to Killing Lincoln, Killing Kennedy, and Killing Jesus--riveting works of nonfiction that journey into…

This latest edition of Uncle Anthony's Unabridged Analogies provides a unique collection of more than 30,000 useful proverbs, quotations, toasts,…

Millions of readers have thrilled by bestselling authors Bill O'Reilly and historian Martin Dugard's Killing Kennedy and Killing Lincoln, page-turning…

A treasure chest of the written and spoken word, this collection is read by brilliant actors who make this audio…