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The Happy Writer: Your Secret Weapon Against Rejection, Dejection, Writer’s Block, And The Emotional Pitfalls Of The Writing Life

Feeling depressed about your writing career? Frustrated by the loneliness, exhaustion, and difficult odds of making it as a writer? Have you lost the joy that made you want to write in the first place?

Take heart; you’re not alone.

At some point, every writer suffers the writing blues. And every successful writer finds a way through it. The Happy Writer offers proven tips and motivational tools to overcome the hardships of the writing life.

Useful for prose and poetry writers alike, just a few of the topics covered in this life-changing book include:
– Diet and lifestyle tips that promote creativity
– The art of interpreting rejection letters
– New methods of overcoming writer’s block
– Self-sabotage signs and solutions
We also cover confidence boosting, avoiding frustration and negativity, overcoming writer’s guilt, and more!

Are you ready to change your attitude and improve your writing life? The Happy Writer will jump-start your journey to becoming a happier, more productive writer today!