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The Wound of the World: The Cycle of Galand, Book 3

Dante and Blays have forced Gladdic from the Collen Basin. But the victory might be only the first battle in a much larger war. With the land on the brink of starvation and politically fractured, Dante and Blays scramble to secure Collen’s food, borders, and allies. Before their work is done, rumor arrives from Mallon. The enemy is mustering for another attack.

Even if Collen can weather the coming storm, there’s no guarantee their independence will last out the year. During a border raid, Dante learns Gladdic has fled to the shadowy realm of Tanar Atain, home of the Andrac.

And the secrets Gladdic returns with could tip the balance of power forever.

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WOUND WITHOUT SCAR: abuse does not need to be always physical

Emotional abuse is a silent killer, leaves no physical scar but eats away the life out of the victim without them even knowing. This is a story of a modern independent working woman in Gurgaon – Cybercity of India and how her life turns post her marriage. She gets caught between society-marriage and her own desires for a life with meaning. Will she continue in the suffocating relationship?

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Healing the Core Wound of Unworthiness: The Gift of Redemptive Love

“So many of us hold a hidden belief that we were born broken,” reflects Adyashanti,“inadequate, alone, and destined to struggle.” With Healing the Core Wound of Unworthiness, this remarkable spiritual teacher responds to a deep shame shared by many of his students raised in our Western culture, present even after years of inner work. Healing, he’s found, comes to us as “redemptive love,” a real and tangible force known to all spiritual traditions.

This audio program guides us into meditations and questions to help us bring our own self-created suffering into awareness, open to grace, and return to the truth of our inseparable union with all that arises.