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Playing the Matrix is a master class for creating the life you want to live. Tried and true, delivered and perfected over a decade while being shared live with tens of thousands of students in 132 cities, in 34 countries, upon six continents.

New Thought leader and New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley brings to bear his advanced course on living deliberately and creating consciously. The concepts Mike shares here make up his most impactful, most transformational program ever. For the first time, these complete ideas are available in audiobook form.

At the heart of the Matrix lies a simple yet highly unexpected concept for creating major life change, unlike anything shared by other teachers, past or present. It clearly reveals why “manifesting” sometimes works with incredible ease, why it sometimes doesn’t work at all, and why, on occasion, it works and yet in hindsight we wish it hadn’t. You’ll not only learn about the “Bermuda Triangle of manifesting” that too often leads to heartbreak and loss, you’ll discover how to navigate around it, under full sail, with new “aha!” moments as you come to understand:

How to achieve clarity in purpose and desire How to avoid contradictions and self-sabotage How to fuel your dreams with passion while not attaching to unimportant details and outcomes How to plan and take action on your dreams without messing with the “cursed hows” And so much more

Playing the Matrix lays out the actual physical and metaphysical mechanics of manifestation, including your role in the equation of reality creation, so that you can deliberately orchestrate the changes you most wish to see. Once you begin working with the Universe instead of unwittingly working against it, you will truly astound yourself.

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3 thoughts on "Playing the Matrix: A Program for Living Deliberately and Creating Consciously"

  1. Terri Hofstetter says:

    Changed my life. I’ve been a student of spirituality and manifestation for 20 years. I’ve read some fabulous books, but non grabbed me like this one. I’ve done umpteen exercises, many of which were great. But after reading Playing the Matrix with Mike Dooley’s energetic and inspiring approach,I felt a shift in my life. Things are already happening!I have a new way of thinking. You were right Mike: thoughts do become things Woo Hoo!

  2. LaraJF says:

    This is a nice summation of his works I am a big fan of Mike Dooley for a long time. This is a nice summation of his works, and really helped me get clear on some things. I’m looking forward to being happy, achieving my goals and letting go of the dreaded “How’s”

  3. MADG says:

    Writes like he’s talking to you ! I have been “getting” the law of attraction and thoughts become things for years now with hit or miss success. I felt I understood it, but had trouble with practical application. This book finally clarified the difference between “details” and the “cursed hows” for mw, so I envision success going forward with my attempts to change my approach to life. Thank you Mike. 

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