Color Motivation uses color and acronyms to show there is motivation in the simplest things. If you learn to see…

Teachers looking to effectively achieve classroom goals by connecting with students through differentiated instruction and cooperative learning will find targeted…

Use this Powerful book to Help you with Self-Motivation and Courage! This book has helpful and insightful information on how…

“What are we teaching our students about writing, if it isn’t what actual writers do?” This provocative question begins the…

The second edition of the Handbook of Motivation at School presents an integrated compilation of theory and research in the…

Learn to Take Control of Your Life, Through an In-Depth Understanding of Motivation: What is motivation? Why do we feel…

365 Daily Motivation Qoutes

Adult Coloring Book Unique Designs to Color! | COLOURING BOOKS FOR GROWN-UPS • Many coloring pages designed for adults •…

Failure, unforgiveness, fear, Hate, unbelief, and lack of motivation has had you chained for many years. After reading this book…