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Prisms of Light & Vibration: An Intimate Sharing of Inspiration, Wonder & Power of Crystal Resonance

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Prisms of Light & Vibration is more than a crystal reference book, it is an intimate and personal journey back to the heart.

Seeded deep within these pages is a love song of crystal frequency that will awaken your senses and memory of your true inherent crystalline nature.

Here are just a few of the many jewels of knowledge channeled within:

Develop your own crystal intuitionUnderstand your energetic body How to select and cleanse crystalsChakra balancing and crystalsHow to perform crystal dedicationThe importance of intention settingHow to create and use a crystal altarRemember Lemuria and your crystal pastHow crystals prepared me for an ET visitationThe connection between the Faerie Realm and crystalsLearn who Mother Earth is and understand her gift of healing to humanity 

Also included is a Crystal Metaphysical Properties Resource Guide cataloguing physical, emotional, energetic and chakra associations for more than 80 crystals.

Long before our souls incarnated on planet earth we sat with the cosmic council and co-created the blueprints of potential for the human experience. It is the intention of spirit that this sharing serves as a powerful bridge and portal of remembrance of who you are as Soul. -Karen Riley

Each chapter will assist you in awakening & cultivating a unique and powerful relationship with the mineral realm while introducing you to their wide and vast limitless potential. You will soon discover that each sentient crystal being of light holds its own unique message just for you and where to go from there to realize your own crystal healing.

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