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Attune Yourself to the Vibration of Weight Loss (Affirmations Coloring Book)

Much has been written about the Law of Attraction, and the film The Secret was a sensation when released.

The idea that thoughts have a vibration and willl attract the energies – positive or negative – that resonate with the vibration being sent into the universe is now recognised not only in -new wave- circles, but also by the scientific community. So the aim is to keep one’s predominant thoughts positive.

The secret is to become aware of one’s thoughts in relation to one’s desires because it transpires that we really do attract what we think about.

Through this series of Affirmations Coloring Books, the user has the opportunity to attune their predominant thoughts to attract the good they choose.

While coloring, the mind calmly focuses on the message in the picture and simply enjoys.

There are many coloring books on the market, but this one has a concept that truly captures the spirit of the times. Users will be invited to collect the entire series of 10 such books covering a range of subjects including Gratitude, Business & career, Love/Happiness/Peace, Money & Wealth and, of course, Weight loss.

Printed on one side of the page only so that 30 beautiful A4-sized creations which include drawing and words may be kept and pinned wherever they can be seen constantly to keep one’s thoughts on track.

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Prisms of Light & Vibration: An Intimate Sharing of Inspiration, Wonder & Power of Crystal Resonance

Prisms of Light & Vibration is more than a crystal reference book, it is an intimate and personal journey back to the heart.

Seeded deep within these pages is a love song of crystal frequency that will awaken your senses and memory of your true inherent crystalline nature.

Here are just a few of the many jewels of knowledge channeled within:

Develop your own crystal intuitionUnderstand your energetic body How to select and cleanse crystalsChakra balancing and crystalsHow to perform crystal dedicationThe importance of intention settingHow to create and use a crystal altarRemember Lemuria and your crystal pastHow crystals prepared me for an ET visitationThe connection between the Faerie Realm and crystalsLearn who Mother Earth is and understand her gift of healing to humanity 

Also included is a Crystal Metaphysical Properties Resource Guide cataloguing physical, emotional, energetic and chakra associations for more than 80 crystals.

Long before our souls incarnated on planet earth we sat with the cosmic council and co-created the blueprints of potential for the human experience. It is the intention of spirit that this sharing serves as a powerful bridge and portal of remembrance of who you are as Soul. -Karen Riley

Each chapter will assist you in awakening & cultivating a unique and powerful relationship with the mineral realm while introducing you to their wide and vast limitless potential. You will soon discover that each sentient crystal being of light holds its own unique message just for you and where to go from there to realize your own crystal healing.

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Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

Because we see the world from a physical perspective, we often don’t notice what’s right in front of us — that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body are all made of energy. Inside us and everywhere around us, life is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. Frequency shows readers how to feel their personal vibration, improve it, and use it to shift their life from ordinary to extraordinary. A simple shift in frequency can change depression to peace, anger to stillness, and fear to enthusiasm.

Weaving together basic ideas from quantum physics with proven intuition development techniques, Frequency takes readers into deeper concepts only hinted at in recent popular books and DVD’s featuring the Law of Attraction. By learning to refine the “conscious sensitivity” of their body, readers can improve relationships, find upscale solutions to problems, and materialize a life that contains everything they want and need to live their destiny.

Frequency gives readers a reassuring, step-by-step roadmap into a positive state of awareness that Peirce calls The Intuition Age. By learning to use “frequency principles” — methods based on the way energy actually functions — readers can keep their energy level high and productive, receive subtle information directly from the environment via “empathic resonance,” and quickly free themselves from negative or low “vibrations.”