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365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency: Simple Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Energy for Balance, Purpose, and Joy

Connect with your core spiritual self and increase your vibrational rate with 365 easy ideas quick enough to enjoy every day. When you use this guide to raise your frequency, you empower yourself to turn positive energy into happiness and abundance.

Elevated spiritual energy attracts purpose and joy into your life. Use these inspiring daily entries to create positive intention as you discover:

How to identify your present frequency and build a foundation for growth Simple exercises for letting go of the negative energy that lowers your frequency Techniques for interpreting messages from your spirit guides Creative ways to use crystals, stones, and colors to attract positive energy

Product Features

  • 365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency Simple Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Energy for Balance Purpose and Joy
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The Yes Frequency: 101 Affirmations to Balance the Mind, Body and Spirit

A unique companion to the corresponding book by the same author, this motivational recording offers 101 affirmations for immediately improving one’s life. Everyday words are used as mantras of healing—allowing for simple changes that lead to prosperity and happiness. Quinn’s soothing yet confidant voice will put listeners at ease, allowing for an open and receiving state of mind. Acknowledging that ‘no’ signifies a sense of limitation, this audio CD eloquently captures the fields of possibility in ‘yes’ and gives practical guidelines for listeners to incorporate new attitudes in minutes.

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THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions For A New Paradigm

“THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions For A New Paradigm” is a visionary, uplifting synthesis of quantum science, Eastern mysticism, indigenous wisdom and plain common sense. This practical self-help, personal-development handbook guides us through the next phase of our personal evolution and sets us firmly on the high road to happiness. Accessing “The Trust Frequency” triggers a very powerful upgrade to our individual and collective operating system. Humanity stands at the brink of an unprecedented change, a “great awakening,” the Omega Point, the evolutionary quantum leap predicted by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in “The Future of Man” (1950). All around us we see signs of gathering crisis, economic collapse and climate change. Contrary to popular sentiment, this is a good thing! The old systems based on fear and doubt are collapsing, as indeed they must. Only through crisis do we grow. Imagine what the caterpillar goes through on its way to becoming the butterfly. As we awaken, we realize we need a new reality, a new paradigm, but how do we go about creating one?? We have been engaged in the endless “pursuit of happiness,” but happiness has eluded us. Why? Because for thousands of years we have based our consensus reality on a set of limited, erroneous, fear-based assumptions about ourselves, our species and about the entire universe. We can change that! The choice to move into the Trust Frequency triggers a shift to an elevated state of Being, individually and collectively. Once we learn to access this state of peace, love, beauty and abundance, we find ourselves operating at a completely different vibratory rate, where the laws and rules are different. Wisdom, prosperity and enlightenment are the order of the day. We are happy. How do we get there? We elevate our consciousness. How do we do that? We change our minds, or rather, the content of our minds. We examine and update our fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality, act according to our inner knowing, and our outer world changes accordingly. It’s an infinitely more beautiful Universe than we ever suspected. This book takes us there, right to the heart of it. Since we can choose our own reality, let us create a life of grace and ease, abundance, beauty and balance. Why is this book important to you, the reader? Because it is a direct path to a higher consciousness. From a higher consciousness we experience a much more beautiful world. The Ten Assumptions will change your life, and the lives of those around you. “The Trust Frequency” is essential reading for anyone who is longing for an upward quantum shift in their own reality and in that of society at large. The First Assumption is this: We live in a conscious, loving Universe. There is only Love. That changes everything, does it not? The Trust Frequency process does not require one to ponder complex mystical or scientific texts, or to spend years in an ashram, meditating. The book is straightforward, entertaining, accessible, and the benefits are felt immediately. The process of examining and updating our core beliefs is similar to upgrading our computer’s operating system – there is an immediate and huge improvement on every front. Welcome to the New Humanity, Humanity 2.0! This is the most exciting of times to be alive! “A wonderfully lucid guide to living more fully and deeply on this Sacred Earth by two loving and highly evolved conscious guides.” Hazel Henderson, PhD. Author, Futurist “What impresses me most about the ‘The Trust Frequency’ is that it is written from a higher dimensional awareness and clarity that energetically transfers to the reader.” Deborah Rozman, PhD. CEO, Institute of HeartMath “…welcome yourself into a poetic, philosophical, scientific, artful, and ultimately very personal exploration into who you are, what is real, and how you can participate in the next phase of our evolution.” Cassandra Vieten, PhD. Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences

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Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

Because we see the world from a physical perspective, we often don’t notice what’s right in front of us — that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body are all made of energy. Inside us and everywhere around us, life is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. Frequency shows readers how to feel their personal vibration, improve it, and use it to shift their life from ordinary to extraordinary. A simple shift in frequency can change depression to peace, anger to stillness, and fear to enthusiasm.

Weaving together basic ideas from quantum physics with proven intuition development techniques, Frequency takes readers into deeper concepts only hinted at in recent popular books and DVD’s featuring the Law of Attraction. By learning to refine the “conscious sensitivity” of their body, readers can improve relationships, find upscale solutions to problems, and materialize a life that contains everything they want and need to live their destiny.

Frequency gives readers a reassuring, step-by-step roadmap into a positive state of awareness that Peirce calls The Intuition Age. By learning to use “frequency principles” — methods based on the way energy actually functions — readers can keep their energy level high and productive, receive subtle information directly from the environment via “empathic resonance,” and quickly free themselves from negative or low “vibrations.”