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To My Sister: A Gift of Love and Inspiration to Thank You for Being My Sister

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Sisters are more than just family; they are confidantes, mentors, and friends. They light up the lives of the people around them with their joy and love, and they can always be counted on to be there when they’re needed, no matter what. In this delightful book, Marci and her adorable Children of the Inner Light® capture all the good thoughts and feelings a sister inspires… the pride and admiration, the unforgettable memories and heartfelt wishes, and the unbreakable bond that will always keep you close. This is a memorable and lasting gift of love and appreciation that any sister would be honored to receive.

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3 thoughts on “To My Sister: A Gift of Love and Inspiration to Thank You for Being My Sister

  1. Perfect gift for a sister I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to give something meaningful to their sister.I read it before giving it to my sister. It is very inspirational and touching. My sister loves it.

  2. A great gift for a sister If you have an extra special relationship with a sister, then this is the book to express that feeling. It puts into words everything you would want to say without the effort of saying it. I am coloring the pages with my sister’s favorite colors. I should be done in time for her birthday in August :).

  3. Example of family love! This is a tremendous way to show love for family. My wife received this book and at once, after a few tears, told me to get aMy Sister book for my sister. This I did and I soon received a call from my sister who said she was shedding tears also…happy ones…!

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