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Motivation: Holistic Fitness: How to Develop Your Emotional Muscles to Achieve Success & Happiness in All Areas of Life (Motivational, Confidence, Mindfulness, Self-Love, Success) (Volume 1)

How to Develop Your Emotional & Mental Muscles to Become Unstoppable and Achieve Success in All Areas of Life

Simple Yet Powerful Mindset Strategies That Anyone Can Master!

You are just about to discover how to achieve a lifestyle you have always wanted and create a new, stronger version of yourself…

You see…It’s always lack of emotional fitness and low self-esteem that are the reason why even  smart, competent and talented people are not able to achieve a satisfying life, a life that should easily be possible for them…

For most people, getting motivated and excited is not a big deal. There are tons of motivational materials out there. Unfortunately, what many of these materials may not help you with is how to actually STAY motivated even when problems, pain and rejection come up….

This is why you need to invest in your holistic fitness and develop strong emotional and mental muscles. One of the most effective strategies to achieve it is to get to know yourself, your real goals and desires that will make you happy long-term. You also need to learn how to deal with adversities and this is what this book is designed to help you with.

With this simple guide, you will not only enjoy a highly absorbing and entertaining read, but you will also discover:

-How to Be Productive and Unstoppable
-How to Develop Empathy
-The Difference Between Motivation and Habits
-What Real Self-Confidence Is All About
-How to Actually Enjoy Being Yourself, Your Real Self and How to Love Yourself
-How to Start Enjoying Criticism

-The Secrets to Achieving Your Goals Faster

-How Haters Can Help You Stay More Motivated

-The Truth about Excuses

-The Joy of Self-Discipline

-The Dangers of “I Just Wanna Be Happy Now” and the Main-Stream Self-Love

-How to Stop Judging Others and Yourself

-What Success Really Is to YOU (not to me, your mom, your dad, or your dog, but to YOURSELF)

-What a Good Coach/ Mentor Really Is and How to Avoid Scammers

-The Undisputable Body & Mind Connection for Success and Fulfillment

-How to Cultivate Gratitude

-How to Move Forward and the Power of Compounding

-Automatic Motivation- How to Unleash It

Ready to Get Started?

Within less than two hours you will be equipped with new holistic personal development tools that will help you create a new, stronger version of yourself. Whether your dream is to create a healthy, fit body; change your career; go travelling; help your community; or start a business you need to invest in yourself and take good care of your emotional and mental muscles. This is what this book is designed to help you with. It’s your emotional gym, your mental muscle trainer that can help you be unstoppable.

Most people struggle with motivation, because they are not prepared for their journey.

NO amount of positive thinking or motivational speeches will help if you lack holistic fitness.

Get to the root of the problem and start working on your emotional muscles so that you never have to struggle with lack of motivation again!

Order Your Copy Now and Invest In Yourself to Achieve the Life You Have Always Wanted!

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Women Empowerment Through Self Help Groups in Rural Areas: A Study on Women Empowerment Through Self Help Groups in Rural Areas in and around Chennai

A life of dignity is the right of every citizen and poverty is an obstruction to a dignified life. Of the 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe, about 55% are women. For these women, poverty doesn’t just mean scarcity and want, rather, rights denied, opportunities curtailed and voices silenced. Women, who represent half of the human resource are often not recognized and regarded so, due to their inferior positioning in the society. Empowerment’ is a continuous process by which powerless people become conscious of their situation, organize collectively to improve it and access opportunities, as an outcome of which they take control over their own lives, set their own agenda, gain skills, solve problems and develop self-reliance. Personal empowerment can lead to changes in existing institutions and norms, however, without the collective empowerment the personal empowerment and choices are limited, as Sen explains. The nature of empowerment can be diverse, depending upon the parameters that define the lack of power within the institutional framework in operation. In India, Micro finance intervention have brought tremendous change in the life of women.