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Low Calorie, Empowerment, Fitness, Light Therapy, Rational Thinking (12 Week High Energy Life Plan)

“The concept of energy and the flow of that energy in the human body is the core of the current explosion in healing. The healing principle is to “balance” the energy in the body by using relaxation to counter the body’s reaction to stress.” The Berkeley Holistic Health Center

The High Energy Life Plan integrates all the tools for living a healthy, balanced life. Many times busy people will see or read something that they would love to integrate into their lives. They also lack the time to plan and execute a total health plan.

The Life Plan includes food/diet choices, exercise choices, and emotional/mental techniques for stress reduction. All the pre-tests, measurements, references for each of the three categories (diet, exercise, and emotional/mental tools) are given.

Our goal is that each person using the High Energy Life Plan can create and continually change her/his health plan. Health takes effort to maintain. Each of us needs to know what we need to attain our highest level of health.

Your plan will include mental, physical and emotional exercises that you can use for the rest of your life because a total life make-over is needed to get and stay healthy.

1) Our program includes affirmations, assertiveness, being centered, breathing exercises, cognitive reframing, communication, creativity, exercise, empowerment, food program, goal setting, guided imagery, journaling, meditation, mindfulness, muscle relaxation, nutrition, relaxation, support program, time management, transactional analysis, and yoga.

2) Daily we are experiencing an overload of information. By using RSS feeds, we have become accustomed to “sound bites”. So the High Energy Diet contains many descriptive links so you may use the individual information that you choose. So instead of our publishing a book for you, we have published all the information links that you can choose to create your own, individual book to use for your High Energy Life.

3) While researching for this High Energy Life Library, we found hundreds of books which were each filled with good direction. The problem is that we have less and less time to devote to even our own improvement. So we knew that short, to-the-point weight management techniques would be a time-saver and motivator to even the busiest person. So we offer these books as a basis for lifelong health program.

4) In summary, you may choose: the food program you choose, the exercise that you love, the emotional techniques to help you learn how to relax into stress, and the mental disciplines needed to focus your energy on the things you can change.