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Inner Abundance: Affirmations for Confidence, Creativity, and Higher Consciousness

Inner Abundance offers simple ways to cultivate a more meaningful and abundant life. The meditations, quotes, and affirmations in this inspirational guide remind you that true abundance is available every day. Learn to embrace what is already yours with thankfulness, joy, and the expectancy of even more good to come. A series of affirmative prayers help you change your thinking and move beyond fear and scarcity into plenitude and joy.

Abundance begins in the heart…

Inner Abundance gently helps you look at life from another perspective. You’ll find fresh insight on the small joys that you often take for granted or miss in the rush of modern living. This inspirational guide offers simple ways to cultivate a more meaningful and more abundant life.

What you think about affects how you feel about your life. Learning to focus your awareness by affirming the goodness of life is a wonderful tool for developing awareness and trust. The meditations, quotes, and affirmations in this book remind you that true abundance is available every day, no matter what you may be going through.

Discover your hidden potential to create a happier and more satisfying life. Learn to embrace what is already yours with thankfulness, joy, and the expectancy of even more good to come. Inner Abundance reveals the treasures of the heart with effective ways to create and celebrate abundance every day.

Affirmative prayer:

The future is not waiting for us. We create it by the power of imagination.
Pir Vilayat Khan

I have the power to create great abundance. I now claim that power, sense it growing and expanding within. I know that this power is the Life Force wishing to express itself through me. I welcome this living, loving energy into my life and know that I am being transformed in this moment. I choose to nurture this seed of faith within and to cultivate spiritual fruit in my life. Before I prayed, God has already answered, and I rejoice in the flow of energy, passion, goodness, and joy that overflows in my heart. I thank God that this is so.

Abundance begins in the heart. There is that within you that knows what to do and how to do it. Trust that inner instinct and follow its leading. Feed your soul with resources that encourage you on this path of spiritual discovery. Use affirmative prayers to remind yourself of the reality of the unseen world of love and abundance when you are feeling overwhelmed by the old illusions of fear and scarcity.

Affirmations offer a wonderful way to speak abundance into your life. Whether you use a promise from sacred scripture, a prayer, or a positive saying, an affirmation can be a reminder that abundance is available every day of your life, no matter what you may be going through. Inspirational quotes, positive prayers, and heartfelt affirmations help you embrace life with thankfulness, joy, and expectation.

Affirmative prayer:

We are a stream whose source is hidden. Always our being is descending into us from we know not whence.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I ask and it is already given to me: pressed down, shaken together, overflowing, running over—life in abundance, love in the light of Divine love and light. My cup overflows, my barns and granaries are full. I release all fear of scarcity and lack, knowing that I am perfectly supplied by an endless flow of Divine energy. There is plenty for me and there is plenty to share with others. I rejoice in the gift of God’s gracious abundance.

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Making the Most of Today: Daily Readings for Young People on Self-Awareness, Creativity, and Self-Esteem

The first book of daily readings for all kids guides young people through a whole year of positive thinking and practical lifeskills.

Each reading addresses an issue important to adolescents and teens—making choices and making friends, laughter and learning, feelings and families. Inspiring quotations, brief essays, and affirmations encourage kids to think more deeply about themselves and their world; to take positive actions and make positive changes; and to grow in self-esteem and emotional health—the keys to making the most of every day.

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Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmations for Personal Power, Creativity, and Healing

“Sound is more than simply a medium of artistic expression. Sound has practical and powerful applications in the real world.”

Mantras, or simple chants, are short phrases packed with energy and intention–specifically designed to generate powerful sound waves that promote healing, insight, creativity, and spiritual growth. Healing Mantras is the practical, how-to guide that makes the strengths and benefits of mantras available to everyone. The transformative power of sound has been passed down to the present from the sages of India, the classical scientists of ancient Greece, and the medieval monks of Europe. Mantras, sounds, and chants have inspired, comforted, and mended the lives of individuals, religious orders, and even entire cultures. Even though the science and discipline of chanting and formal prayer are practiced in every religion around the world, this is the first time that ancient Sanskrit mantras have been explained and adapted to Western needs.

One of the few Western experts in Hindu and Buddhist mantras, Thomas Ashley-Farrand has practiced mantra-based spiritual disciplines for twenty-five years. In this illuminating book, he explains how and why mantras work and shows how to use them for everything from controlling habits to overcoming fear, from curing specific ailments to finding inner peace. In each of the more than fifty mantras, all translated from the original Sanskrit, Ashley-Farrand unlocks the power of every word, explains its appropriate application, and tells you how to pronounce it in easy-to-follow phonetic symbols. Inside, you’ll find mantras for

– Health – Worldly Success – Habit Control – Protection – Grief – Anger – Controlling Fear – Personal Attraction – Wisdom – Concentration and Mental Clarity – Healing Life Issues – and more!

These mantras can be repeated aloud or in silence and can be used by people of any religion or spiritual practice, “as you wash dishes, as you drive on the freeway, as you meditate, or as you cook.” Sound can help and sound can heal, and Healing Mantras now makes this sound medicine available to everyone.

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Awakening the Planetary Mind: Beyond the Trauma of the Past to a New Era of Creativity

Completing our conscious evolution by releasing our collective fear of catastrophes

• Explains how we are on the cusp of an era of incredible creative growth

• Shows how we are about to overcome the collective fear caused by ancient catastrophes as we awaken to the memories of our lost prehistory

• Examines legendary cataclysms and scientific evidence of a highly advanced global culture that disappeared 11,500 years ago

In this completely revised and expanded edition of Catastrophobia, bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow explains how we are on the cusp of an age of incredible creative growth made possible by restoring our lost prehistory. Examining legendary cataclysms–such as the fall of Atlantis and the biblical Flood–and the mounting geological and archaeological evidence that many of these mythic catastrophes were actual events, she reveals the existence of a highly advanced global maritime culture that disappeared amid great earth changes and rising seas 14,000 to 11,500 years ago, nearly causing our species’ extinction and leaving humanity’s collective psyche deeply scarred.

Tracing humanity’s reemergence after these prehistoric catastrophes, Clow explains how these events in the deep past influence our consciousness today. Guided by Carl Johan Calleman’s analysis of the Mayan Calendar, she reveals that as the Earth’s 26,000-year precessional cycle shifts, our evolution is accelerating to prepare us for a new age of harmony and peace. She explains how we are beginning a collective healing as ancient memories of prehistory awaken in our minds and release our unprocessed fear. Passed from generation to generation, this fear has been responsible for our constant expectations of apocalypse. She shows that by remembering and moving beyond the trauma of our long lost past, we bring the era of cataclysms to an end and cross the threshold into a time of extraordinary creative activity.

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Soulcards 2: Powerful Images for Creativity & Insight (Soulcards Series)

This set of 60 evocative images will speak directly to your soul. The accompanying guidebook suggests creative ways to deepen your experience of the cards and foster personal insight. “SoulCards II” is complete unto itself, or can be used with its companion deck, “SoulCards I” (0964562308) to enrich the range of imagery. Use SoulCards by yourself, with a partner or in a group. Use these powerfully evocative images to stimulate personal insight, creativity, inter-relational conversation and more. The guidebook supports you to use your creative resources to delve into the images through journal writing, storytelling, visualisation, movement, dream incubation and other expressive modalities. When used in relationships and groups, SoulCards catalyse refreshing responses and authentic communication. Children are fascinated with the images, and often verbalise with unexpected wisdom and maturity. The uses of SoulCards are endless!

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The Artist’s Way Creativity Cards (Tarcher Inspiration Cards)

A beautifully designed deluxe collection of 64 full-color cards that convey the feel and essence of Julia Cameron’s life-transforming bestseller, The Artist’s Way. The perfect gift that offers daily inspiration and creative direction. Keep creative with these 64 gorgeous cards! Each full-color card contains a vital quote from Julia Cameron’s classic bestseller, The Artist’s Way. In addition, each card contains a different creative quality—pick any card to be inspired and lovingly guided by Julia’s wise words. A perfect gift for the artists in your life, and for everyone who wants to live more creatively!