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Dealing with China: An Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower

DEALING WITH CHINA takes the reader behind closed doors to witness the creation and evolution and future of China’s state-controlled capitalism.

Hank Paulson has dealt with China unlike any other foreigner. As head of Goldman Sachs, Paulson had a pivotal role in opening up China to private enterprise. Then, as Treasury secretary, he created the Strategic Economic Dialogue with what is now the world’s second-largest economy. He negotiated with China on needed economic reforms, while safeguarding the teetering U.S. financial system. Over his career, Paulson has worked with scores of top Chinese leaders, including Xi Jinping, China’s most powerful man in decades.

In DEALING WITH CHINA, Paulson draws on his unprecedented access to modern China’s political and business elite, including its three most recent heads of state, to answer several key questions:

How did China become an economic superpower so quickly?How does business really get done there?What are the best ways for Western business and political leaders to work with, compete with, and benefit from China?How can the U.S. negotiate with and influence China given its authoritarian rule, its massive environmental concerns, and its huge population’s unrelenting demands for economic growth and security?Written in the same anecdote-rich, page-turning style as Paulson’s bestselling memoir, On the Brink, DEALING WITH CHINA is certain to become the classic and definitive examination of how to engage China’s leaders as they build their economic superpower.

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Woman, Put Down That Halo and Thrive!: Forging a New Path to Economic Empowerment and Self-Actualization in 2015

Freedom Economics..An intrinsic relationship exists between freedom and economics. The great struggles of humanity rose in demand for improvement of economic conditions, for access to economic wellbeing. Those epic moments in history, such as the signing of the Magna Carta, captured the new spirit of an era of progress. What does this mean for women, who have over the centuries been denied direct access to the economy, who have had to go through men to gain even the smallest level of economic security, who only now join the negotiation? A book that takes economics to the heart of the matter?the heart of women.

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Religious Minorities in the Middle East: Domination, Self-empowerment, Accommodation (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East an)

The relationship between religious majorities and minorities in the Middle East is often construed as one of domination versus powerlessness. While this may indeed be the case, to claim that this is only or always so is to give a simplified picture of a complex reality. Such a description lays emphasis on the challenges faced by the minorities, while overlooking their astonishing ability to mobilize internal and external resources to meet these challenges. Through the study of strategies of domination, resilience, and accommodation among both Muslim and non-Muslim minorities, this volume throws into relief the inherently dynamic character of a relationship which is increasingly influenced by global events and global connections.

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Economic Stress: Harsh Truths and Keys to Empowerment

Economic Stress – Harsh Truths and Keys to Empowerment (2013) is a 13 chapter book that captures the personal stories of people who are facing challenges meeting their financial obligations because of job loss, not enough work, job instability or low wages and the impact this has on their well-being. Using their own words, stories of economic stress are shared in the first four chapters. These include some of the experiences of a civil engineer who wakes up swinging because of the economic stress that he is experiencing, a middle class family that lives paycheck to paycheck, a single mom who is trying to cope with the prospect of being unemployed for the first time in her career, and a highly educated professional who has not been able to find work for more than three years. The remainder of the book identifies strategies that could help a person or a family address economic stress more effectively by exploring issues such as: (1) managing bill collector demands for the mortgage, rent, car note, utilities and credit card payments by being proactive rather than reactive; (2) seeking social support and asking for help; (3) understanding how the job applicant process can work; (4) building relationships rather than networking; (5) knowing how to attract mentors and sponsors to increase the likelihood of finding employment; (6) changing your mindset to make your life better; and (7) entrepreneurship. A major question that is asked in this book is whether or not it may be time to redefine what the American Dream means in the 21st century. Is it home ownership with big salaries, and an abundance of disposable income and tangible items? Is it having a more frugal lifestyle that embraces health, greater peace of mind and autonomy? Or, is it being a part of a loving, strong, supportive family that has the capacity to endure and thrive? Economic Stress – Harsh Truths and Keys to Empowerment encourages the reader to examine these issues in a way that could help to promote a different outlook and also enhance a person’s or family’s quality of living.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People: 101 Stories about Overcoming the Economic Crisis and Other Challenges

1. Chicken Soup for the Soul is the “go to” book line for emotional support during challenging times.

2. These are all new stories, collected in 2009, on an all new topic never covered before in CSS’ 16-year history.

3. Topical, much asked for book. Readers are looking for stories that show them they are not alone in these difficult times.

4. CSS is a popular publisher of books on challenges, overcoming obstacles, grief, with many bestselling books on these topics.

5. People love reading about other people’s problems in order to put their own in perspective and also get some valuable advice from other people’s experiences.

6. Contains 10 bonus stories of faith about people using their faith to help them through tough times.


Tough times won’t last, but tough people will. Many people have lost money and many are losing their jobs, homes, or at least making cutbacks. Many others have faced life-changing natural disasters, such as hurricanes and fires, as well as health and family difficulties Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People is all about overcoming adversity, pulling together, making do with less, facing challenges, and finding new joys in a simpler life. Includes 10 bonus stories of faith.