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Writing Motivation: Fighting Depression, How to be Happy, Overcome Writer’s Block, and Staying Motivated (Emily Baker Writing Skills and Reference Guides)

Writer’s block? Hate your writing? Can’t finish your book? Can’t find your voice? Don’t worry, help is on the way! Download WRITING MOTIVATION by best-selling author Emily Baker. You deserve to be happy. You are a good person. You are a great writer. Some days finding motivation can be tough. Emily knows what it’s like. She’s been there. She can help you get excited about writing again. She can help you finish that book.

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Emily Climbs

In the second book of the trilogy, Emily Byrd Starr longs to attend Queen’s Academy to earn her teaching license, but her tradition-bound relatives at New Moon refuse. She is instead offered the chance to go to Shrewsbury High School with her friends, but there are two conditions: first, she must live with the aunt she dislikes, and second, she must not write for the duration of her high school education.

At first, Emily refuses the offer, unable to contemplate a life without writing, but then her cousin changes the condition slightly, amending it to just a restriction concerning writing fiction. Emily does not think this is much of an improvement, but it turns out to be an excellent exercise for her budding writing career. In fact, Emily ends up having some of her poems published, and she begins writing for the town newspaper. Soon, Emily is offered a fabulous opportunity, but accepting it would mean changing her life forever….

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The Medium (Emily Chambers Spirit Medium)

Seventeen-year-old spirit medium Emily Chambers has a problem. Actually, she has several. As if seeing dead people isn’t a big enough social disadvantage, she also has to contend with an escaped demon and a handsome ghost with a secret past. And then there’s the question of her parentage. Being born an entire year after her father’s death (yes, a year) and without the pale skin of other respectable English ladies, Emily is as much a mystery as the dead boy assigned to her. Jacob Beaufort’s spirit has been unable to crossover since his death. It might have something to do with the fact he was murdered. Or it might not. All he knows is, he has been assigned by the Otherworld’s administrators to a girl named Emily. A girl who can see and touch him. A girl who released a shape-shifting demon into the mortal realm. Together they must send the demon back before it wreaks havoc on London. It should be a simple assignment, but they soon learn there’s nothing simple when a live girl and a dead boy fall in love.

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Heaven to Betsy: Emily, Book 1

From the best-selling and award-winning author of the Katie & Annalise books comes a spin-off series! Heaven to Betsy features Emily, Katie’s stateside best friend, in her own hilarious adventures.

When a dead body swan dives from a balcony into the pool at a wedding, gossip about disgraced paralegal and former rodeo queen Emily – whose husband left her for a woman who’s really a man – comes to a halt.

Enter Jack, a secretive attorney who is a sexy mix of cowboy and Indian. Emily refuses to work for him until she learns about the disappearance of the six-year-old daughter of his notorious client, Sofia, the wedding shooter, who is also an illegal immigrant.

Emily feels a strange affinity for the girl and launches a desperate search for her. Bodies pile up across Texas and New Mexico in her wake, as the walls around her own secrets begin to crumble, and the authorities question whether the child is anything but a figment of her imagination.

See why Pamela Fagan Hutchins’ novels have won contest after contest. A former attorney and native Texan from Amarillo, who spent 10 years in the Caribbean, Pamela splits her time between Houston and a little place called Nowheresville.