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The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

Extreme success, by definition, lies beyond the realm of normal action. If you want to achieve extreme success, you can’t operate like everybody else and settle for mediocrity. You need to remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success. The 10X Rule shows you how! Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility, and this audio book gives you step-by-step guidance on how to achieve phenomenal success for yourself!

With The 10X Rule , you’ll learn to establish the amount of effort needed to guarantee success and ensure that you can continue operating at this level throughout your life. Most people desire success and have great ideas but they come up short on the amount of action required to get their lives to the exceptional levels they deserve. Four degrees of action exist, and in order to achieve your dreams, you must learn to operate at the fourth degree of action: Massive Action. The 10X Rule will dissolve fear, increase your belief in yourself, eliminate procrastination, and provide you with an overwhelming sense of purpose. The 10X Rule compels you to separate yourself from everyone else in the market-and you do that by doing what others refuse to do. Stop thinking in terms of basic needs, and start aiming for abundance-in all areas of your life. The 10X Rule guides you toward the frame of mind that all successful people share. Aim ten times higher than you are right now-and if you come up short, you’ll still find yourself further along than if you had maintained your life’s current status quo. The 10X Rule teaches you how to:

Reach goals that you previously thought were impossible
Correctly set goals and guarantee their achievement
Create unprecedented levels of happiness and satisfaction in every area of your life
Use fear as fuel to move you into action
Get everything you want and never have to settle
Dominate your competition and become a role model for success

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Affirmation | The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for a Warrior | 2 Amazing Affirmative Bonus Books Included for Protection & Strength: Cement Victory … Making Failure Never an Option… (Volume 13)

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible!

Exclusive Offer — Today Includes 2 Amazing Bonus Books: The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for Safety, Security & Protection & The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations to Multiply Strength

You will not achieve fulfillment and happiness until YOU become the architect of your own reality. Imagine that with a few moments each day, you could begin the powerful transformation toward complete control of your own life and well being through positive affirmation. Because you can.

You will be able to release all fear and doubt simply because you know that you can. Utilize this simple, proven technique to regain the lost comforts of joy, love, and fulfillment in your life.

You have the ability to unlock your full inner-potential and achieve your ultimate goals. This is the age-old secret of the financial elite, world class scholars, and Olympic champions. For example, when you watch the Olympics, you’ll find one consistency in all of the champions. Each one closes their eyes for a moment and clearly affirms & visualizes themselves completing the event flawlessly just before starting. Then they win gold medals and become champions. That’s merely one example of how the real power of affirmation can elevate you above any of life’s challenges.

Life is too short to be exhausted on thousands of everyday anxieties and fears. Sadly, the average person will get to the end of their life and realize that more than half of it was spent struggling with these kind of problems. Because they didn’t know what to do, many of these people never found any satisfaction in life. You can and will become bigger than those struggles by enhancing the energy that already flows within you.

Too often people are held hostage and limited by a cycle of negative thinking and pessimism. This kind of thinking creates a streak of what many choose to call, “bad luck”. I have good news for you. There is no such thing as “bad luck”. This phenomenon is merely a cycle of negative affirmation that must be broken and mended with a fresh regimen of positive affirmation and vision. By repeating and remembering these affirmations in times of difficulty, we transform our rigid affirmations of defeat and intimidation into warm, confident manifestations of the world as we choose it to be.

Get what you want and desire from the world like millions of others around the globe using affirmations. You already possess the power to assert your own perceptions and transform your thoughts and desires into reality. By using positive affirmations daily, you will unlock that natural potential inside of you.

If you want to see positive change now, you’ll find the quickest path to fulfillment with positive affirmation and visualization. There is no time to spend on loss, negativity, and defeat when you can be achieving tangible, historically proven results with minimum time and effort invested.

There is no limit to changes that can be made through the power of creating truth with affirmation…

Read This Book To Change Your Life Today!

Also available in Audiobook & Ebook Format

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Failure Is Never Final: How to Bounce Back Big from Any Defeat

In this audiobook, you’ll find countless examples, lessons, and insights into what it means to feel like you’ve failed and come out stronger on the other side. You’ll learn insights from physicians, a golf professional turned college professor, entrepreneurs, a sales executive, and many more.

As the world judges them, they are successful. They’ve achieved notoriety and prosperity in their chosen fields. However, you might be surprised to learn just how much failure they had to endure on their way to the top. In other chapters, some of our coauthors will share the stories of failures who inspired them by their refusal to accept failure as finality.

And that’s what this audiobook is about. Not about fearing failure but about recognizing the role of failure in your personal development. It will show you that what you believe to be failures are often just opportunities in disguise – or, at the very least, a form of feedback that can help you on your journey and hone your focus so you’re even stronger tomorrow.

Lots of great lessons and inspiration await you – get started listening today!

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To Flourish or Destruct: A Personalist Theory of Human Goods, Motivations, Failure, and Evil

In his 2010 book What Is a Person?, Christian Smith argued that sociology had for too long neglected this fundamental question. Prevailing social theories, he wrote, do not adequately “capture our deep subjective experience as persons, crucial dimensions of the richness of our own lived lives, what thinkers in previous ages might have called our ‘souls’ or ‘hearts.’” Building on Smith’s previous work, To Flourish or Destruct examines the motivations intrinsic to this subjective experience: Why do people do what they do? How can we explain the activity that gives rise to all human social life and social structures?
Smith argues that our actions stem from a motivation to realize what he calls natural human goods: ends that are, by nature, constitutionally good for all human beings. He goes on to explore the ways we can and do fail to realize these ends—a failure that can result in varying gradations of evil. Rooted in critical realism and informed by work in philosophy, psychology, and other fields, Smith’s ambitious book situates the idea of personhood at the center of our attempts to understand how we might shape good human lives and societies.

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The Rise: Creativity, the Gift of Failure, and the Search for Mastery

From celebrated art historian, curator, and teacher Sarah Lewis, a fascinating examination of how our most iconic creative endeavors—from innovation to the arts—are not achievements but conversions, corrections after failed attempts.

The gift of failure is a riddle: it will always be both the void and the start of infinite possibility. The Rise—part investigation into a psychological mystery, part an argument about creativity and art, and part a soulful celebration of the determination and courage of the human spirit—makes the case that many of the world’s greatest achievements have come from understanding the central importance of failure.

Written over the course of four years, this exquisite biography of an idea is about the improbable foundations of a creative human endeavor. Each chapter focuses on the inestimable value of often ignored ideas—the power of surrender, how play is essential for innovation, the “near win” can help propel you on the road to mastery, the importance of grit and creative practice. The Rise shares narratives about figures past and present that range from choreographers, writers, painters, inventors, and entrepreneurs; Frederick Douglass, Samuel F.B. Morse, Diane Arbus, and J.K. Rowling, for example, feature alongside choreographer Paul Taylor, Nobel Prize–winning physicists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, and Arctic explorer Ben Saunders.

With valuable lessons for pedagogy and parenting, for innovation and discovery, and for self-direction and creativity, The Rise “gives the old chestnut ‘If at first you don’t succeed…’ a jolt of adrenaline” (Elle).

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African American Children: A Self-Empowerment Approach to Modifying Behavior Problems and Preventing Academic Failure

There is increasing concern across the nation among individuals of all social classes and ethnic groups about the academic failure and behavioral problems that occur among many African-American children. The inability to reduce and prevent failure and behavior problems of African-American children is most likely due to the fact that the efforts to do so have been based on experiences and research with Caucasian American children, and on practices that are culturally insensitive to the specific needs and learning styles of African-American children. The major purpose of this book is to offer a new, culturally-sensitive, socioeconomic-sensitive, research-based, practical approach to addressing academic and behavioral problems of African- American children. This approach is anchored in self-empowerment theory which suggests that African-American children must receive encouragement in self-motivation, self-praise, and adaptive skills that will spur academic and social success. . A Longwood Professional Book.