“Never give up. Great things take time.” Sometimes, you need a little motivation to face the day with a positive attitude. This splendidly photographed little book can help. In addition to 365 inspirational images that impart strength and serenity, it features maxims, nuggets of wisdom, and practical advice that will support your personal journey, increase your self-esteem, and stimulate an optimistic outlook on life.
Tag: Life
Oscar Wilde Quotes… Vol.1: Motivational & Inspirational Life Quotes by Oscar Wilde (Volume 1)
Oscar Wilde Quotes… Vol.1 This book provides a selected collection of 204 quotes by Oscar Wilde, the artist’s background and further reading. ‘We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.’ ‘A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.’ Published by The Secret Libraries
Happiness: Using Happiness to Empower Your Life and Achieve Success (Happiness, Growth Mindset, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Self Improvement, Empowerment)
Define: Hарріnеѕѕ Wеbѕtеr’ѕ Dісtіоnаrу says hарріnеѕѕ is: A ѕtаtе of well-being аnd соntеntmеnt An online dictionary says happiness іѕ: 1. Chаrасtеrіzеd bу good luсk; fоrtunаtе 2. Enjoying, ѕhоwіng, оr mаrkеd by pleasure, satisfaction, or jоу But thаt dоеѕn’t really dеѕсrіbе іt, so, Whаt Iѕ Happiness? Thіѕ question іѕ tурісаllу аѕkеd bу those who fееl thеу аrе lасkіng ѕоmеthіng, оr fееl thеу аrе оn thе vеrgе оf dерrеѕѕіоn, оr аrе асtuаllу depressed. Hоwеvеr, wе wіll ѕее hоw уоur definition оf hарріnеѕѕ іѕ ԛuіtе different thаn what truе happiness іѕ. With thаt, wе must delve into the mаttеr a lоt dеереr. What is happiness? Wе nееd tо dеfіnе whаt hарріnеѕѕ іѕ аnd hоw to асԛuіrе it. Evеrуоnе wants to bе hарру, ѕо wе аutоmаtісаllу аѕѕumе thаt hарріnеѕѕ is hаvіng еvеrуthіng you want, аnd since whаt you wаnt costs mоnеу, thеrеfоrе thе kеу to hарріnеѕѕ іѕ wеаlth, thаt wау wе саn acquire everything we want wіth mоnеу аnd we thеrеbу become hарру. Wе wіll see hоw thіѕ is not the саѕе аftеr еxаmіnіng еасh tуре оf person, ѕtаrtіng wіth thе wеаlthу uрреr class. The wеаlthу buѕіnеѕѕmаn, or the CEO оf that lаrgе company, оr the internet millionaire, surely thеу аrе the happy people bесаuѕе they hаvе thе mоѕt mоnеу; thеу аll hаvе thе keys to success and wealth.
Reinvent Your Life in 15 Minutes a Day: A Guide to Thinking Big and Living a More Fulfilling Life
It takes practice and determination to break long standing habits and ways of thinking that no longer serve you. This book is designed to be used as a guide every day to practice higher forms of thinking and being. The passages are meant to lift you up and inspire you to achieve all that you can be. It takes practice, practice and then more practice so it becomes a part of you that you can’t live without.
Turn to this book at the start of each day and let the words sink in and become a part of you. This is not a book to read cover to cover. It should be used as a guide to remind yourself about how great you are and how everything in life happens for a reason. As you develop the ability to look beyond the immediate circumstances, you discover the deeper meaning intended for you. You will begin to appreciate adversity as an opportunity for personal growth.
This book is designed for busy professionals who want to jump start the day and get their mindset going in the right direction. There are Daily Conditioning passages to remind you of your greatness and other areas to help you overcome fear or how to turn negatives into positives. This book is jam-packed with insights and of course plenty of repetition. Be sure to read the Introduction for instructions on how to correctly use this book. This book is only as powerful as you allow it to be in your life.
You can do anything for 15 minutes so make it count by doing something that will make a big difference in your life. Learn how to think BIG to unlock the potential inside of you and to live a more fulfilling life.
Remind yourself about how great you are and your greatest achievements are still ahead. Look inward for answers by tuning into your inner guidance system. Rediscover the depth in you. What seems unbelievable is where you are headed. Recognize the wisdom in challenges and turn negatives into positives. Ask the right questions to receive amazing guidance. Acquire the right perspective to catapult to the next level. Learn how to breathe life into your dreams.
Reinvent Your Life in 15 Minutes a Day is uniquely written to enable you to easily grasp the concepts so they can quickly become a part of you. Use this guide in your daily practice so you can begin to think BIG and live a more fulfilling life.
Get Glad: Your Practical Guide For A Happier Life
Getting happier isn’t that hard with Get Glad – Your Practical Guide To A Happier Life, a personal development book that leads you through scientifically proven ways to become a little bit happier day-by-day. Author Harry Hoover says, “My purpose in life is to help others on their self-improvement journey. I believe that all people should have some measure of happiness in their lives, so I wrote Get Glad to show readers how to get happier.” You’ve probably read other self-help books whose programs were too difficult to implement. This life-changing, motivational book will help you in your personal growth. Come with us on this simple, practical step-by-step journey down the road toward happiness.
Visualization | Conscious Visualization – 5 Simple Steps to Condition Your Mind to Create The Life of Your Dreams | Breakthrough With a Blueprint of Positive Prayer, Action Affirmations & Meditation
Audiobook Version Now Available on Audible
Implement This Simple, But Most Powerful Method…
There are successful individuals around the world who point to conscious visualization as their tactic of success. Talented actor Jim Carrey, sensational basketball player Michael Jordan, and boxing legend Muhammad Ali are just a select few who have turned to visualization to help them realize their dreams of success…
So, WHY do these professionals turn to conscious visualization as a means of success?
The answer is that when you picture yourself being successful, you give yourself confidence in what you are about to do. When you see yourself succeeding as the end result, you propel past obstacles and become the truest, most confident reflection of yourself. Conscious visualization puts the power of success in your hands and allows you to shape your own destiny.
You may be thinking to yourself that these professionals actually have talent and that there is no way conscious visualization would work for you. This could not be farther from the truth. You do not have to be a super athlete or a talented actor or a financial mogul to propel yourself to the top. All you need is an end goal (or several) and the power of your mind to shape your future for the better.
If there was any one way that you were able to ensure that you reach for your goals, wouldn’t you do it? Would you not try anything to be able to succeed?
One of the great things about visualization is that you are taking no risks. You do not have to buy a starter kit or jump through hoops for this technique to work. While this book is short, it works for any topic. Whether you are struggling with your relationship, work, money, sports and fitness goals, or anything else, the power of conscious visualization can help you change your life. The only thing that you have to do is read through this book and follow the five simple steps provided to help you visualize your goals and then reach them.
Many self-help books that you read may say that the process will not be easy or that you must make a serious long-term commitment if you plan to make any changes in your life at all. The same cannot be said for conscious visualization. It can literally be done by anyone, anywhere, and takes just minutes each day.
Take a moment and picture your greatest goals in your mind. What would you give to achieve them? What would you do if I told you that the only thing you need to do is use the right techniques to visualize these goals in your mind? What do you have to lose?
This method comes with absolutely no risks and you really only need the power of your mind. Do not let the people who have already learned about this technique leave you behind in the dust. Instead, join in the success and reach for your biggest goals and your wildest dreams with the techniques found in this book.
You will find yourself full of self-confidence, propelled past your obstacles, and reaching your greatest goals in no time at all… What Are You Waiting For?
The Easiest & Most Proven Path To Success Awaits…
Life Creative: Inspiration for Today’s Renaissance Mom
A celebration of motherhood, creativity, and the faith that binds them
In our Pinterest age of handcrafted children’s parties, artistic Instagram photos, tutorials for renovating old furniture into new treasures, and blogs filled with poetry, prose, and other creative expression, it is clear that a brand-new generation of creative women is rising up. It is a renaissance born not in Italian cathedrals or Harlem jazz clubs but in kitchens and nurseries and living rooms around the world. But when Christian women become mothers, they often feel expected to lay down their creative pursuits in order to properly parent.
Wendy Speake and Kelli Stuart know that struggle. While they acknowledge that some seasons of mothering require setting artistic pursuits aside, they also argue that these seasons don’t have to last until empty nest time. Instead, mothers with creative gifts are called to actively use them in order to bless their families, their communities, and everyone they encounter.
Inspiring and encouraging, Life Creative celebrates the ways mothers can live their art in the midst of their mothering. They tell the stories of women such as author and speaker Angie Smith, recording artist Ellie Holcomb, and jewelry designer Lisa Leonard who do just that. By following God’s leading to embrace His gifts, renaissance moms can model the joy of obedience for their families.
Washington: A Life
A gripping portrait of the first president of the United States from the author of Alexander Hamilton, the New York Times bestselling biography that inspired the musical.
Celebrated biographer Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of our nation and the first president of the United States. With a breadth and depth matched by no other one volume biography of George Washington, this crisply paced narrative carries the reader through his adventurous early years, his heroic exploits with the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, his presiding over the Constitutional Convention, and his magnificent performance as America’s first president. In this groundbreaking work, based on massive research, Chernow shatters forever the stereotype of George Washington as a stolid, unemotional figure and brings to vivid life a dashing, passionate man of fiery opinions and many moods.
Winner of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Biography
“Truly magnificent… [a] well-researched, well-written and absolutely definitive biography” –Andrew Roberts, The Wall Street Journal
“Superb… the best, most comprehensive, and most balanced single-volume biography of Washington ever written.” –Gordon S. Wood, The New York Review of Books
“A truly gripping biography of George Washington… I can’t recommend it highly enough—as history, as epic, and, not least, as entertainment. It’s as luxuriantly pleasurable as one of those great big sprawling, sweeping Victorian novels.” –Hendrik Hertzberg, The New Yorker
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s smash Broadway musical Hamilton has sparked new interest in the Revolutionary War and the Founding Fathers. In addition to Alexander Hamilton, the production also features George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Aaron Burr, Lafayette, and many more.
From the Trade Paperback edition. Ron Chernow Shares Surprising Facts About George Washington
–Washington was the only major founder who lacked a college education. John Adams went to Harvard, James Madison to Princeton, and Alexander Hamilton to Columbia, making Washington self-conscious about what he called his “defective education.”
–Washington never had wooden teeth. He wore dentures that were made of either walrus or elephant ivory and were fitted with real human teeth. Over time, as the ivory got cracked and stained, it resembled the grain of wood. Washington may have purchased some of his teeth from his own slaves.
–Washington had a strangely cool and distant relationship with his mother. During the Revolutionary War and her son’s presidency, she never uttered a word of praise about him and she may even have been a Tory. No evidence exists that she ever visited George and Martha Washington at Mount Vernon. Late in the Revolutionary War, Mary Washington petitioned the Virginia legislature for financial relief, pleading poverty—and, by implication, neglect by her son. Washington, who had been extremely generous to his mother, was justly indignant.
–Even as a young man, Washington seemed to possess a magical immunity to bullets. In one early encounter in the French and Indian War, he absorbed four bullets in his coat and hat and had two horses shot from under him yet emerged unscathed. This led one Indian chief to predict that some higher power was guiding him to great events in the future.
–By age 30 Washington had survived smallpox, malaria, dysentery, and other diseases. Although he came from a family of short-lived men, he had an iron constitution and weathered many illnesses that would have killed a less robust man. He lived to the age of 67.
–While the Washingtons were childless—it has always been thought that George Washington was sterile—they presided over a household teeming with children. Martha had two children from her previous marriage and she and George later brought up two grandchildren as well, not to mention countless nieces and nephews.
–That Washington was childless proved a great boon to his career. Because he had no heirs, Americans didn’t worry that he might be tempted to establish a hereditary monarchy. And many religious Americans believed that God had deliberately deprived Washington of children so that he might serve as Father of His Country.
–Though he tried hard to be fair and took excellent medical care of his slaves, Washington could be a severe master. His diaries reveal that during one of the worst cold snaps on record in Virginia—when Washington himself found it too cold to ride outside—he had his field slaves out draining swamps and performing other arduous tasks.
–For all her anxiety about being constantly in a battle zone, Martha Washington spent a full half of the Revolutionary War with her husband—a major act of courage that has largely gone unnoticed.
–Washington was obsessed with his personal appearance, which extended to his personal guard during the war. Despite wartime austerity and a constant shortage of soldiers, he demanded that all members of his personal guard be between 5’8″ and 5’10”; a year later, he narrowed the range to 5’9″ to 5’10.”
–While Washington lost more battles than he won, he still ranks as a great general. His greatness lay less in his battlefield brilliance—he committed some major strategic blunders—than in his ability to hold his ragged army intact for more than eight years, keeping the flame of revolution alive.
–Washington ran his own spy network during the war and was often the only one privy to the full scope of secret operations against the British. He anticipated many techniques of modern espionage, including the use of misinformation and double agents.
–Washington tended his place in history with extreme care. Even amid wartime stringency, he got Congress to appropriate special funds for a full-time team of secretaries who spent two years copying his wartime papers into beautiful ledgers.
–For thirty years, Washington maintained an extraordinary relationship with his slave and personal manservant William Lee, who accompanied him throughout the Revolutionary War and later worked in the presidential mansion. Lee was freed upon Washington’s death and given a special lifetime annuity.
–The battle of Yorktown proved the climactic battle of the revolution and the capstone of Washington’s military career, but he initially opposed this Franco-American operation against the British—a fact he later found hard to admit.
–Self-conscious about his dental problems, Washington maintained an air of extreme secrecy when corresponding with his dentist and never used such incriminating words as ‘teeth’ or ‘dentures.’ By the time he became president, Washington had only a single tooth left—a lonely lower left bicuspid that held his dentures in place.
–Washington always displayed extremely ambivalence about his fame. Very often, when he was traveling, he would rise early to sneak out of a town or enter it before he could be escorted by local dignitaries. He felt beleaguered by the social demands of his own renown.
–At Mount Vernon, Washington functioned as his own architect—and an extremely original one at that. All of the major features that we associate with the house—the wide piazza and colonnade overlooking the Potomac, the steeple and the weathervane with the dove of peace—were personally designed by Washington himself.
–A master showman with a brilliant sense of political stagecraft, Washington would disembark from his coach when he was about to enter a town then mount a white parade horse for maximum effect. It is not coincidental that there are so many fine equestrian statues of him.
–Land-rich and cash-poor, Washington had to borrow money to attend his own inauguration in New York City in 1789. He then had to borrow money again when he moved back to Virginia after two terms as president. His public life took a terrible toll on his finances.
–Martha Washington was never happy as First Lady—a term not yet in use—and wrote with regret after just six months of the experience: “I think I am more like a state prisoner than anything else…And as I cannot do as I like, I am obstinate and stay home a great deal.”
–When the temporary capital moved to Philadelphia in 1790, Washington brought six or seven slaves to the new presidential mansion. Under a Pennsylvania abolitionist law, slaves who stayed continuously in the state for six months were automatically free. To prevent this, Washington, secretly coached by his Attorney General, rotated his slaves in and out of the state without telling them the real reason for his actions.
–Washington nearly died twice during his first term in office, the first time from a tumor on his thigh that may have been from anthrax or an infection, the second time from pneumonia. Many associates blamed his sedentary life as president for the sudden decline in his formerly robust health and he began to exercise daily.
–Tired of the demands of public life, Washington never expected to serve even one term as president, much less two. He originally planned to serve for only a year or two, establish the legitimacy of the new government, then resign as president. Because of one crisis after another, however, he felt a hostage to the office and ended up serving two full terms. For all his success as president, Washington frequently felt trapped in the office.
–Exempt from attacks at the start of his presidency, Washington was viciously attacked in the press by his second term. His opponents accused him of everything from being an inept general to wanting to establish a monarchy. At one point, he said that not a single day had gone by that he hadn’t regretted staying on as president.
–Washington has the distinction of being the only president ever to lead an army in battle as commander-in-chief. During the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, he personally journeyed to western Pennsylvania to take command of a large army raised to put down the protest against the excise tax on distilled spirits.
–Two of the favorite slaves of George and Martha Washington—Martha’s personal servant, Ona Judge and their chef Hercules—escaped to freedom at the end of Washington’s presidency. Washington employed the resources of the federal government to try to entrap Ona Judge in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and return her forcibly to Virginia. His efforts failed.
–Washington stands out as the only founder who freed his slaves, at least the 124 who were under his personal control. (He couldn’t free the so-called ‘dower slaves’ who came with his marriage to Martha.) In his will, he stipulated that the action was to take effect only after Martha died so that she could still enjoy the income from those slaves.
–After her husband died, Martha grew terrified at the prospect that the 124 slaves scheduled to be freed after her death might try to speed up the timetable by killing her. Unnerved by the situation, she decided to free those slaves ahead of schedule only a year after her husband died.
–Like her husband, Martha Washington ended up with a deep dislike of Thomas Jefferson, whom she called “one of the most detestable of mankind.” When Jefferson visited her at Mount Vernon before he became president, Martha said that it was the second worst day of her life—the first being the day her husband died.
(Photo of Ron Chernow © Nina Subin)
Hustle: The Life Changing Effects of Constant Motion
A #1 bestseller in Happiness
A #1 bestseller in Personal Success”The perfect way to start 2016!”Jesse’s first book was a #1 bestseller. It took him a year to write it. Hustle is different. It was written, produced, and published in just 7 days. The ridiculously short production schedule was meant to prove a point: focus + momentum = mindbending productivity.
Don’t be fooled, though. The biggest opportunities in life don’t come from sprinting. They emerge over time through constant motion.
A gritty, inspiring read, Hustle is the nudge we’ve all been waiting for.
— Young people trying to figure out how to succeed in our new, entrepreneurial economy
— Anyone bored with their routine, at work or home
— Entrepreneurs who are in it for the long haul
— Aspiring writers who are interested in learning how to produce a professional, high-quality book in seven days, and launch it in less than a month.
— Artists of every kind
— Anyone who wants a jolt of inspiration, a reason to smile, a reason to work hard, a reason to keep hustling
― Be inspired by the grit and creativity of highly successful hustlers including Jamie Foxx, Brian Chesky, and Naval Ravikant, among others.
― Discover the peculiar habits of prolific, historical hustlers like Benjamin Franklin and Pablo Picasso.
― Know how to optimize your working space for ultimate productivity
― Appreciate the value of sprinting inside a marathon
― Learn the important difference between being a “Turkey” vs. a “Cheetah”
― Understand why constant motion is the single thread that connects all hustlers
…and much more. You don’t want to miss this. Add it to your collection today!