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The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype–and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Write a Novel, Take Your Meds, and More

Learn the best time to do everything–from drink your coffee to have sex or go for a run–according to your body’s chronotype.

Most advice centers on what to do, or how to do it, and ignores the when of success. But exciting new research proves there is a right time to do just about everything, based on our biology and hormones. As Dr. Michael Breus proves in THE POWER OF WHEN, working with your body’s inner clock for maximum health, happiness, and productivity is easy, exciting, and fun. THE POWER OF WHEN presents a groundbreaking new program for getting back in sync with your natural rhythm by making minor changes to your daily routine. After you’ve taken Dr. Breus’s comprehensive Bio-Time Quiz to figure out your chronotype (are you a Bear, Lion, Dolphin or Wolf?), you’ll find out the best time to do over 50 different activities. Featuring a foreword by Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and packed with fascinating facts, fun personality quizzes, and easy-to-follow guidelines, THE POWER OF WHEN is the ultimate “lifehack” to help you achieve your goals.

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I Love Lunch Notes Series #2: Affirmation & Kids! (I Love Lunch Notes Series: Affirmation, Boyish, Girlish, & Kids) (Volume 2)

This book is part of a series. Series #1, #2, and #3 make up the main I Love Lunch Notes Book. This series book contains the categories: Affirmation, Boys and Girls, & Kids from the original orange cover “I Love Lunch Notes” book. Some of my favorite cards are in this series book. When designer and illustrator Brian White sends his kids to school, he packs a little something extra in their lunch. They sit down to eat and find a creative bit of quirky fun—lunch notes. Now you can share the whimsy with your kids. Brian has collected five years worth of lunch notes, ready for you to snip and share.

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If I Had Lunch with C. S. Lewis: Exploring the Ideas of C. S. Lewis on the Meaning of Life

Have you ever wondered¿whether God exists? whether life has meaning? Whether pain and suffering have a purpose? This audiobook is my invitation to sit down with C. S. Lewis and me to think about some of the persistent questions and dilemmas every person faces in life. We¿ll explore Lewis¿ thoughts on everything from friendships to heaven, from the reasons for faith to the power of stories. Lewis is one of a small group of people who both learned from life¿s challenges and were able to pass on his wisdom elegantly and effectively. So why not see Lewis as a mentor and coach? – Dr. Alister McGrath