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The Weight Loss Motivation: Stay Slim and Say Goodbye to a Fat Body (weight loss motivation, weight loss for women, marathon training, marathon running, runners world)

Can’t have enough motivation to start losing some weight? You are feeling puzzled and unable to find the proper method? You are sick of those cheap books, and people asking you for money to whisper in your ear their magic secret on how to have “The Rock” body? Stop wasting your time and start a serious scientifically proven method provided by experts who spent their whole life developing new techniques to satisfy your needs and help you finally start a once and for all new diet to sculpt your body into the ideal shape you are dreaming about. In this report you will discover how to motivate yourself and maintain that motivation, and we will give you a step by step guide on how to set an objective and when to change it, besides you will understand the importance of both diet and sport and which is better in weight loss. Don’t miss this opportunity.

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You CAN Go the Distance! Marathon Training Guide: Advice, Plans & Motivation for All Runners

If you’ve ever thought about running a marathon, this book is for You!

If you think you can’t run a marathon, Bruce Van Horn will show you that you CAN go the distance!

If you have “Run a Marathon” on your Bucket List, this is the book you want to read first! With the information and motivation you’ll receive, you will be able to say “I ran a Marathon!”

“Bruce, I love the chapter! I feel honored that you would include Yasso 800s in your book!” —Bart Yasso, CRO, Runner’s World

“Bruce Van Horn understands the new world of engagement better than anyone I know. He is constantly uplifting and coaching others. He is always available, helping others get over their plateaus, and move to the next level. Bruce will help take “can’t” out of your vocabulary and replace it with “CAN.” He constantly puts out value into the world which makes the world a much better place.”—JB Glossinger, CEO & Founder — & Alive Foundation

You CAN Go the Distance! is much more than just a marathon training guide.

Inside every chapter, Bruce Van Horn, coaches you with training techniques from years of experience and infuses them with his own brand of motivation and inspiration which, literally, hundreds of thousands of people have come to love him for.

Most people never even attempt a marathon because they are convinced they cannot possibly run 26.2 miles. What they forget is that every world-class runner started at the same place. Perhaps the hardest part about running a marathon is making the decision to actually try it!

This book gives you the confidence, motivation and inspiration you need, along with rock-solid marathon training advice and convinces you to take the word “Can’t” out of your vocabulary and replace it with the word “CAN!”

Bruce Van Horn has the heart of a true coach. He loves to see others break through their fears and self-doubt to reach new goals. He is passionate, as you’ll soon learn, about your success.

This is also not JUST a book! is a website built as an on-line community for readers to come and ask questions, get more advice, and share their success stories. Get the book and come join the community!

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Bar Studies Inspiration: Daily Christian Devotions for Bar Marathon from Start to Finish

Many professions have robust exams. But taking the Bar Exam seems to be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life, occasionally causing physical ailment or emotional breakdown. Our relationship with God can carry us through hectic, nerve-wracking circumstances. We merely have to ask, believe, and receive. This book is a daily motivational devotion for Bar Exam study. Begin your Bar study marathon with day one of your study session, and end on day two or three of your Bar Exam as you finish your final lap. I trust this book will provide three to five minutes of quiet time with God per day, to calm and refresh your heart and mind with the strength to endure your Bar study marathon.