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Affirmations to Acceptance: Learning to love yourself through positive messaging

Affirmations to Acceptance takes you on a journey of self discovery to fully embrace the amazing person you are…read this book over and over and begin to maximize your fullest potential. Hear the words you need to hear, say them out loud, and feel the change take over. Be the person you deserve…the Kindle edition is the companion to this book.

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Divine Messaging for Beginners: How to Use Psychic Receiving to Guide Your Life (Soul Immersion Mini Series)

Would you like to receive Divine messaging to guide your life? To answer questions about your soul growth, soul lessons, life’s path and life’s purpose? To solve problems in your life, or guide you to a new clarity? Or, perhaps you are interested in receiving spiritual messaging—teachings from a higher source?

In this Mini E-book, you’ll learn the basics of receiving Divine messaging, both in your mind’s ear and in writing. It also provides samples of modern messaging, and messaging received in the Spiritualist era.

This little book is designed as an introduction for beginners seeking to understand the core aspects of Divine messaging from a spiritual and intuitive perspective. However, make no mistake: the information here, if applied and practiced, will allow you to simply and effectively receive Divine messaging on your own, both in meditation and in writing.

Sara Wiseman is an intuitive and author of Writing the Divine, Your Psychic Child and Becoming Your Best Self, and teaches intuition to groups and individuals. She’s authored this Soul Immersion series as a quick way to provide information about common spiritual and intuitive practices.