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Running: Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism: Weight Loss Motivation

Why is running considered by many to be the best form of exercise? Running Is: Simple Inexpensive Convenient and a very effective way to lose weight! When you purchase Running: Weight Loss Motivation – Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism, you’ll discover what happens in our bodies when we run. You’ll find out how to create running goals and fit this plan into your lifestyle. With this advice, you can reinvent yourself as a healthier, happier person! Is it hard to maintain your exercise habits? Do you have trouble getting yourself “out the door”? Running: Weight Loss Motivation – Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism provides many life-changing motivations to keep you running. From running with friends to participating in races, you’ll learn how to stay strong – physically and mentally. This book helps you get it all under control with a simple and efficient system. You’lll discover a holistic system for new runners that helps you build up from walking to running the right way – avoiding injury and over-exertion. This book will give you everything you need to start and maintain a healthy running habit! You’ll be so happy you took this first step!

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Walking: Weight Loss Motivation: Lose Weight, Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism

#1 Best Seller! Find the Motivation to Walk Your Way to Health! No matter how much time you spend on your work and family, there’s no escaping the fact that you have to take care of yourself, too. Have you ever wished you could get up off the couch and get healthier? Don’t wait – let Walking: Weight Loss Motivation – Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Lose Weight give you the courage and energy you need to succeed TODAY! You’ll discover the many benefits of walking, both physical and mental. Walking: Weight Loss Motivation – Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Lose Weight helps you understand when and where to walk, what to wear and how to get others involved in your healthy habit. It gives you the motivation you need to truly succeed! Walking: Weight Loss Motivation – Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Lose Weight also helps you understand how to get the right nutrition for weight loss. If you watch what you eat, choose clean foods, and hydrate your body, you’ll see even greater results in your walking habit. Learn what slimming foods you can try RIGHT NOW! In this book, you’ll discover an Amazing Workout Plan for Losing Weight and Burning Fat. These workouts will strengthen your abs, arms and thighs. You’ll even find out about the After Shower Workout! Purchase Walking: Weight Loss Motivation – Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Lose Weight NOW to find out how this simple and easy exercise can revitalize your life! You’ll be so glad you did!

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Meditate Your Weight: A 21-Day Retreat to Optimize Your Metabolism and Feel Great

Hundreds of medical studies have shown the spectacular health benefits of meditation.  Now Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine, puts that scientific research to good, practical use by incorporating easy-to-use, targeted meditations into a unique weight-loss program. This 21-day plan optimizes health as well as body image by tapping the hidden strength of the mind.  We learn a whole new way to lose weight; and it takes just a few relaxing and energizing minutes a day.  Learn:
• How to get started: advice for new meditators (no weird positions or chants required)
• 3, 5, 7, and 10 minute meditations that bust cravings, break self-defeating habits, stress-proof the body, and reboot the brain
• What to eat—and the top 5 foods to consider avoiding
• How to continue your success after your 21-day retreat
• Bonus:  10 stress-relieving, cardio-revving yoga exercises to complement the plan
 Each day of the plan in Meditate Your Weight helps you explore and release what’s weighing you down physically, emotionally, and mentally—the mental blocks, thoughts, habits, and behaviors that stand in your way—to make it easier to think more clearly, make better choices, and maximize metabolism.   As you lighten up on the inside, you’ll lighten up on the outside.
Less stress=less belly fat.  More calm + more balance = a healthier you.