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The 21-Day Exercise Challenge: learn how to make exercise a daily habit in just 21 days, even if you hate it or don’t have time! (21-Day Challenges) (Volume 2)

The 21-Day Exercise Challenge, the second book in the 21-Day Challenge series!

Are you tired of being lazy, out of shape and lacking energy?

Are you ready to understand and disempower your excuses, start taking care of yourself and to move that body of yours as a daily habit?

Everybody can agree that having a more active lifestyle is a good thing. Nobody would argue that we couldn’t all do a little more exercise. And yet … why is it so hard to actually do it? If you’re reading this, you’ve probably gotten fed up with how difficult it is to always be starting a new exercise regime, only to go back to your old habits in a few weeks.

More exercise in life means better health, better resistance against illness and injury, better mood and sunnier outlook on life, higher self confidence, clearer and healthier skin, improved muscle tone and strength, enhanced metabolism, deeper and more restful sleep, more flexibility and hey, maybe even a little weight loss thrown in.

But I know you know all that. You know that it is a good idea to be more active – now; it’s just a question of how.

The 21-Day Exercise Challenge will help you to: Get clear on your personal goals and motivation Enjoy exercise again Understand and overcome your excuses Incorporate exercise in your busy lifestyle Make small lasting changes with a big impact Stay motivated during and after the 21-Day Challenge ..and much more inside! Learn how to make and keep exercise an enjoyable part of your lifestyle TODAY. Are you ready to take the challenge?

Update! Now available “11 books in 1: The 21-Day Challenges Box Set”

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Meditate Your Weight: A 21-Day Retreat to Optimize Your Metabolism and Feel Great

Hundreds of medical studies have shown the spectacular health benefits of meditation.  Now Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine, puts that scientific research to good, practical use by incorporating easy-to-use, targeted meditations into a unique weight-loss program. This 21-day plan optimizes health as well as body image by tapping the hidden strength of the mind.  We learn a whole new way to lose weight; and it takes just a few relaxing and energizing minutes a day.  Learn:
• How to get started: advice for new meditators (no weird positions or chants required)
• 3, 5, 7, and 10 minute meditations that bust cravings, break self-defeating habits, stress-proof the body, and reboot the brain
• What to eat—and the top 5 foods to consider avoiding
• How to continue your success after your 21-day retreat
• Bonus:  10 stress-relieving, cardio-revving yoga exercises to complement the plan
 Each day of the plan in Meditate Your Weight helps you explore and release what’s weighing you down physically, emotionally, and mentally—the mental blocks, thoughts, habits, and behaviors that stand in your way—to make it easier to think more clearly, make better choices, and maximize metabolism.   As you lighten up on the inside, you’ll lighten up on the outside.
Less stress=less belly fat.  More calm + more balance = a healthier you.