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Empowerment: A Collection of Poetry and Prose on Personal Growth & Empowerment

“Inspiring and motivating, heart-warming and unique.” EMPOWERMENT – A Collection of Poetry and Prose on Personal Growth & Empowerment, is the eighth in the Collections of Poetry and Prose book series. With topics including finding love, womanhood, illness and disease, overcoming poverty and prejudice, running the marathon, combatting fear, forgiveness, fighting abuse, and many others, in EMPOWERMENT there are 85 contributions from 45 writers in 19 countries: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, China, England, Greece, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania and the USA, all exploring the themes of empowerment and personal growth. EMPOWERMENT is a unique collection of poetry and short prose from some of the most talented and inspirational writers around the world.

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Abandoned Breaths: Poetry, Quotes, and Poetic Prose (First Edition)

What happens to the words that never escape the confines of heartbroken souls?When someone chooses to vacate your life, they seldom take everything with them when they leave. Closure is elusive. A heart still has questions. It is ruthless in its inquisition and stores every one of them in your soul.Conversations. Statements. Declarations. Endless dialogue. Wordplay. Rebuttals. Pleas. Questions. Resignation.Where do the words go?The ones we wanted to say, but never got the chance? They live on. They don’t leave with their Muse. They stay behind.Abandoned. Clinging, building, breathing, and aching to be heard.Abandoned breaths longing to breathe.I feel them emerging, and for once I do not stop them.I let them flow.—-Abandoned Breaths is the debut poetic collection from Alfa. Between these pages she has gathered the warehouses of the unsaid, and weaved together the voices that have remained silent in our heartbroken hotels. All the abandoned breaths that we hold on to after serving time in heart warfare never really go away. They cling to dusty shelves, tucked into darken chambers among past wreckage; longing to be given life. She has cleaned house and opened musty windows, letting pulsing words breathe and transform into poetic release. The focus of these writings is to give the heart and soul permission to ache after love and loss.The author is unapologetic about her realistic take on heartache and grieving. She touches on the past, trying to make sense of her experiences, to move forward.This book is filled with timeless and vintage feeling poetry. It will touch every individual that reads it -as we have all experienced heartache throughout life… no matter the age group.

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INSPIRATION: A Woman’s Spiritual Triumph: A book of quotes, prayers, thoughts, and prose to inspire you on your life journey

Inspiration: A Woman’s Spiritual Triumph is a book of inspirational of quotes, prayers, thoughts, prose, and positive affirmations to inspire you on your life journey. This book is for all human beings who are striving for strength, restoration, encouragement, and healing during any phase in their life. Revolutionize your life by your thoughts and words to increase the joy, happiness, and peace your life needs to have continuous enthusiasm to support your life journey. It is time to embrace your inner strength for self-empowerment, self-encouragement, and self-motivation.

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Gratitude Prayers: Prayers, Poems, and Prose for Everyday Thankfulness

Best-selling author June Cotner presents an enriching collection of prayers, poems, and quotes chosen for their power to bring more joy and wonder to life by encouraging an attitude of everyday thankfulness.

“The selections in this book will encourage you to pay attention to things that make you laugh, the places that nourish you, the loved ones who inspire and guide you, and caring strangers who bring blessings to your days.”—June Cotner

Gratitude Prayers is an uplifting collection of inspiring prayers, reflective poems, and motivating quotes that will open you to experience more joy and wonder in life. In this gracious anthology, June Cotner offers more than 100 motivational selections that remind you to embrace each and every day with abundance and thankfulness. Gratitude Prayers includes the voices of classic visionaries such as Rumi, Anne Frank, Walt Whitman and Helen Keller, whose words mingle eloquently alongside contemporary writers such as Michael S. Glaser and Barbara Crooker. The writers in this exuberant book share how to seek out tiny moments of joy, which will point the way toward finding the good in every situation.


Divided into ten chapters, Gratitude Prayers offers a transformational perspective on finding happiness through gratefulness. Chapters include: Simple Pleasures, Everyday Life, The Natural World, Friends and Family, Joy and Wonder, Faith and Courage, Prayers and Blessings, as well as Reflections, and Inspirations. In addition, the book closes with a chapter dedicated to what June calls, “Gratitude Boosters,” short, easily read passages that offer the reader an instantaneous paradigm shift.  Let gratitude inspire your attitude with Gratitude Prayers.