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Enhancing Adolescents’ Motivation for Science: Research-Based Strategies for Teaching Male and Female Students (Classroom Insights from Educational Psychology)


Address gender differences and positively influence male and female science participation and achievement with these research-based strategies. Includes classroom vignettes and a robust companion website.

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How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching

Distilling the research literature and translating the scientific approach into language relevant to a college or university teacher, this book introduces seven general principles of how students learn. The authors have drawn on research from a breadth of perspectives (cognitive, developmental, and social psychology; educational research; anthropology; demographics; organizational behavior) to identify a set of key principles underlying learning, from how effective organization enhances retrieval and use of information to what impacts motivation. Integrating theory with real-classroom examples in practice, this book helps faculty to apply cognitive science advances to improve their own teaching.