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SELF-ish: A Transgender Awakening

SELF-ish is a narrative drawn from an international life, beginning with some early glimpses out at the world by a girl in a boy’s body. Chloe Schwenke was raised as Stephen in a Marine Corps family, and was sent off at age fourteen to “man-up” at a military academy. Later―and still embodied as a man―she ventured abroad to work in some of the roughest regions of Africa, the Gaza Strip, Turkey, and many other locales. Her far-flung global journey was matched in intensity by an inner identity and spiritual struggle and the associated ravages of depression, before she came to the revelation of being a transgender woman. At a time when many Americans are just waking up to the reality of the transgender phenomenon, this portrayal of Chloe’s life, her challenging gender transition, and her many accomplishments and adventures along the way (including being among the first three transgender political appointees in U.S. history, under President Obama), creates a poignant story of authenticity, self-discovery, and the meaning of gender set against a fascinating international backdrop.

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Me First: A Deliciously Selfish Take on Life

Have you ever thought about what your life would be like if it revolved around you? Me First: A Deliciously Selfish Take on Life is an unapologetic and hilarious perspective on what it takes to get to the top and to live life on your own terms. Before making any big decision such as getting into a relationship or choosing a career path—you will start with the most important question: What do I want? The second question you will ask is: How does this decision, action, or choice benefit me directly? If it’s not what you want or does not benefit you directly, don’t do it. At the heart of Me First is the belief that YOU deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Its “Delish-isms” will show you how to become the number one priority in your life and become smarter and more strategic about your relationships, career, health, and finances. Every chapter also contains “Kick Starters” to help you get moving in the right direction. How selfish, right? Absolutely! A deliciously selfish life means taking a step back from the craziness to figure out who you are and what you want, and once you do, to own it. Because the only person holding you back from getting what you want is you.

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Empowerment is S.E.X.Y.: Learning Healthy Selfish and the 4 Secret Steps to Making Life and Love Work.

Can Selfish be Sexy? Can S.E.X.Y be the Roadmap to Authentic Empowerment? Sexy is a mysterious, external energy force that we all crave. What if however, creating authentic S.E.X.Y. actually started from an energy force from within? Meaning, what if our physical glow is actually sparked from an internal self-awareness? What if passion for others is first based on love for Self? There is a four part secret to finding our authentic S.E.X.Y. Now Dr. Tracy, creator of Empowerment is S.E.X.Y.® shares the secret steps to finding yours. In this book you will learn that: S – SELFISH: Selfish is a love word, a protection word and a mandatory word of empowerment. Based in Self-Love, Self-Care and Self-Esteem, the first step on the journey to S.E.X.Y. is learning Selfish. E – EMPOWERED: In order to carve the life we desire, or fix our life when it breaks, we need proper tools in our Life Tool Box. Stop Two on our journey therefore is learning how to ‘lift your hood, check out your personal goods’ and do an inventory of your life tools. X: X-SPOT: We are the Universe’s creative idea. As such we have the right to walk an individual path that feels good to us. Step Three on the road to S.E.X.Y. is to find your X-Spot to individuality and become your grandest self, without apology. Y: “YES” to Rightful Good: As a Citizen of Self, there are 15 “Constitutional” Rights we are granted upon birth. These birthrights guarantee us our right to happiness – to S.E.X.Y.! Step four on the journey is learning to say “Yes” to your Emotional Rights. If you are ready to undress your soul; if you are ready to enjoy the person you see in the emotional mirror of life, the tools (and toys) within Empowerment is S.E.X.Y. are waiting for you.