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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Preteens: 101 Stories of Inspiration and Support for Tweens

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Preteens helps readers as they navigate those tough preteen years from ages 9 to 12 with its stories from others just like them, about the highs and lows of life as a preteen. It’s a support group they carry in their backpack!

Being a preteen is harder than it looks! School is more challenging, bodies are changing, relationships with parents are different, and new issues arise with friends. But this collection will help preteens, showing them they are not alone. Readers will be encouraged and inspired by stories from other preteens, just like them, about the problems and issues they face every day.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Preteens Talk: Inspiration and Support for Preteens from Kids Just Like Them

1.  Books represent a new thematic experience, even for readers of past books, as Chicken Soup has tightened the content , and books contain only relevant stories.  Out-of-date stories were eliminated.

2.  Each book contains 101 stories recompiled from dozens of past Chicken Soup titles.

3.  “Our 101 Best Stories” collection is an efficient way for readers to obtain books covering Chicken Soup’s most popular topics.

4.  Every book has a warm and moving foreward from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen explaining the company’s rebirth and its return to 101 stories per book.

Being a preteen is harder than it looks.  School is more challenging, bodies are changing, relationships with parents are different, and new issues arise with friends.  This book supports and inspires preteens and reminds them they are not alone, as they read stories written by other preteens just like them, about the problems and issues they face every day.



The first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies.  The company went on to publish more than 150 Chicken Soup titles, selling more than 100 million copies, and becoming a household name.


Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Teenagers: 101 Stories of Inspiration and Support for Teens

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Teenagers supports and inspires teenagers as they grow up, reminding them they are not alone, as they read stories from teens just like themselves about the problems and issues they face every day.

Teenage years are tough, but this book will help teens as they journey through the ups and downs of adolescence. The stories in this book serve as a guide on topics from the daily pressures of life and school to love, friendships, parents, and much more. This collection will encourage, inspire, and amuse teens, showing that, as tough as things can get, they are not alone!

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Self-Worth, Self-Esteem, Journaling, Mix and Match Healing Hydrotherapy, Lovingkindness Meditation, Support System (Building Your Self Esteem)

“The concept of energy and the flow of that energy in the human body is the core of the current explosion in healing. The healing principle is to “balance” the energy in the body by using relaxation to counter the body’s reaction to stress.” The Berkeley Holistic Health Center

The High Energy Life Plan integrates all the tools for living a healthy, balanced life. Many times busy people will see or read something that they would love to integrate into their lives. They also lack the time to plan and execute a total health plan.

The High Energy Life for Kindle includes 12 separate ebooks each priced at $1.99. Each week has a number from 1-12 to keep the weeks separate. Each week has individual choices for food/diet choices, exercise choices, and emotional/mental techniques for stress reduction. All the pretests, measurements, references for each of the three categories (diet, exercise, and emotional/mental tools) are given.

Our goal is that each person using the High Energy Life Plan can create and continually change her/his health plan. Health takes effort to maintain. Each of us needs to know what we need to attain our highest level of health.

Daily we are experiencing an overload of information. By using RSS feeds and RSS readers, we have become accustomed to “sound bites”. So the High Energy Diet contains many descriptive links so you may use the individual information that you choose. So instead of our publishing a book for you, we have published all the information links that you can choose to create your own, individual book to use for your High Energy Life.

To increase energy:
Physically—Use exercise to burn off stress reactions and creating your own food plan around the foods you love
Mentally—Learn how to realign your thoughts because your feelings come from your thoughts.
Emotionally—Reparent yourself to heal childhood wounds
Socially—Develop a social network of 5-10 people
Spiritually—Live to become the best you can be
Each of the 12 High Energy Links ebooks contains different topics. This is a master list of the topics for each week.
Week One-

Deep breathing techniques
Calorie needs
Stretching exercises
Beginning meditations
Before losing weight, pay attention to these
Walking as exercise

Week Two-

Balanced life
Being centered
Body scan
Breathing meditation
Types of meditation
Weekly action plan

Week Three-

BMI body mass index
Your observer self-transactional analysis
Sitting-walking-eating meditations
Cardiovascular exercises
Introducing yoga into your life

Week Four—

30-35 grams of fiber daily
Flexibility exercises
Heart rate
Formal walking meditation
Prayer suggestions

Week Five—

Coping techniques
Creative visualizations
Relaxation meditation
Strength training

Week Six—

Autogenic training
Endurance exercise
Job stress management
Mantra meditation

Week Seven—

Loving kindness meditation
Mix and match healing
Self worth
Support system
Time management

Week Eight—

Reaching a plateau
Progressive muscle relaxation
Partner meditation

Week Nine—

Low calorie diets
Light therapy
Rational thinking

Week Ten—

Concentration meditation
Goal setting
Inner child
Interval training

Week Eleven—

Alexander technique
Glycemic index
Visualization meditation

Week Twelve—

Art therapy
Prayer walking
Raising energy meditation
Therapeutic touch
Age and exercise

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Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards: The Direct Link To Your Personal Psychic Support System

“Ask your Guides” is a 52-card psychic intuitive oracle deck (with accompanying guidebook) based on the traditional minor arcana of the tarot. The deck is designed to not only guide you, the seeker, through present and upcoming life events and challenges, but will also connect you directly with specific spirit guides and divine helpers who are there to help you navigate these transitions and challenges successfully.

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Meditations For Receiving Divine Guidance, Support, and Healing 2-CD

Reawaken the voice of your soul with these powerful meditations from internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and intuitive Sonia Choquette.


Accurate, insightful guidance will be yours as Sonia clears the way for you to hear your deep inner wisdom. With these meditations, you will release psychic debris for greater clarity, open your heart to connect to your Source, energize your body, release fears to live in joy, and align with Divine flow to fully appreciate the special gifts you’ve been given.


Listen to and trust the wisdom of your inner self—starting now—with this inspirational CD program!

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Meditations to Support A Healthy Pregnancy & Successful Childbirth (Health Journeys)

One of the author’s favorite titles, the pregnancy guided imagery inspires confidence and gratitude for the body; feelings of safety, relaxation, protection and support; sets the stage for labor and connection with the baby. The childbirth guided imagery eases discomfort, focuses breathing, increases trust in the body s wisdom and the miraculous birth process. (Running Time: 120 minutes)