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Declutter and De-Stress: Meditation and Self-Hypnosis to Clear Your Mind, Worry Less, Find Peace and Simplify Your Life

The media would have you believe that the way to happiness is to purchase more. But, deep down in your soul, you can feel this not true. Happiness does not come from external possessions. This meditation bundle is intended to help you reconnect with true happiness through the art of simple living and an easy life philosophy that will instantly make you feel better about life.

This bundle includes the following audiobooks:

1. Declutter Your Life: Guided Meditation to Clear Your Mind, Relieve Stress, Stop Worrying and Find Peace

2. Simple Living: Guided Meditation to Simplify Your Life, Clear Your Mind, Let Go of the Past, Worry Less and Enjoy Your Life

Each audiobook includes one meditation that is about 15 to 20 minutes long with four different setting options:

Meditation on the beach Meditation during a rainstorm Meditation near a flowing creek Meditation near a waterfall

You can eliminate most of the stress in your life with this wisdom passed down for generations. This meditation bundle will guide you through the process of simplifying your life and decluttering your mind.

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Overwhelmed: Winning the War Against Worry

Stressed out? Anxious? Overwhelmed? There¿s good news – you¿re not alone! No one ever said life was going to be easy. Between financial struggles, marital issues, health scares, and the run-of-the-mill problems of everyday life, it¿s easy to feel weighed down and trapped by your circumstances. In times like these, it¿s tempting to just throw in the towel and quit.

Well, don¿t do it! Perry Noble has stood at the edge of the abyss himself, and in Overwhelmed, he shares the keys to unlocking the chains of anxiety and despair once and for all. Building on the premise that everything changes when we shift our focus from our circumstances to Christ, Perry walks listeners through a life-altering plan for overcoming stress, worry, depression, and anxiety so we can be free to embrace the abundant, joy-filled lives we were created for.

God knows we¿re frustrated. He knows we¿re tired. He knows we¿re struggling. But He also knows how things are going to turn out. He is greater than anything you¿re going through…so don¿t give up on God. After all, He has never given up on you!