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Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely

The enemy wants us to feel rejected…left out, lonely, and less than. When we allow him to speak lies through our rejection, he pickpockets our purpose. Cripples our courage. Dismantles our dreams. And blinds us to the beauty of Christ’s powerful love.

In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences with rejection―from the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father to the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over.

With biblical depth, gut-honest vulnerability, and refreshing wit, Lysa helps readers:

Release the desire to fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process their hurt.Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady their soul and restore their confidence.Overcome the two core fears that feed our insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.Stop feeling left out and start believing that “set apart” does not mean “set aside.”End the cycle of perceived rejection by refusing to turn a small incident into a full blown issue.

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Do You: Inspiration and Encouragement for Anyone Who Was Ever Bullied, Left Out, or Pushed Aside

This book is tiny but powerful, and its life-changing advice can help you stand up to those who want to keep you down and inspire you to hold your head up high. Filled with words of encouragement and guidance for overcoming your challenges and finding the strength to be the best you the world has ever seen, Do You will help you unlock the superpower that is uniquely yours—you!

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The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech

Life-long liberal Kirsten Powers blasts the Left’s forced march towards conformity in an exposé of the illiberal war on free speech. No longer champions of tolerance and free speech, the “illiberal Left” now viciously attacks and silences anyone with alternative points of view. Powers asks, “Whatever happened to free speech in America?”