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Maya Angelou: Greatest Life Lessons And Motivations From Maya Angelou (Maya Angelou, Inspirational Quotes, Maya Angelou’s Biography)

Maya Angelou

Greatest Life Lessons And Motivations From Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was a woman who not only wrote inspirational works, but she also spoke of inspirational messes. Her entire life helped to inspire many people, and through her, many great life lessons could be achieved, and you can learn from Maya Angelou in order to change your life. This book will go over the best life lessons and ways to emulate this great woman. We’re all destined for greatness, and this book can show you just how to achieve it for yourself, and for others as well.

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An Affirmation a Day…: A Guide to a Happier Life

The purpose of this book is to give you a positive thought or action to concentrate on throughout each day of the year. Don’t feel married to the dates. If you find an affirmation on a different day that you feel the need to use, by all means, use it! This is just a guide. Why did I write this? I suffer from a heart disease called Brugada Syndrome. It is a rare genetic disease also known as Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome. I had to find a way to reduce stress and live a happier life. I needed to find peace in my world and find happiness in it. I hope to inspire you to do the same no matter what life has thrown at you. My recommendation on how to use this book is to write your affirmation down on a notecard, scrap of paper, whatever you can find. Carry it with you. Look at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Believe it! Be it! Concentrate on each affirmation several times a day. When you are stressed, try repeating it again and again. Soon you will find you are dealing with it. I wish you much happiness and peace. ~Lynn Tincher Author of The Mind Bending Series Executive Producer for Afterthoughts Film Red Cap Ambassador for the American Heart Association

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222 Prosperity Affirmations:: How To Speak Prosperity and Abundance into your life!

Prosperity is not something you attain, its something you tune into. Few people know that the very words they use, either attract or repel prosperity (Law Of Attraction). This book is a compilation of modern and ancient techniques on using the power of the spoken word to attract prosperity and abundance in one’s life!

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Gifted and Black: Get a jump on life your color is a gift! (Girls Empowerment Series) (Volume 1)

The book promises to be a strongly emotional and deeply compelling book that explores the beauty in dark skin. It is the author’s refreshing and uplifting success book to enable dark skinned girls to be prepared for the joy and struggles of dealing with a society favoring fairer skin and still emerge a true winner. “Gifted and Black” is an extremely vivid, engaging and emotionally charged book written with the passionate voice of girls, with dark skin who are often made to feel inadequate. Released under the banner of Umayat Spiritual Education Publishing Company, Dr. Edonna’s new book “Gifted and Black” has 30 pages, and is currently available in a paperback version for $20.00 from the official website The book is also available in Audio Book format for $9.99 and can be directly downloaded to any tablet, cell phone, laptop or computer and enjoyed by the readers. “Having grown up in Los Angeles myself, I know how harsh the world can be on a young girl with dark skin. Prejudice is not easy to comprehend and having worked with young women for years, I know from experience, almost each one of them yearns for a better support system but are let down, time and again, sometimes even by their own families who fail to understand their needs or provide the much needed emotional support during their formative years,” says Rev. Dr. Edonna Alexandria, the author of the book. “The early years are the times when young women go through a myriad of emotions, making them vulnerable and liable to make mistakes they might later regret. My book will help these young women to take life head on, with full confidence, achieve their true potential and emerge a true winner!” Dr. Edonna’s new book enables its readers to learn how to overcome the embarrassment of being bullied for their skin color and intelligence level. The story grips your heart and inspires you to accept and love you! The author really captures the pain, loneliness and, ups and downs of a body image disjointed with the populace and an ideal making dark skin a flaw rather than a beautiful feature to be proud of. The book is sure to boost the confidence of readers of all complexions who will begin to think critically and adopt a new empowered view of life. The author of this moving new book, Dr. Edonna is no stranger to unconventional methods of teaching. She has spent the past 21 years studying alternative techniques of educating and empowering youth. Her unique style allows her to harness the power of creative storytelling lessons combined with yoga and Double Dutch. Dr. Edonna’s experience as a Health and Physical Education teacher provides fertile ground to put her expertise to work in some of the most challenging schools in America. “My book offers advice on a variety of sensitive topics in a practical, non-judgmental and objective manner. My book can help young girls understand what challenges life has in store for them, how to deal with them more effectively and with confidence so as to achieve their true potential, “added the author. Being considered as one of the most insightful books released on the subject in recent months, “Gifted and Black” by Rev. Dr. Edonna Alexandria is expected to emerge as a must-read for African girls throughout the Diaspora looking to build a meaningful foundation for a successful and happy life even if they are born with a dark complexioned skin. “What surprises me is so many dark-skinned young women are plagued by these issues and it saddens me to note, most of them are uninformed, either by their well meaning but inexperienced friends or family. This book, is very dear to my heart, and aimed to assist these youngsters through difficult times by helping them allay their fears and relieving their stress. As an author, I have taken a little liberty of weaving in some situations and circumstances which have been inspired by experiences of my own to make the narrative more engaging and realistic.

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Self-discipline: Techniques to Help Develop Willpower and Motivation to Live a Successful Life: Techniques That Help Develop Willpower and Motivation to Live a Successful Life

Man is the supreme being. He excels in his life due to his capacity for arranging his thoughts and learning from experiences. The underlying character that helps him to achieve this is self-discipline. Learning helps one progress in whichever field one chooses. However, one must control the mind to do this. Through a systematic approach, one can train the mind to behave in the way one wants. Self-control, the sibling of self-discipline, comes through constant application only. Here in this book, we will see how to take these vital steps to develop willpower and achieve motivation for a successful life. You will also read about the difficulties one encounters when one begins training and the methods of overcoming these problems. Happiness occurs when every person in the society has the ability to contribute in a positive way. Learn the methods that help one overcome drawbacks and find the right approach to becoming a useful self-disciplined member of society.

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I Am Positive!: 31 Positive Self Talk Declarations to Speak Faith Over Your Life (Negative Self Talk) (Volume 4)

What’s in us comes out. If all we ever hear or speak is negativity, then when life pressures us, we’re going to spew out toxic waste-doubt, fear, anxiety, poverty. As believers, we must be so filled with a Godly spirit, that when we are squeezed, nothing comes out but faith and Holy Ghost power. Its time to stop wavering in our faith and start living like we are positively sure of God’s faithfulness. This inspirational 31 day positive self-talk declarations will bless you. It is a guide designed to compliment the Negative Self Talk Series. But can definitely stand on its own. It will provide examples of daily declarations that you can change to fit your situation.

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Habit Quotes: Inspirational Picture Quotes about Habits: Gift Book (Leanjumpstart Life Series) (Volume 6)

Habit Quotes: Inspirational Picture Quotes about Habits and Change Gabi Rupp, creator of shares an extraordinary collection of her favorite and most insightful habit quotes from around the world and throughout history. It is a great addition to your own personal library but will make a wonderful gift too. As one of a series of Picture Quotes books it is written for the lover of visually appealing positive quotes.

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From Panic To Empowerment: How to stop pain and disease from taking over your life by connecting spirit, mind and body

How many times are you going to be duped by the hype, language and broken promises of our current medical model? At some point, you must realize that real healing is a personal experience that cannot be obtained by sitting in a doctors’ office waiting for another prescription and dreading a new diagnosis. You deserve health and the pursuit of happiness like the rest of us. But somehow your experience of having health and vitality is just something other people seem to have and not you. It’s not completely your fault that you are stuck in this rut of just surviving and not thriving. But it is your responsibility to get your life in order before it’s too late. The 3Rs Approach To Healing Dr. Stephanie shows you how to take your life back! She has a unique way of conveying the message that healing is a spirit, mind, and body experience. By creating a system called the 3 Rs Approach to Healing; she sets the record straight about why you are not well and how you can be. The 3 Rs Approach to Healing is a life hack tool based on the premise of connecting your spirit, mind, and body for healing by using a system that weaves a unique concept of Reflect, Reframe, Renew. Establishing ground rules for how you can take control of your health by learning to reflect, reframe and renew is the key to moving you from panic to empowerment. This concept may seem redundantly familiar if you have read other self-help books. But I assure you, this time, is the charm. Why do you panic? You panic because you feel like there is no hope. Neglecting your spirit, rehearsing old stories and bear hugging old belief systems is what leads to illness; that is the problem. You can fix that cycle of dysfunction by acknowledging you have a spirit, get a hold of your thoughts and old beliefs so your body can relax long enough to heal. Establish A Connection With Yourself Dr. Stephanie enthusiastically teaches you how to develop a relationship with yourself by inserting humorous stories and real client case studies as examples of the human condition. She recounts the death of her daughter and her sister, sharing insights on how her personal birth story led to the discovery of the 3Rs. Through her life dramas, Dr. Stephanie has discovered that her journey was to give hope. That is what’s conveyed in this book. Once you realize that your spiritual and mental blocks are what’s preventing physical healing, you have hope! That is why this book is different. You have an author that has walked in your shoes and suffered just like you. She has found peace of mind and is now sharing how she got it so that you can get it! In the pages of this book, you have a friend speaking with you candidly and openly about how life can be awesomely amazing if you just learn to settle your spirit and calm your mind so your body can heal. This work is so authentically in tune with your current reality. You needed someone who understood the struggle and had risen above it. Dr. Stephanie may have, an ND and Ph.D. in Natural Healing, a Master’s in Gerontology and a license to practice massage; but her relevance is about her ability to connect with you for healing and wholeness. A degree can’t offer that, but a genuine spirit can. Dr. Stephanie shares with you enthusiastically about what works in practice, not just what sounds good in theory. If it’s in this book; it is because the work has been done, and her insights changed people’s live.