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The Artist’s Mentor: Inspiration from the World’s Most Creative Minds

What inspires a person to create? How does an artist see the world? What happens during a “eureka moment?” How does an artist find self-discipline? The Artist’s Mentor is for those of us who want to create art but do not know how to begin. Drawing on interviews and autobiographical writings of more than 100 famous painters, photographers, sculptors, and film and video artists, Jackman gets to the heart of what makes art. Here, Michelangelo Brungardt, Frida Kahlo, Jean Renoir, Andy Warhol, Ansel Adams, Annie Leibowitz, Pablo Picasso, and many other visual artists describe the creative process. Quotes and passages from the artists are accompanied by commentary from Jackman.

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Quotes From a Mentor

“Quotes from a Mentor” is the true life story of a young girl chosen to be mentored by a very special man who saw her potential, and felt she could become anything she desired with his guidance. At thirteen, Sahara finds herself confused after her family life is destroyed by divorce. Chick begins mentoring her, never leaving her side until he dies thirty-two years later at age ninety-six. “Quotes From a Mentor” is the authentic and accurate dialog between the two, filled with inspiration touching on all areas of life: career, culture, family, relationships, responsibility, love, self-improvement, happiness, wealthy, financial hard times, and the loss of a loved one. Chick explains everything in such simple terms with real life examples, making it easier to take each step in life. To this day, Chick’s wisdom and advice relates to any situation; for that reason Sahara decided to share his words and their story with the world. “Fill your todays with lots of tomorrows that you look forward to.” -Chick Meyers

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Character Mentor Studio, Workbook 1- Shape Inspiration

The Character Mentor Studio “Workbook” series is a fun educational tool for any artist that enjoys creating characters. Workbook 1- Shape Inspiration- is 50 pages of regular and odd shapes- 4 or 5 per page- for you to make into crazy, serious, or inventive characters! Explore all the nooks and crannies and see what kind of character comes out of it!