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Increase Your Wealth with Subliminal Affirmations: Get More Money & Raise Your Income, Solfeggio Tones, Binaural Beats, Self Help Meditation Hypnosis

Gain a better understanding of how to manage your money. Attract wealth and abundance. Become wiser at spending and saving. You have the power to increase your wealth today!This subliminal hypnosis program works for you on three different levels – positive affirmations will be spoken during your deepest state of open relaxation, low binaural beats that are almost imperceptible to the human ear work with your subconscious mind to anchor the positive affirmations to help you increase your wealth, and ancient Solfeggio tones encourage healing and wholeness with powerful harmonic frequencies. Along with seven different soothing sounds of nature, these three elements combined together are the triad of positive change that will propel you toward a better future. Increase Your Wealth Affirmations in this program are:

I accept good things I am wise with my investments Money comes to me I am good at saving I understand money The law of attraction is increasing my wealth I am filled with the light of wisdom There is money everywhere to be had

Instructions:There are no relaxation suggestions in this subliminal hypnosis program, so you can listen at any time of the day or night. You may listen to the entire program as a whole or select only specific nature sounds that you enjoy most – the positive affirmations will still be effective for change.

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Succeed at Negotiating with Subliminal Affirmations: Business Skills & How to Negotiate, Solfeggio Tones, Binaural Beats, Self Help Meditation Hypnosis

Know when to push and when to back down in negotiations. Feel confident in your negotiating skills. Be at the top of your game. Learn how to succeed at negotiating today!

This subliminal hypnosis program works for you on three different levels – positive affirmations will be spoken during your deepest state of open relaxation, low binaural beats that are almost imperceptible to the human ear work with your subconscious mind to anchor the positive affirmations to help you succeed at negotiating, and ancient Solfeggio tones encourage healing and wholeness with powerful harmonic frequencies. Along with seven different soothing sounds of nature, these three elements combined together are the triad of positive change that will propel you toward a better future.

Succeed at Negotiating Affirmations in this program are:

I have strong negotiating skills I will succeed My mind is focused I have a naturally high level of intelligence I will not settle for “no” I know when to push and when to back down I am calm and composed in stressful situations My instincts are good Every breath I take fills me with confidence

Instructions: There are no relaxation suggestions in this subliminal hypnosis program, so you can listen at any time of the day or night. You may listen to the entire program as a whole or select only specific nature sounds that you enjoy most – the positive affirmations will still be effective for change.

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Psychic Healing Subliminal Hypnosis: Healthy Energy & Power of the Mind, Subconscious Affirmations, Binaural Beats, Solfeggio Tones

Tap into your own physic powers and intuition to heal your body and mind with this subliminal hypnosis program. By using subliminal techniques, your subconscious mind will receive subliminal messages that promote positive change, removing limiting beliefs and negative energy, and helping you to connect to your mind’s eye and the healing powers you possess. Let subliminal hypnosis help you heal in a natural, effective way. Just simply sit back and relax, and let your subconscious mind do all the work for you! Why wait another day?

Your mind is a powerful tool, and you have the power to focus your healing energy where you desire. Embrace your psychic healing ability and improve the quality of your life today with subliminal hypnosis!


Track 1 – Subliminal InstructionsTrack 2 – Psychic Healing SubliminalTrack 3 – Subliminal AnchorTrack 4 – Healing Dreams SubliminalTrack 5 – Less Stress SubliminalTrack 6 – Flower Wheel of Life Healing SubliminalTrack 7 – Release the Negative Subliminal

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Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis: Exercise Motivation & Healthy Habits, Guided Meditation, Self-Hypnosis, Binaural Beats

Are you tired of working out and not seeing the results you want? Are you committed to making healthy changes in your life? Get the extreme weight loss results you want with this hypnosis program from Erick Brown.

Extreme Weight Loss will channel your subconscious mind and encourage you to eat healthy and increase your exercise motivation. Subliminal suggestions for deep relaxation and positive change will be received by your subconscious, increasing your level of energy, helping you stay dedicated to working out, and improving your self-confidence. Why wait another day? Experience extreme weight loss with Erick Brown Hypnosis!

Extreme Weight Loss includes an instructional track and three hypnosis tracks for you to choose from: One containing a beach induction that will lull you into a deep state of relaxation with the soothing sounds of waves hitting the shore, allowing you to let go of any mental inhibitions and be completely open to positive change. One containing a staircase induction that will walk you down a mental stairway into a deeply relaxed state that ends with you in a peaceful, safe place where you can feel comfortable enough to completely open up to these hypnotic suggestions. And one containing a speed induction that will quickly take you into a deeply relaxed state. Use this track if you are already familiar with the relaxation process and would like to quickly move into deep relaxation.

Bonus Track: Deep Sleep Subliminal -This subliminal bonus track can be used with your hypnosis program or on its own for a deep, restful sleep. Binaural beats and solfeggio tones relax your brainwaves and body, melting away tension and stress.