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Seeking Heaven: Sound Journeys into the Beyond

The #1 best seller Proof of Heaven has already touched millions of lives, turning skeptics into believers in the existence of a universal dimension characterized by peace, acceptance and unconditional love that is accessible to all of us.

In the closing pages of Proof of Heaven, Dr. Alexander writes that he uses meditation audio programs to achieve the altered state of mind that enables him to return to the idyllic realm he describes in the book, and suggests that readers and listeners can use similar audio programs to alter their consciousness and achieve comparable results.


In SEEKING HEAVEN, Dr. Alexander presents four thirty-minute audio meditations produced specifically to support and enhance the experience of readers and listeners of Proof of Heaven who want to access the brain state of blissful higher consciousness and that he attained during his Near Death Experience. Working closely with meditation audio specialist Sacred Acoustics to develop four guided meditations that combine digital harmonic frequencies, sacred instruments, sounds from nature and the human voice to help listeners recreate the four stages of his miraculous spiritual journey: “Everything is a Vibration,” “Thinning the Veil,” “Shift Your Perspective,”  and “Connecting with Source.”

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Good Self, Bad Self: Transforming Your Worst Qualities into Your Biggest Assets

They found out. It’s not working . They won’t listen. It’s all over. Now what ?

Whether the problem is debt, infidelity, indiscretion, or merely an embarrassing email sent to the wrong reader, we have all found ourselves in bad situations of our own making. And whether that puts you in a delicate position or a full-blown crisis, it can sometimes feel as if there is no way out. Enter Judy Smith. America’s number one crisis management expert, Judy Smith is on speed dial for some of the highest-profile celebrities, politicians, and corporations in the world. But though her business is helping her clients recover from widely publicized personal and professional setbacks, her expertise is applicable to us all. In Good Self, Bad Self, Smith shares her methods, gleaned from years of professional experience, for smoothing over a bad situation while providing the tools to prevent similar incidents from ever happening again.

The way to get through a personal or professional rough spot is by understanding the traits that can lead to our wildest successes and most painful failures. Smith has learned to identify high-risk situations that often lead to marital, financial, professional, or personal imprudence; her ability to anticipate potential personal disasters has allowed her to coach people prior to, as well as in the wake of, crisis.

She has identified seven traits that are often found at the root of a crisis. These traits can be positive and extremely useful but can cause problems when they fall out of balance. Drawing on more than twenty years of professional experience, Smith explains how to prevent these characteristics from interfering with your life. They are:

· Ego

· Denial

· Fear

· Ambition

· Accommodation

· Patience

· Indulgence

Smith uses examples from high-profile cases to illustrate how celebrities, businesses, and individuals have become victims of their own bad behavior when they let one of these traits fall out of balance. Exploring the underlying factors of some very public and often unpleasant scandals, Smith shows how different situations could have been prevented by recalibrating one (or more) of those seven vital characteristics. As she shares her method of repairing the damage that these situations can cause, Smith also explains what we can all be doing in our own lives to prevent a crisis from getting started. Nobody’s perfect, and the same character traits that bring us success can lead to our downfall. It is the way each of us deals with personal character flaws that dictates whether we’re going to succeed or fail. In Good Self, Bad Self, Judy Smith distills years of experience to share the tools we all need to face our mistakes and ultimately overcome them.

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Into the Wild

In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. His name was Christopher Johnson McCandless. He had given $25,000 in savings to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet, and invented a new life for himself. Four months later, his decomposed body was found by a moose hunter.  How McCandless came to die is the unforgettable story of Into the Wild.

Immediately after graduating from college in 1991, McCandless had roamed through the West and Southwest on a vision quest like those made by his heroes Jack London and John Muir.  In the Mojave Desert he abandoned his car, stripped it of its license plates, and burned all of his  cash.  He would give himself a new name, Alexander Supertramp, and , unencumbered by money and belongings, he would be free to wallow in the raw, unfiltered experiences that nature presented.  Craving a blank spot on the map, McCandless simply threw the maps away.  Leaving behind his desperate parents and sister, he vanished into the wild.

Jon Krakauer constructs a clarifying prism through which he reassembles the disquieting facts of McCandless’s short life.  Admitting an interst that borders on obsession, he searches for the clues to the dries and desires that propelled McCandless.  Digging deeply, he takes an inherently compelling mystery and unravels the larger riddles it holds: the profound pull of the American wilderness on our imagination; the allure of high-risk activities to young men of a certain cast of mind; the complex, charged bond between fathers and sons.

When McCandless’s innocent mistakes turn out to be irreversible and fatal, he becomes the stuff of tabloid headlines and is dismissed for his naiveté, pretensions, and hubris.  He is said  to have had a death wish but wanting to die is a very different thing from being compelled to look over the edge. Krakauer brings McCandless’s uncompromising pilgrimage out of the shadows, and the peril, adversity , and renunciation sought by this enigmatic young man are illuminated with a rare understanding–and not an ounce of sentimentality. Mesmerizing, heartbreaking, Into the Wild is a tour de force. The power and luminosity of Jon Krakauer’s stoytelling blaze through every page.”God, he was a smart kid…” So why did Christopher McCandless trade a bright future–a college education, material comfort, uncommon ability and charm–for death by starvation in an abandoned bus in the woods of Alaska? This is the question that Jon Krakauer’s book tries to answer. While it doesn’t—cannot—answer the question with certainty, Into the Wild does shed considerable light along the way. Not only about McCandless’s “Alaskan odyssey,” but also the forces that drive people to drop out of society and test themselves in other ways. Krakauer quotes Wallace Stegner’s writing on a young man who similarly disappeared in the Utah desert in the 1930s: “At 18, in a dream, he saw himself … wandering through the romantic waste places of the world. No man with any of the juices of boyhood in him has forgotten those dreams.” Into the Wild shows that McCandless, while extreme, was hardly unique; the author makes the hermit into one of us, something McCandless himself could never pull off. By book’s end, McCandless isn’t merely a newspaper clipping, but a sympathetic, oddly magnetic personality. Whether he was “a courageous idealist, or a reckless idiot,” you won’t soon forget Christopher McCandless.

Product Features

  • Author: Jon Krakauer.
  • Manufactured to the Highest Quality Available.
  • Satisfaction Ensured.
  • Great Gift Idea.
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Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space within the Heart (with CD)

Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our hearts. What good would it do to find this place again?
This is a book of remembering. You have always had this place within your heart, and it is still there now. It existed before creation, and it will exist even after the last star shines its brilliant light. At night when you enter your dreams, you leave your mind and enter the sacred space of your heart. But do you remember? Or do you only remember the dream?
Why am I telling you about this something that is fading from our memories? What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind? Don t I know where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens?
Yes, I do. But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are. You are more than just a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place, where the world can literally be remade through conscious cocreation. If you really want peace of spirit and if you want to return home, I invite you into the beauty of your own heart. With your permission, I will show you what has been shown to me. I will give you the exact instructions to the pathway into your heart where you and God are intimately one.
It is your choice. But I must warn you: Within this experience resides great responsibility. Life knows when a spirit is born to the higher worlds, and life will use you as all the great masters who have ever lived have been used. If you read this book and do the meditation and then expect nothing to change in your life, you may get caught spiritually napping. Once you have entered the light of the great darkness, your life will change eventually, you will remember who you really are; eventually your life will become a life of service to humanity.
In the last two chapters reside a surprise and a glimpse of great hope. The human lightbody that surrounds the body for about fifty-five to sixty feet in diameter, the Mer-Ka-Ba (which I wrote about in my first two books, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Volumes I and II), has a secret inherently connected to this sacred space of the heart. If you are practicing the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation in your life, I believe you will find the information in this book to be paramount to your journey of ascension into the higher worlds of light. If you are only interested in the sacred space of the heart, may these words be a blessing in your life and help you remember your true nature.
One last comment. This book is written with the least amount of words possible to convey the meaning and to keep the integrity of the essence of this experience. The images are purposefully simple. It is written from the heart, not the mind.

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The Slight Edge (Revised Edition): Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success

Why is it that some people make dream after dream come true, while others just continue dreaming and spend their lives building dreams for someone else?

One simple reason: those that are “successful” have found their SLIGHT EDGE!

The Slight Edge is not just another self-help, motivation tool of methods you must learn in order to make it up the path of success. It simply shows you how to create powerful results from the simple daily activities of your life, by using tools that are already within you.

What do you need to make that happen? Discover that one thing that will help you achieve that goal, realize a life-long dream or propel you up the ladder to success.

Once you’ve got it, then you will discover how your philosophy… creates your attitude… creates your actions… creates your results… creates YOUR LIFE!

The Slight Edge is a way of thinking, a way of processing information that enables you to make the daily choices that will lead you to the success you desire. The Slight Edge is the key that will make all the other how-to books and self-help information that you read, watch and hear actually work.

Our favorite endorsements are from our readers:

I have read personal-development books for over 20 years and I can say this is the one that tied them all together. It is so easy to read and understand, and so powerful in the simplicity.
–Mike Bishop, Wilsonville, OR

I use this philosophy throughout my day. I ve become a better person all around. I was able to correct my negative outlooks. I m a better role model for my children, my health is getting better, I m more connected spiritually, my relationships are improving, and my business is thriving. It is a must-have and a must-read.
–Pedro Garcia, Middletown, NY

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Ascending into Miracles: The Path of Spiritual Mastery

We are at a crossroads in our evolution, a place where all of humanity can choose the path of enlightenment and create heaven on earth. Are we resigned to our destiny or can we believe ours is the path of creation, transformation and ascension into miracles? How we answer that question indicates whether we are ready to access the portal of spiritual mastery and connect with the dynamic flow of Universal energy, where miracles happen. This is where we learn to work with Universal law and use our intention and focus to create the life—and the world—of our dreams. Peace, joy, abundance and unconditional love are choices that are always available to us when we begin from a point of focused intention and accept our power as divine spiritual beings. Ascending into Miracles – the Path of Spiritual Mastery is the roadmap for your ascension journey, your path to mastery, and within its pages you will find information and guidance so you can begin your inner awakening into spiritual mastery, moving beyond the healing and growth that have been your soul’s purpose and take the next steps into miraculous, abundant, joyful, masterful living.

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She Talks With Angels: A Psychic-Medium’s Guide into the Spirit World

She Talks with Angels tackles controversial subject matter. As a psychic medium, Michelle Whitedove asks the tough questions; What really happens when we die? Do we have Guardian Angels? Is abortion murder? Do we reincarnate? Is our destiny pre-ordained? The author bares witness of a loving God as she steps into the spirit world and relays channeled messages from the heavens that uncover answers to life’s most thought provoking questions.For those who want to improve their life this book teaches, it is ‘our soul’ that seeks fulfillment. This book contains the basic steps to finding inner peace through a personal relationship with the spirit world. It inspires and teaches us that that we are never alone and that our loved ones never die. We live forever.

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Spiritual Meaning: 92 Tips For Changing Your Spiritual Reality By Bringing More Spiritual Awareness Into Your Life


Spiritual Meaning: 92 Tips For Changing Your Spiritual Reality By Bringing More Spiritual Awareness Into Your Life is a simple and easy-to-apply book in which you will discover ninety-two tips you can immediately use for changing your spiritual reality by bringing more spiritual awareness into your life in the shortest time possible.

Also included…access to a FREE video which reveals the stunningly SIMPLE secret to finally creating an amazing life of wealth and prosperity – FOREVER! You’ll Learn…

– How ONE SIMPLE WORD can start giving you opportunities you never knew existed!
– Why ‘you become what you think about’ is usually a recipe for failure!
– Why you DON’T need to even think about the Law of Attraction to have an amazing life!
– The simple FOUR-WORD QUESTION you can ask yourself to discover whether you are sabotaging your chances of success.
– Why it’s better to REACT rather than take action, even though the ‘Gurus’ say the opposite!
– The simple reason why rich people get even richer without even trying!