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DISCIPLINE: Develop Self-Discipline And The Willpower to Achieve Your Goals, Discover True Happiness Through Self-Control, Motivation, And Resisting Temptations

Discover Your Inner Strength, Live A Happier, More Fulfilling Life Through Self-Discipline and Develop The Techniques To Be More Productive. The Human being is a complex character, filled with so many emotions and feelings that are hard to describe. It is these emotions and feelings that make us different from each other. We each have our own personality based on what we can control and what we can’t control. While certain individuals find it easy to control certain feelings and emotions, some individuals believe that they simply cannot. They just flow with what they feel in the spur of the moment and accept that this is just the way they were born. Whether your aim is ton extremely powerful tool, that can us help in achieving our goals and living a happier life.

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10 Days To Lifetime Self-Discipline: The Fastest Path To Motivation And Willpower

Unleash Your Potential

Are you afraid your dreams are slipping through your fingers and becoming increasingly less possible for you to achieve?

You don’t need to work your unfulfilling job or continue your self destructive habits. Don’t give up hope. You still have the power to develop self-discipline.

Self-discipline means you have the power to resist temptations, maintain motivation and focus and do what it takes to accomplish your dreams.

Does that seem difficult for you? Then this book is for you!

Self-discipline doesn’t need to be hard, and you can even enjoy the process of developing it!

You don’t need to be a professional athlete to learn how to be the most self-disciplined version of yourself possible. You only need the desire to change and goals you care about.

Why do you need self-discipline? It is key to success. How do you think Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee, Brian Phelps, and other successful athletes, and businessman have managed to build their reputations?


and you don’t need to either!

How many of your goals could you have accomplished by now if you’d had the willpower to focus on them?

10 Days To Lifetime Self-Discipline: The Fastest Path to Motivation and Willpower prepares you mentally for the challenges of improving your life and developing this skill that is key to success.

Inside you will learn:

Motivation How to Turn Success into a Daily Habit How to Fix your Sleeping Schedule How to Maximize your Potential Self-control Resisting Temptation Improving Your Focus 10 Effective Tips for Solving Procrastination How to Build a Positive Mindset Time Management Hacks and several exercises to help you develop Self-Discipline

After preparing you mentally, you get to reward yourself with a 10 day training program which includes new tasks, habits and challenges each day to gradually increase your self-discipline.

This program has already successfully helped many people improve their life and it can help you too!

See what others are saying:

“I was lazy and couldn’t get myself to wake up early in the morning until I tried Adam Rockman’s 10 Day to lifetime Self-Discipline plan. I’m happy it’s now available in book form so I can look threw it when I need another kick in the ass.” -John Jarvis

“I just have to say the content of this book could change your life as long as you are willing to put in the work. I immediately felt much happier to be living my life after challenging myself to take the 10 days to lifetime Self-Discipline challenge. I’ve finally started going to the gym, started my own business, and facing other fears and that’s mostly because this book helped me build the groundwork to do it.” – Jeremy Bennison

Take action and download this book now!

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Mental Toughness for Peak Performance, Leadership Development, and Success: How to Maximize Your Focus, Motivation, Confidence, Self-Discipline, Willpower, and Mind Power in Sports, Business or Health

Want to Double Your Mental Toughness Within Weeks?

Tired of working hard, training hard and still not achieving more success or more wins?

What essential quality do all winners, champions, and high achievers possess? Simple. They possess the characteristic responsible for making talent and training applicable for real-world results—mental toughness.

Regardless of your activity, position, or skill level…you cannot achieve peak performance unless you have complete and consistent control of your mind. Mental toughness is often the sole difference between winning and losing in sports, business, and personal health.

Learn The #1 Mental Toughness Method for Sports, Business, Leadership, and Health

Based on proven methods of mental masters–such as Michael Jordan, Bruce Lee, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, and other champion athletes, world-renowned leaders, and highly successful business people–Mental Toughness for Peak Performance, Leadership Development, and Success provides specific instructions and exercises to increase mind power for competition, career advancement, and personal achievement.

The Mental Toughness LoopTM method…detailed in this guide…is the most simple, innovative, and effective process for developing superior mental toughness. The Mental Toughness Loop method is designed to isolate, transform, maximize, and integrate the seven skills of mental toughness for peak performance.

Discover The 7 Keys to Superior Mental Toughness

1.Motivation: The starting point for all significant success is motivation. Learn how to spark your motivation and overcome the mental barriers that are holding you back from taking action and achieving greater success.

2.Willpower and Self-Control: Most people point to lack of willpower as the number one reason for being unable to make successful changes in their training, habits, and lifestyle. Learn a simple 3-step process for developing consistent willpower to resist negative influences and eliminate negative habits.

3.Self-Discipline: Find out how to stop procrastinating. With self-discipline–you can more easily create new habits, achieve continuous improvements, and deliver better results.

4.Focus and Concentration: The ability to focus instantly and intensely is a hallmark skill of champion athletes and successful leaders. Discover how to develop “hyper-focus” skills for improved concentration and competitive performance.

5.Mental Stamina: Elite athletes and leaders can “lock in” on their focus during intense competition and crucial performances. Learn how to increase your mental endurance–so that you can maintain peak performance, outlast the competition, and finish strong!

6.Self-Confidence: Belief in your skills is a basic requirement for mental toughness. Learn how to bolster your self-confidence, elevate your courage, and prevent fear from affecting your ability to take action and get results.

7.Mental Strength: Learn how to acquire the mental toughness skills that allow champions and leaders to achieve outstanding results in the face of extreme pressures, obstacles, or pain.

Get 2 Bonus Chapters

In addition to a step-by-step guide on mental toughness training, you will receive a bonus chapter on developing advanced peak performance and leadership skills. Also, you will receive a 2nd bonus chapter featuring “mental toughness masters.” The mental training lessons shared by these legendary winners and champions will inspire you to maximize your skills, performance, and results.

Learn More

Oder the print edition and get the kindle edition for FREE. Buy now and start improving your mental toughness today.

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Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength

Pioneering research psychologist Roy F. Baumeister collaborates with New York Times science writer John Tierney to revolutionize our understanding of the most coveted human virtue: self-control. Drawing on cutting-edge research and the wisdom of real-life experts, Willpower shares lessons on how to focus our strength, resist temptation, and redirect our lives. It shows readers how to be realistic when setting goals, monitor their progress, and how to keep faith when they falter. By blending practical wisdom with the best of recent research science, Willpower makes it clear that whatever we seek—from happiness to good health to financial security—we won’t reach our goals without first learning to harness self-control.

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Willpower: Regain Your Self-Control and Rediscover Your Willpower Instinct (Empowerment Book Series)

Willpower – How do they do it? How do some people come up with an idea and build a successful small business around it while others struggle just to get to work every day? How do top producing sales executives convince themselves to make one more call, go to one more meeting, or get up after a devastating loss and do it all again? Sure they talk about sticking to it through the hard times; but how do they get themselves to grind along before they see the rewards? No matter how many motivational posters you see, people are simply either born with drive or they aren’t, right? But what if that’s not the case… Think about the woman who’s been overweight her whole life and then suddenly loses 150 pounds. Or the smoker who spends 35 years dragging on a cigarette and one day simply stops the habit cold. Think about the businessman who goes through bankruptcy and a slew of devastating failures only to finally rise to the top of the business world. What if willpower was a muscle – one that you could develop? What if it could be learned? This book focuses on a step-by-step process you can use to quickly gain more willpower and effortlessly maintain it in the future. In simple and concise terms, it lays out how you can easily focus your energy to achieve your goals and improve the quality of your life. You’ll discover the fascinating research that has been done on willpower, why it’s so elusive, and the easiest way to tap into your willpower instinct. You’ll discover how to: Strengthen your self-control Finally stick to that exercise or diet program Finish that project you always talk about completing (you know the one!) Set goals that actually get accomplished Start knocking out your bucket list items, one by one Make lasting and powerful change in your life Willpower is like a muscle. It takes time to develop. This book provides the fastest way to start exercising your self-control and take advantage of the momentum that creates in your life. The sooner you start, the sooner you can harness the power of you! Get started today!

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The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It

Based on Stanford University psychologist Kelly McGonigal’s wildly popular course “The Science of Willpower,” The Willpower Instinct is the first book to explain the new science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve our health, happiness, and productivity.

Informed by the latest research and combining cutting-edge insights from psychology, economics, neuroscience, and medicine, The Willpower Instinct explains exactly what willpower is, how it works, and why it matters. For example, readers will learn:
Willpower is a mind-body response, not a virtue. It is a biological function that can be improved through mindfulness, exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Willpower is not an unlimited resource. Too much self-control can actually be bad for your health. Temptation and stress hijack the brain’s systems of self-control, but the brain can be trained for greater willpower Guilt and shame over your setbacks lead to giving in again, but self-forgiveness and self-compassion boost self-control. Giving up control is sometimes the only way to gain self-control. Willpower failures are contagious—you can catch the desire to overspend or overeat from your friends­­—but you can also catch self-control from the right role models. In the groundbreaking tradition of Getting Things Done, The Willpower Instinct combines life-changing prescriptive advice and complementary exercises to help readers with goals ranging from losing weight to more patient parenting, less procrastination, better health, and greater productivity at work.