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Quote Junkie: Philosophy Edition: Over 1300 Quotes From Great Philosophers And Others Who Have Had Philisophical Moments Of Wisdom

The Hagopian Institute, LLC has compiled the Quote Junkie series. The overall series includes over 8,000 quotes, focusing mostly on short quotes that can be used in everyday life as sources of wisdom and inspiration. This particular edition of the series includes over 1300 quotes from philosophers, and people who have had philosophical moments of wisdom. This is a must-have for all quote lovers. Please enjoy these quotes, and share them with your co-workers, friends and family.

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Cosmic Consciousness and Healing with the Quantum Field: -a Guide to Holding Space Facilitating Healing, Attunements, Blessings, and Empowerments for Self and Others

-a Guide to Holding Space Facilitating Healing, Attunements, Blessings, and Empowerments for Self and Others

This is an Empowerment, Initiation, and Guidebook, to holding a space of Infinite Possibilities.

You can then utilize this energy for Healing, Blessings, and to achieve Ascension.

Learn how to practice awareness of the never ending resources of the Super Conscious Unified Quantum Field.

Learn practices for perceiving energy.

initiations that activate the energies of ascension to higher levels of
being in the world and can even lead to cellular transfiguration into a
pure light body.

Welcome to a Magical and Mysterious World without limits…

(Please do not read this book while or immediately before driving or operating heavy machinery…)

Energy Field is an important part of life, indeed it is the foundation
of all material reality.  Learning to cultivate awareness of energy and a
pragmatic awareness of working with a field of energy is a valuable
skill.  With this sense of energy and energy movements comes a whole
new dimension to life.  In a unified Field of Energy the resources
available to you and possibilities of experience are infinitely more
vast than a mere world of separate objects and individual identity.
Within this world as a Being of Energy in a Field of Energy, miracles
become commonplace, and Instant Healing, 12 Stranded DNA Activation, and
Ascension of the Physical Body into pure light become equally valid as
“physical” reality by Awareness of Infinite Possibilities – The Ultimate

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Transformation for Life: Healing and Growth for Adult Children of Alcoholics and Others

Healing, growth and recovery techniques are now available for adult children of alcoholics in this unique book based upon successful interactive workshops. The reader will increase self-knowledge and self-confidence, replace destructive belief systems, take control over his or her feelings, use conversational magic to build positive and long lasting relationships, nurture the inner child and create a life filled with greater joy, peace and success. Included are proven skill/confidence-building exercises, re-parenting techniques, powerful affirmations and life-changing information.

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Healing Touch Meditations: Guided Practices to Awaken Healing Energy for Yourself and Others

The Healing Touch Program(tm) has successfully brought energy medicine into hospitals and clinical settings through a standardized curriculum recognized in mainstream healthcare. Now Cynthia Hutchison, the director of the Healing Touch Program(tm), invites listeners to discover the core practices that activate our own capacity to transmit healing energy for the benefit of ourselves and others. On Healing Touch Meditations, she offers two CDs of guided techniques based on the training program that certifies Healing Touch practitioners worldwide–featuring the three major meditations taught in Healing Touch along with two additional presentations to prepare you to practice them.

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Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods: Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing isn’t sold in prescription tablets at the corner drugstore. Chakra, Reiki and Theta are spiritual healing methods with distinctive and unique characteristics and concepts that must be fully grasped before they can be used to effectively heal. Stacy Milescu’s Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods explains these three well-known and respected spiritual healing methods in one substantive resource – breaking down complex theory and practice into easily understood layman’s terms. With the help of this guide, non-professional healers can fully understand and practice spiritual healing methods in the most effective manner. Throughout this helpful beginner’s guide, Milescu’s clear and refreshingly concise writing style is beautifully complemented by serenely inspiring color photographs. Open the door to knowledge and let the healing journey begin! Special Features and Details • Written particularly for non-professional spiritual healers • Provides a detailed overview of Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing • Illustrated with vivid color photographs, including a Chakra photograph illustrating the various Chakra locations on the human body Scroll Up and Click “Buy Now” to start Reading Today.