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Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

Have you ever left a nerve-racking challenge and immediately wished for a do over? Maybe after a job interview, a performance, or a difficult conversation? The very moments that require us to be genuine and commanding can instead cause us to feel phony and powerless. Too often we approach our lives’ biggest hurdles with dread, execute them with anxiety, and leave them with regret.

By accessing our personal power, we can achieve “presence,” the state in which we stop worrying about the impression we’re making on others and instead adjust the impression we’ve been making on ourselves. As Harvard professor Amy Cuddy’s revolutionary book reveals, we don’t need to embark on a grand spiritual quest or complete an inner transformation to harness the power of presence. Instead, we need to nudge ourselves, moment by moment, by tweaking our body language, behavior, and mind-set in our day-to-day lives.

Amy Cuddy has galvanized tens of millions of viewers around the world with her TED talk about “power poses.” Now she presents the enthralling science underlying these and many other fascinating body-mind effects, and teaches us how to use simple techniques to liberate ourselves from fear in high-pressure moments, perform at our best, and connect with and empower others to do the same.

Brilliantly researched, impassioned, and accessible, Presence is filled with stories of individuals who learned how to flourish during the stressful moments that once terrified them. Every reader will learn how to approach their biggest challenges with confidence instead of dread, and to leave them with satisfaction instead of regret.

An Amazon Best Book of December 2015: Madonna isn’t the only person famous for telling people to strike a (power) pose. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy advocates for the same in a book that expounds on the ideas set forth in her popular 2012 TED Talk, “Your Body Shapes Who You Are.” It may sound silly, but assuming the assured body language of Wonder Woman, or that “Man Spreader” on the bus, can literally change your body chemistry and make you feel more confident in anxiety-inducing situations. I must admit I was a bit dubious when I first heard about this, but Cuddy’s Presence offers up sound science to back up her claims, and, well I tried it. Even sans the Lasso of Truth, I was less nervous about a public speaking engagement after taking Cuddy’s advice, and was therefore more successful at that endeavor. Translate this to a first date, a job interview, even those prickly conversations you hesitate to have with loved ones…and you’re conjuring self-confidence at the times you need it most. This is something that hits home for Cuddy, who overcame a traumatic brain injury to become a respected professor and researcher at the Harvard Business School, a feat she once thought inconceivable. Learning about the tenuous time in her life when she was paralyzed with doubts about her intellectual capacity, about how successful she could be in life, lends Presence a certain emotional center you don’t find in many books of its type. –Erin Kodicek

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Peace, Power, and Presence: A Guide to Self Empowerment, Inner Peace, and Spiritual Enlightenment

Why is your life the way it is? How do your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs affect your perception of the world around you? How does this perception influence your power, and therefore affect your state of Inner Peace? Most importantly, how can you approach your life–as it is right now–in such a way so as to liberate yourself from suffering and become established in a lasting state of Peace, in the Power to fulfill your purpose, and in absolute Presence to the perfection that you are?
In this groundbreaking new book Peace, Power, and Presence, Jonathan Evatt brings clarity to key principles and perspectives on these and other challenging questions. The result is nothing short of your becoming empowered to recognize the ultimate answers already emerging from the essence within you. You will pierce through the many veils of deception so prevalent in the world today, and step into a Life of Freedom defined not by some external source of knowledge but by the immaculate wisdom of your own Being.

Peace, Power, and Presence are the fulfillment of what each of us is striving to discover through all our many endeavours. Those people familiar with Jonathan’s liberating approach to Life have been empowered by the realization that the fulfillment of Peace, Power, and Presence within them requires no beliefs, no dogma, no institutions, and no blind adherence to the many outdated religions and spiritual teachings in the world today. In what is set to become a key point of reference for those individuals interested in spiritual and human freedom, Jonathan makes no attempt to show you how to live your life. Instead, he shares with you a new way to approach the life you are already living–an approach that will bring into actualization your innate qualities of Enlightenment–for a Life of Freedom.

– 2nd place in the Mind, Body, Spirit genre (2009) Ashton Wylie Charitable Trust Book Award (New Zealand)
– 1st place in the Reader Reviews regional category for Australia / New Zealand / Asia, in 2008

– Award-Winning Finalist in the Spirituality category of the USA National Best Books 2008 – Awards, sponsored by USA Book News.
– Winner of a Shortlisting Award in the Mind, Body, Spirit genre (2006) Ashton Wylie Charitable Trust Unpublished Manuscript Award (New Zealand)

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Mindfulness Meditation: Nine Guided Practices to Awaken Presence and Open Your Heart

Mindfulness Meditations for Healing, Presence, and Clarity

A profound transformation can occur just by training your attention in awareness-a practice sweeping schools, workplaces, and institutions across the country with its capacity to decrease stress, cultivate inner calm, and expand wisdom and creativity. Clinical psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach has been at the forefront of mindfulness-based therapy since its inception, successfully bringing principles of mindfulness to alleviate depression, chronic pain, and more. Now, with Mindfulness Meditation, she offers nine of her most effective guided sessions, perfect for beginning or deepening your mindfulness practice:

A Pause for Presence-a short, basic practice that can be used daily to feel at home with mindfulness Developing Self-Compassion-a meditation that cultivates a forgiving and caring heart towards yourself and others Presence with Everyday Fears-a practice to help you address fear and other emotions in order to find greater freedom and choice Mindfulness of Pain-a meditation to release you from physical suffering Contacting Our Inner Wisdom-a practice to help you avoid constant reactivity in difficult situations

“It’s only in the actual experience of here and now that we can experience our full aliveness,” teaches Dr. Brach. “The practice of mindfulness helps to open a heart that is ready for anything.” With Mindfulness Meditation, find the tools to walk the path of mindful awareness-and connect with your innate capacity for love, clarity, and inner peace.

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Meditation: Practicing Presence in Every Moment of Your Life

Is it possible for meditation to be utterly effortless? To experience the depths of being in any given moment of our lives-not just while we practice? Not only is it possible, explains Eckhart Tolle, but it is the very way we come to touch the essence of meditation. With Meditation, we join this treasured teacher as he discusses the many methods of meditation and their shared purpose: accessing the richness and power of pure presence.

This illuminating program explores:
– The role of meditation in everyday life
– How to discover “inner space” as a portal to presence
– The traditional art of meditating on an object, including the breath
– “Just sitting” and living in alignment with what is
– The true meaning of acceptance-meditation’s central goal

In its deepest sense, meditation is never a means to an end. It is about fully being and honoring the entire range of our experience-what Eckhart calls “saying yes.” Whether you’re just starting a practice or looking to go deeper than ever before, Meditation offers vital insights for anyone eager to taste the fruits of this revered discipline.