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Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul: Stories to Touch the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

A tribute to the women who uphold the written and unwritten oaths of service and of marriage.

All military personnel swear an oath to uphold the constitution and protect our country, while their spouses takes the unwritten oath to live a life of frequent moving, lengthy separations and endless anxieties. Their commitment requires a unique blend of patriotism, dedication, hard work and, most of all, flexibility.

The stories in Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul are written by military family members and the courageous women who themselves serve in the military. They celebrate the women who unite with kindred spirits to raise families, maintain homes and uphold the most positive attitudes when facing the fears of losing a loved one.

Each page in this special volume celebrates the unique bond between military wives and spouses and their dedication to home and country.

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Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Hope, Healing and Forgiveness (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

Previously available only through free distribution to prisons, this life-changing book is the result of charitable donations from sales of Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul and gifts from thousands of individuals.

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Tender Mercy for a Mother’s Soul: Inspiration to Renew Your Spirit

Motherhood is a rigorous season of life—one that demands daily giving and self-sacrifice. All too often that sacrifice includes giving up time for self-care, especially soul care. Yet a life lived without spiritual refreshment can eventually result in burnout and emptiness. Mothers of all ages need the encouragement and direction this book offers to help them get on the path to walking with God daily and benefiting from his strength.

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Return to Life: An Empowerment of the Spirit

How many of us can really say we have lived life to its fullest? Nowadays, we are reduced to bullet points and a list of “things to do” … today, this week, this year, in this lifetime. We are all born with these very primal instincts and needs. We view the world with this sense of awe and wonderment, when we are children. But where does it go? We grow into adulthood and we somehow shed these once cherished views. We become intricately tangled in the web of life; modern life anyways, as modern technology creeps in from every angle, we slip easily into automaton mode. The change happens so gradual, that we don’t even notice! Until one day, we look back and wonder; What ever happened to my bullet point? To my goals? To my will? To my REAL needs? The answer to these questions, is often sought after “outside” of ourselves, somewhere unreachable, and far away. Within ourselves we hold the key to passage into the bliss we seek all our lives. Therein are the answers to the “Perception” we have of life. We have the power to co-create our environment by adjusting our perceptions, and view life in a whole new way, to finally discover that although lost… it is now time to Return to Life! Religion, ethnicity, ancient customs, or traditional beliefs, have nothing to do with this. That is what makes this message so different from any other. This book is about the Inner Journey that one must take, in order to re-discover that perception within that allowed us to live free once, and experience things to their maximum potential. We seek this knowledge as if we know we “lost” it. Return to Life! Takes the reader on a journey in search for this inner truth, to find and remember who we are, and who we are meant to be. Feel inspired by the beautiful Full Color Illustrations included as each chapter cover, by world renowned artist Jonathon Earl Bowser. Travel along this colorful scenery of wondrous imagery, as you are taken deeper and deeper into your inner core for all the answers you seek. As you read each chapter, you will begin to “see” the difference in your life. Open your eyes and see what life is really about, and realize that we incapacitate or “self-sabotage” ourselves most of the time. Learn to let go of control, in order to gain it. Included are comprehensive visualizations, relaxation techniques, and answer finding strategies, along with various fun social experiment suggestions to keep your focus. ABOUT THE ART IN THIS BOOK Jonathon Earl Bowser, a Canadian artist of English, French, Scottish, and Chippewa descent describes his unique figurative-landscape paintings as “Mythic Naturalism”: an exploration of the Divinity of Beauty, and the Archetypes’ of Mythology. His work is a quest for the ancient, unchanging, and eternal knowledge found in the poetic revelation of the sacred and sublime. He believes that Mythology (both spiritual belief, and psychological preparation for life) must be recognized as the essential, timelessly enduring soul of our modern, hyper-dynamic, technology-driven world.

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Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook!

Animal spirit guides are spirit helpers in animal form who can provide guidance for questions you have about any aspect of your life. In this deck of 44 oracle cards created by Steven D. Farmer, you’ll find clear and concise messages from each of the spirit animals represented that will offer you sensible advice on whatever question you pose. The enclosed easy-to-follow guidebook provides detailed instructions to help you immediately give accurate readings for yourself and others, as well as elaborations on the initial message from each animal spirit guide.

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Return of Spirit Oracle Cards

44 Gold Gilded Cards plus guidebook

The Return of Spirit cards are the third deck in the best-selling series by Cheryl Lee Harnish. This set focuses on the personal, emotional, and daily challenges of life. The messages are three times longer than in the previous decks, providing in-depth detailed guidance and explanation. The booklet is now a paperback book in miniature size.

What hasn t changed is the incredible energy of the fractal art, the heart-filled connection with Spirit, the gold gilded card edges, and the exceptional quality and love that goes into each deck.

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Tarot of the Spirit

This 20th Anniversary Edition includes a clear film overlay of the Tree of Life, which illuminates the kabalistic mysteries of the deck, and provides additional levels of understanding each tarot card.

Product Features

  • TAROT OF THE SPIRIT DECK: comes from creators Pamela Eakins and Joyce Eakins
  • A masterful 78-card deck with colorful images that stimulate the mind to a higher level of
  • consciousness
  • These wonderful 2 3/4 x 4 3/4 tarot cards are great for the tarot lover in your life TAROT