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Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works (Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience)

How does motivation work? The classic answer is that people are motivated to approach pleasure and avoid pain, that they are motivated by “carrots and sticks.” But to understand human motivation, it is necessary to go beyond pleasure and pain. What people want is to be effective in their life pursuits, and there are three distinct ways that people want to be effective. They want to be effective in having desired results (value), which includes having pleasure but is not limited to pleasure. They want to be effective in managing what happens (control) and in establishing what’s real (truth), even if the process of managing what happens or establishing what’s real is painful. These three distinct ways of wanting to be effective go beyond just wanting pleasure, but there is even more to the story of how motivation works. These ways of wanting to be effective do not function in isolation. Rather, they work together. Indeed, the ways that value, truth, and control work together is the central story of motivation. By understanding how motivation works as an organization of value, truth, and control motives, we can re-think basic motivational issues, such the nature of personality and culture, how the motives of others can be managed effectively, and what is “the good life.”

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Quotes Illustrated: 100 works of art inspired by words

QUOTES ILLUSTRATED by Lesley Riley is a timeless source of inspiration and motivation. Through the diverse and eclectic work of over 90 artists, familiar and some not-yet-discovered quotes are brought to life.

It’s an eye-opening experience to see how these talented artists interpret modern and age-old wisdom. To quote Georgia O’Keefe, “Art is not what you see,
 but what you make others see.” And therein lies the magic of this book – it expands your awareness, so that you see, not only with new eyes, but come to understand how art can illustrate and illuminate more than words alone can express.

100 quotes were carefully chosen by Lesley to create a positive book that moves the reader to take action on their dreams. If the quotes alone don’t do the trick, the artwork certainly will. Artists were free to interpret their quote in their own way, with their medium of choice.

The book includes wonderful examples of digital art, art quilts, fiber art, mixed media, collage, assemblage and paintings. There is something to delight all tastes. Artists in particular will find this compendium a source of ideas and techniques for their own art. While it’s not a how-to book, information on materials and techniques used are provided for each artwork.


“Thought-provoking. Challenging. Beautiful. Inspiring. A book that combines two of my favorite things—quotations and art—is a sure winner, but this one goes beyond being simply a wonderful book. It will be a timeless source of dreams, a book whose pages demand to be studied over and over to see the artistry, details, imagination, and the sumptuous color. Each page is an adventure for the mind and the eye…and the heart.”
– Karey Bresenhan, Founder International Quilt Market & Festival

“Artists who are the most inspired and the most creative are those who share all that they know with everyone they know. That is what Lesley does always, but especially in her new publication: Quotes Illustrated. On these pages you will find the art and the inspiration to heal, to motivate, to continue, to change direction, to transform, to validate, and to encourage. It is a must for every one on every given day.”
– Jo Packham, creator, editor-in-chief of Where Women Create, Where Women Cook, Where Women Create Business

“Who better to curate a book pairing art and quotations than Lesley Riley? The artists’ interpretations of their assigned quotes offer fresh perspective on even the most familiar adages. On each page I discovered a favorite artist and message – and then the next page offered a new favorite. What a treasury!”
– Cate Coulacos Prato, editor, Cloth Paper Scissors Today Online Community

“Wow – Lesley has created a delightful book of art and wisdom that is a feast for the eyes and warms the soul. With her artistic flair and love of language, Lesley has put together a book which will become a classic, as well as a cherished keepsake, to be passed down from artists, art lovers, and other creatives to their children, colleagues and friends. It is a gift for the creative spirit, potent with an abundance of inspirations to reflect on today and for years to come.”
– Gail McMeekin, best-selling author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women and The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

“With a diverse and eclectic mix of artists and styles, Lesley’s book is loaded with inspiration for artists and creatives. No matter what your favorite style of mixed media art is, your creative wheels will be turning!”
– Claudine Hellmuth, illustrator and product designer for the craft, gift and home markets

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How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching

Distilling the research literature and translating the scientific approach into language relevant to a college or university teacher, this book introduces seven general principles of how students learn. The authors have drawn on research from a breadth of perspectives (cognitive, developmental, and social psychology; educational research; anthropology; demographics; organizational behavior) to identify a set of key principles underlying learning, from how effective organization enhances retrieval and use of information to what impacts motivation. Integrating theory with real-classroom examples in practice, this book helps faculty to apply cognitive science advances to improve their own teaching.

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How to Live on 24 Hours a Day (The collected works of Arnold Bennett)

An unabridged edition to include: The Daily Miracle – The Desire to Exceed One’s Program – Precautions before Beginning – The Cause of the Trouble – Tennis & the Immortal Soul – Remember Human Nature – Controlling the Mind – The Reflective Mood – Interest in the Arts – Nothing in Life Is Humdrum – Serious Reading – Dangers to Avoid

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It Works: The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True!

IT WORKS presents a concise, definite plan for bettering your conditions in life. It shows you how to use the Mighty Power within that is anxious and willing to serve you if you know how to use it.

IT WORKS shows you how. All scientific, psychological and theological explanations are eliminated. Three hundred pages are boiled down to ten minutes of interesting facts, a definite plan and three short rules of accomplishment. Don t let your worldly, objective mind keep you from more prosperity and happiness any longer.

Test the power of this simple book that defies tradition and experience. Millions have tried the plan it presents and know in truth that IT DOES WORK.

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Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters

Some people spend their lives reacting to what life hands them, while others craft life to fit their goals. Author Phillip C. McGraw, who is a psychologist but describes himself as a strategist, is determined to make sure that his readers are the creators of their lives, not created by their lives. By accepting that you are personally accountable for every element of your life, McGraw says, you can erase the negative “epidemic behaviors” (found in all of American society: denial, false assumptions, inertia, deceptive masking) in your life and reach your goals.Written in a tough-love, sometimes cantankerous tone, this self-help book is not for those looking to explore their inner child or visualize away negative energy. No, this is pull-yourself-up-by-the- bootstraps advice from someone who’s done just that. McGraw opens with a scene describing how he helped Oprah Winfrey survive–and win–the 1998 “Mad Cow” lawsuit in Texas, when she was having difficulty coping with the reality of what was happening to her. He helped her face the facts about the lawsuit, after which she was better able to participate in crafting a strategy to win it.McGraw first forces you to take a good hard look at who you are by dissecting your personality. It may be painful to realize that you fall into the “Porcupine” or “Perfecto” or any of the other personality types McGraw delineates, but here it’s true that there’s no gain without pain, because (Life Law No. 4) “You Can’t Change What You Don’t Acknowledge.” He then describes in depth all 10 “Life Laws”–the rules by which the world plays–that he learned the hard way. Laws such as “You Either Get It, or You Don’t,” “Life Is Managed; It Is Not Cured,” and “You Have to Name It to Claim It” make up the bulk of the book and McGraw’s realist philosophy.If you learn and abide by the Life Laws and go on to create a Life Strategy, McGraw claims you will not only know yourself better and eliminate negative behaviors, you will also know how to reach any goal you set for yourself. –Stefanie DurbinAuthor and reader Phillip McGraw is at the forefront of a group of self-help gurus rethinking Americans’ decade-plus-long celebration of victimhood. Calling himself a realist, he outlines 10 ways to take responsibility for and change your life. His reading mirrors the style of the weekend motivational seminars he conducts, designed to spark the listener into action. The lively pace crackles with such gems as, “My dad had taught me there are times in life where you just don’t want to miss a good chance to shut up.” While tape 1’s side A bogs down during an account of Oprah Winfrey’s beef-industry battles, side B dives quickly into the meat of the audiobook, featuring anecdotes from McGraw’s own life and the 10 “Life Laws”–the rules by which McGraw believes the world plays. (Running time: 5 hours, 4 cassettes) –Kimberly Heinrichs