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Daily Affirmations for Parents: How to Nurture Your Children and Renew Yourself During the Ups and Downs of Parenthood

Parents are a particularly wonderful breed of humans. We are the men and women who cannot sleep at night when we are worried about our children. We are the mothers who go through the greatest pain of our lives and immediately afterward feel nothing but pure joy and gratitude for what that pain has brought. We are the people who would give up everything we have in exchange for our child, who feel more love looking into those beautiful little faces than we have ever felt, who know that there is really no such thing as quality time–it is all quality time. It is for these wonderful people this book is written.

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Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods: Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing Guides for Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing isn’t sold in prescription tablets at the corner drugstore. Chakra, Reiki and Theta are spiritual healing methods with distinctive and unique characteristics and concepts that must be fully grasped before they can be used to effectively heal. Stacy Milescu’s Spiritual Healing Guide: How to Heal Yourself and Others Using Spiritual Methods explains these three well-known and respected spiritual healing methods in one substantive resource – breaking down complex theory and practice into easily understood layman’s terms. With the help of this guide, non-professional healers can fully understand and practice spiritual healing methods in the most effective manner. Throughout this helpful beginner’s guide, Milescu’s clear and refreshingly concise writing style is beautifully complemented by serenely inspiring color photographs. Open the door to knowledge and let the healing journey begin! Special Features and Details • Written particularly for non-professional spiritual healers • Provides a detailed overview of Chakra, Reiki and Theta Healing • Illustrated with vivid color photographs, including a Chakra photograph illustrating the various Chakra locations on the human body Scroll Up and Click “Buy Now” to start Reading Today.

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The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

Who are you? When you start to explore this question, you find out how elusive it really is. Are you a physical body? A collection of experiences and memories? A partner in a relationship? Each time you consider these aspects of yourself, you realize that there is much more to you than any of these can define.

In The Untethered Soul—now a New York Times bestseller—spiritual teacher Michael Singer explores the question of who we are and arrives at the conclusion that our identity is to be found in our consciousness, the fact of our ability to observe ourselves, and the world around us. By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.

This book, copublished with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), offers a frank and friendly discussion of consciousness and how we can develop it. In part one, he examines the notion of self and the inner dialogue we all live with. Part two examines the experience of energy as it flows through us and works to show readers how to open their hearts to the energy of experience that permeates their lives. Ways to overcome tendencies to close down to the rest of the world are the subject of part three. Enlightenment, the embrace of universal consciousness, is the subject of part four. And finally, in part five, Singer returns to daily life and the pursuit of unconditional happiness. Throughout, the book maintains a light and engaging tone, free from heavy dogma and prescriptive religious references. The easy exercises that figure in each chapter help readers experience the ideas that Singer presents.

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