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Positive Affirmation Secrets — How To Talk To Yourself and Master Affirmations To Get Great RESULTS – Positive Self Talk Techniques That Work Like Magic (Self Help)

Positive affirmations correctly applied can produce dramatic results for anyone. But successful self talk requires the right approach… and that’s where a lot of people have been led astray.

Who we are and the results and circumstances we experience in life are largely influenced by the programming that resides in our subconscious minds.

What’s really unfortunate is that a lot of that programming was placed there by others when we were children and it doesn’t serve us particularly well. To change the program — and in turn change our results — we need to take charge and feed our minds with THE RIGHT WORDS delivered in the right way.

This is exactly what Positive Affirmation Secrets — How To Talk To Yourself and Master Affirmations To Get Great RESULTS – Positive Self Talk Techniques That Work Like Magic helps you to do.

If you’ve tried affirmations before but didn’t get the outcome you hoped for — you’ll discover the underlying reasons and how to use this powerful tool to create dramatic changes and positive manifestations – virtually on demand.

If you’ve never used affirmations before, you’ll learn how to do it the right way from the very start — and increase your ability to turn your words into your reality.

If you’re feeling like you’re always getting the short end of the stick in life.. frustrated because you’re not living up to your full potential… or feeling like you’ve lost control — affirmations can give you the kick-start you need to shift gears and enjoy life to the fullest.

This short book is a crash course in positive affirmations. Positive Affirmation Secrets provides you with simple, clear, step-by-step guidance for creating powerful and positive change through the correct use of words.

With this kind of highly-effective self talk — your desired results inevitably become your reality in ANY AREA of your life.

Health, finances, career, communications, relationships, love, confidence — virtually any result in your life can be completely transformed by affirmations DONE THE RIGHT WAY.

Change the program that’s running in your mind and you change your life. This book will help you get started today.

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, 3rd Edition: A Teach Yourself Guide (Teach Yourself: Relationships & Self-Help)

“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is now hugely popular, and as a self-help technique that has helped millions of people in the UK alone, and as an NHS-funded treatment for illnesses like depression. Teach Yourself: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy was one of the first and most successful books on CBT. This new edition shows how CBT techniques, which focus on using altered patterns of thinking to achieve goals and overcome problems, can make a major difference to your mentality. The first half of the book explains the background to CBT, what it is, and how to use it. The second half of the book gives examples of how you can use CBT to deal with specific issues, such as helping to overcome depression and anxiety, and boosting your mindfulness, resilience, assertiveness and self-esteem.”

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100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Third Edition: Change Your Life Forever

“If you take the best of Wayne Dyer and add it to the best of Anthony Robbins, what you would have would only be half as good as Steve Chandler.”
–Dale Dauten, Chicago Tribune

“Some books that can help you awaken and begin to change are ones by Steve Chandler, who, I am reading lately. Great stuff. I’m becoming a fan of Steve Chandler.”
–Joe Vitale, best-selling author of The Attraction Factor and contributor to The Secret

“Steve Chandler lights you up with the glow of his internal neon…. [He is] one of the funniest men I’ve ever known…what he proposes is so rock solid and reassuring….”
–Lisa Schnebly, The Arizona Republic

“100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is wonderful, inspirational, honest, and courageous. It speaks from every page. It is definitely a book I will recommend to my clients and friends.”
–Devers Branden, coauthor of What Love Asks of Us

With the third refreshed edition of 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Steve Chandler helps you create an action plan for living your vision, in business and in life. It features 100 proven methods to positively change the way you think and act–methods based on feedback from the hundreds of thousands of corporate and public seminar attendees Chandler speaks to each year. The book now also includes techniques and breakthroughs he has created for individual coaching clients.

100 Ways to Motivate Yourself will help you break through the negative barriers and banish the pessimistic thoughts that are preventing you from fulfilling your lifelong goals and dreams. This edition also contains new mental and spiritual techniques that give readers more immediate access to action and results in their lives.If you’re ready to finally make a change and reach your goals, Steve Chandler challenges you to turn your defeatist attitude into energetic, optimistic, enthusiastic accomplishments.

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Affirmation Weaver: A Believe in Yourself Story, Designed to Help Children Boost Self-esteem While Decreasing Stress and Anxiety


Children love to turn self-doubt into self-belief. Children relate to the dolphin in this story as the sea creatures show him how to believe in himself. Watch your child increase self esteem and build inner strength as the sea creatures weave a web of positive statements.

This feel good technique can be used to bolster self-image, manage stress and anxiety, and accomplish goals. This encouraging story will bring a smile to your face and give your child a tool that will last a lifetime.

This is one of four stories featured on the Indigo Ocean Dreams CD ISBN 9780970863362 along with Angry Octopus,, Sea Otter Cove, and Bubble Riding, all available on Amazon.

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Heal Yourself with Medical Hypnosis: The Most Immediate Way to Use Your Mind-Body Connection

Major medical journals are fi nally beginning to recognize hypnosis as a legitimate clinical tool, citing proof positive that it can help ease chronic pain, lessen the side effects of chemotherapy, counteract anxiety and sleep disorders, and more. On Heal Yourself with Medical Hypnosis, Dr. Andrew Weil joins Dr. Steven Gurgevich, a leading expert in mind-body medicine, to offer listeners a 2-CD session on how to use this amazing tool for personal healing. On Part One, Dr. Weil discusses the physiological mechanisms behind the mind-body connection, while Dr. Gurgevich demystifies the practice of hypnosis through a concise account of its history and important case studies. On Part Two, Dr. Gurgevich introduces listeners to four trance induction methods, including trance deepening and a full session of self-healing with hypnosis.

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Reiki Techniques Card Deck: Heal Yourself Intuitively

Everyone on this planet has the ability to initiate self-healing-it’s your birthright. The techniques in this deck of 45 cards, selected from the most effective traditional and non-traditional Reiki techniques from around the globe, offer you the opportunity to consciously tap into your healing ability, supporting you on your natural path.

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In The Meantime : Finding Yourself and the Love You Want

You know where you want to be, but you have no clue how to get there. You know exactly what you want in life, but what you want is nowhere in sight. Perhaps your vision is unclear, your purpose still undefined. On top of it all, your relationships, particularly your romantic relationships, are failing. If these scenarios feel familiar way down in the deepest part of your gut, then you, my dear, are smack dab in the middle of the meantime. The bestselling author of “Acts of Faith” and “The Value in the Valley” — whose books have empowered countless women — now reaches out to anyone who yearns for love, in a book about relationships that can help them reach new levels of awareness, spiritual growth, and fulfillment.

Your mother, bless her heart, and your father, with all of his good intentions, did not prepare you for the meantime. They did not because they could not. No one can prepare you or help you find what you are looking for. What you need is love, not romance. Love, not more money. Love, not a new car. Love is the only thing that can make the meantime worthwhile. Once you find love, true self-love, and unconditional love for everyone all the time, things will look, feel, and be a lot better. The question is: What do you do in the meantime? We must mop and sweep away the stuff that trips us up, keeps us confused, and makes the meantime miserable. In this book, Iyanla Vanzant tells us how we can do this thorough mental housekeeping. If we do a good job of it, the light will come through. Once that happens, our spirits will shine, bringing in the light of true love and happiness.Many listeners will recognize relationship fairy-godmother Iyanla Vanzant’s positively charged style from her frequent appearances on Oprah®. She infuses this reading of her own book with the cadences of a revival preacher on a Sunday morning. (It’s no surprise, then, to find “ordained minister” listed in her biography.) Using housecleaning as her central analogy, she urges listeners to clean out their heads and souls if they want to be prepared for real love. Using anecdotes from her own life and those of others, she outlines how personal responsibility and respect for oneself can clean the attic, clearing the way for long, healthy relationships. (Running time: 2 hours, 2 cassettes) –Kimberly Heinrichs

Product Features

  • audio cassette format
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Healing Touch Meditations: Guided Practices to Awaken Healing Energy for Yourself and Others

The Healing Touch Program(tm) has successfully brought energy medicine into hospitals and clinical settings through a standardized curriculum recognized in mainstream healthcare. Now Cynthia Hutchison, the director of the Healing Touch Program(tm), invites listeners to discover the core practices that activate our own capacity to transmit healing energy for the benefit of ourselves and others. On Healing Touch Meditations, she offers two CDs of guided techniques based on the training program that certifies Healing Touch practitioners worldwide–featuring the three major meditations taught in Healing Touch along with two additional presentations to prepare you to practice them.

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48 Self Esteem Activities for Women: Powerful Exercises for Overcoming Low Self Esteem Plus 50 Positive Affirmations on How to Love Yourself!

If you’re a woman struggling with low self esteem, then you’ve just found the right resource! The self-esteem activities in this book were designed by women’s life coach Corinna Bowers who’s used them with great success in her own life and in her work with clients. The activities are organized under the three main self-improvement categories that affect self-esteem: Developing Your Essence, Improving Your Connections, and Controlling Your Destiny. Each activity includes suggested action steps and an explanation of how it works on building self esteem. These exercises are practical and cover a wide range of self-esteem concerns including body image, self confidence, satisfaction, sense of self, feeling motivated, feeling connected, and many more. This book also contains 50 positive affirmations on how to love yourself that are a powerful tool in reshaping your self-concept. If you’re ready to finally feel better about yourself, this book may just be the first step you need to take!