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Ego Is the Enemy

The instant Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and international bestseller

“While the history books are filled with tales of obsessive visionary geniuses who remade the world in their image with sheer, almost irrational force, I’ve found that history is also made by individuals who fought their egos at every turn, who eschewed the spotlight, and who put their higher goals above their desire for recognition.” —from the prologue
Many of us insist the main impediment to a full, successful life is the outside world. In fact, the most common enemy lies within: our ego. Early in our careers, it impedes learning and the cultivation of talent. With success, it can blind us to our faults and sow future problems. In failure, it magnifies each blow and makes recovery more difficult. At every stage, ego holds us back.
Ego Is the Enemy draws on a vast array of stories and examples, from literature to philosophy to his­tory. We meet fascinating figures such as George Marshall, Jackie Robinson, Katharine Graham, Bill Belichick, and Eleanor Roosevelt, who all reached the highest levels of power and success by con­quering their own egos. Their strategies and tactics can be ours as well.
In an era that glorifies social media, reality TV, and other forms of shameless self-promotion, the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts. Armed with the lessons in this book, as Holiday writes, “you will be less invested in the story you tell about your own specialness, and as a result, you will be liberated to accomplish the world-changing work you’ve set out to achieve.”

Product Features

  • Untouched. New Book.
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Productivity: 2 Manuscripts – Confidence An Ex-SPY’s Guide, Self-Discipline An Ex-SPY’s Guide (Time Management, Anti-Procrastination, Motivation, … Mindset) (Spy Self-Help) (Volume 3)

Imagine how different your life would be if you knew a way to hack your daily habits to become a highly self-disciplined and productive person.

James Daugherty is an intelligence expert & former CIA Spy who specializes in all forms of human behavior. There are many unique skills required for the job, but there is one thing that makes everything else tick, productivity. A spy would be worthless without high output.

Productivity: An Ex-SPY’s guide is designed to help you with just that. It is a combination of the following two books to help you with productivity, anti-procrastination and time management techniques for success and the confidence to put them into play.

(Confidence: An Ex-SPY’S guide to build unwavering confidence & override social anxiety to win in any situation)

In this eye-opening & engaging book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Build general overriding confidence (that lasts).Step by step strategies to overcome limiting beliefs.Prepping for important ‘missions’ (interviews, meetings, dates) you have prior warning for.Positive visualisation techniquesBreakdown on the OODA loop process to efficiently deal with stressful situationsSpy tactics to deal with social anxiety on the fly.

Confidence is a mixture of fascinating anecdotes combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever confidence tricks described will help you in all areas of life from professional career, relationships and ultimately your future success.

(Self Discipline: An EX-Spy’s guide to hack your daily habits to build unshakeable Self-Control, laser sharp focus, extreme productivity & eliminate procrastination without the need for willpower)

In this insightful and functional book, Daugherty gives readers a firsthand look into the trials & tribulations he dealt with in the field as a CIA operative & no nonsense guide revealing how to:

Understand the basic cognitive principles on how the brain actually worksThe nature of a ‘habit loop’ Why it’s critical to identify bad habits & replace them with better onesTactics to help you naturally cultivate a self-disciplined mindsetStrategies to help with delaying gratification & preventing procrastinationDay-to-Day habits of a spy to develop extreme productivityImplementing ‘Habit Pyramiding’ for exponential progressCIA Fitness Training Principles for fast results

… and much more.

An Ex-Spy’s guide to Self-Discipline is a mixture of methodical methods combined with the scientific rationale to back up the author’s advice. The clever self-discipline and habit tricks described will help you in all areas of life from health & fitness, career, relationships and everything in between.

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Instant Happy Notes: 101 Sticky Note Surprises to Make Anyone Smile

What can brighten the day more than an unexpected happy message? Instant Happy Notes provides 101 sticky notes designed to share the smiles. Self-adhesive and perforated, these notes can be peeled off one at a time and posted anywhere a grateful recipient will see them— mirror, door, TV, car window, desk.

Packaged in an innovative sticky note format unlike any other happiness book, Instant Happy Notes offers 101 mini-messages of joy and has the power to instantly boost anyone’s happiness.

Packed full of quotes, doodles, coupons, and thoughts, it’s a small book of stickies that creates a big impact on happiness.

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Motivation in War: The Experience of Common Soldiers in Old-Regime Europe

This book fundamentally revises our notion of why soldiers of the eighteenth century enlisted, served and fought. In contrast to traditional views of the brutal conditions supposedly prevailing in old-regime armies, Ilya Berkovich reveals that soldiers did not regard military discipline as illegitimate or unnecessarily cruel, nor did they perceive themselves as submissive military automatons. Instead he shows how these men embraced a unique corporate identity based on military professionalism, forceful masculinity and hostility toward civilians. These values fostered the notion of individual and collective soldierly honour which helped to create the bonding effect which contributed toward greater combat cohesion. Utilising research on military psychology and combat theory, and employing the letters, diaries and memoirs of around 250 private soldiers and non-commissioned officers from over a dozen different European armies, Motivation in War transforms our understanding of life of the common soldier in early modern Europe.

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The Light to Motivation #Affirmations4Shawty: a Daily Affirmation Guide and Gratitude Journal

The Light to Motivation has just the right ingredients for restoring balance using a divine collection of #Affirmations4Shawty. What’s good for the soul should be equally as healthy for the mind and body. What are you feeding your Triad? This book is filled with 73 daily #Affirmations4Shawty each served with a seasoned side note from the spiritual ratchet perspective. The book is designed to leave room for your collaboration whether you wish to draw images in relation to the words or journal thoughts of gratitude after meditation. Readers are encouraged to heal themselves through the power of words and self-reflection with their inner shawty revealed in a dirty mirror.

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Gumptionade: The Booster For Your Self-Improvement Plan

WHAT IF YOU ACTUALLY KEPT YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? For starters, you’d profoundly impress your family and friends. That’s because self- improvement is not easy. Most of us try and fail to lose weight, be better partners, get fit, get organized or fix our finances. We know what to do, but we can’t make ourselves do it. Consultant and philosopher Robert O’Connor puts a name on the elusive power to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. It’s gumption: courage, resourcefulness, and common sense in harness together. O’Connor shows how you can build your gumption in this inspirational, handy collection of practical life instruction sprinkled with maxims such as “Don’t confuse Easy and Magic with the work of real change”; “Put excellence before success”; and “Don’t lead with your wallet.” His advice is firmly supported by true-life examples of gumption-driven problem-solving success stories (e.g., NASA’s Apollo 13 rescue, Billy Beane’s Moneyball success, and Texas governor Ann Richards’ victory over political foes and alcohol). O’Connor draws lightly on his own failures and recoveries, then gives concrete ways to rewire destructive ineffective thought patterns. Not just a cheerleader, he’s careful to note that “Enthusiasm is not gumption” because, like good luck, it’s “great when you have it, but out – side of your control.” Sixteen compact chapters, some with worksheets, spell out how to cultivate what you can control (your character) and show how properly applied doses of gumption can root out fears, and head off destructive responses, and help you do what needs to be done

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Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness

Self-determination theory (SDT) provides a framework for understanding the factors that promote motivation and healthy psychological and behavioral functioning. In this authoritative work, the codevelopers of the theory comprehensively examine SDT’s conceptual underpinnings (including its six mini-theories), empirical evidence base, and practical applications across the lifespan. The volume synthesizes a vast body of research on how supporting–or thwarting–people’s basic needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy affects their development and well-being. Chapters cover implications for practice and policy in education, health care, psychotherapy, sport, and the workplace.

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Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale?: How To Hang On To Humor When Life Doesn’t Go The Way You Planned

…and, by the way, life never goes the way you planned. There’s a part of the fairy tale they never tell you about – that next chapter – where the honeymoon has ended, real life has set in, and you’ve got a good idea of what forever is going to feel like. Where your dreams of rocking on the front porch into the twilight of your life turns into unpaid bills, dirty laundry, and dreams of killing him in his sleep. Where you go from thinking how cute it is when he drools in his sleep, to “Good grief, if his nose whistles one more time when he eats a sandwich, I’m going to claw my eyes out!” Come travel with us on this twisted path to happiness with Kelly Swanson, an award-winning storyteller, comedian, and motivational speaker whose fresh sense of humor and wacky characters will make you laugh, make you feel good, and show you how to stay on the funny side of life.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work . . . and What Does: The New Science of Leading, Energizing, and Engaging

Top leadership researcher, consultant, and coach Susan Fowler says stop trying to motivate people! It’s frustrating for everyone involved and it just doesn’t work. You can’t motivate people—they are already motivated but generally in superficial and short-term ways. In this book, Fowler builds upon the latest scientific research on the nature of human motivation to lay out a tested model and course of action that will help leaders guide their people toward the kind of motivation that not only increases productivity and engagement but that gives them a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Fowler argues that leaders still depend on traditional carrot-and-stick techniques because they haven’t understood their alternatives and don’t know what skills are necessary to apply the new science of motivation. Her Optimal Motivation process shows leaders how to move people away from dependence on external rewards and help them discover how their jobs can meet the deeper psychological needs—for autonomy, relatedness, and competence—that science tells us result in meaningful and sustainable motivation.

Optimal Motivation has been proven in organizations all over the world—Fowler’s clients include Microsoft, CVS, NASA, the Catholic Leadership Institute, H&R Block, Mattel, and dozens more. Throughout the book, she illustrates how each step of the process works using real-life examples. Susan Fowler ‘s book is the groundbreaking answer for leaders who want to get motivation right!