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Weight Loss: Affirmations to Help You Lose Weight and Reach Your Fitness Goals via Beach Hypnosis and Meditation

This audiobook is designed to promote faster weight loss while increasing the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. It includes about 40 minutes of weight loss affirmations. This audiobook is a part of the Beach Hypnosis and Meditation Series.

The beach is the most effective place to induce a mindful and relaxed state of mind. Research has indicated the sound of water has a calming effect on the brain, leading to increased mindfulness, deep relaxation, and a feeling of being one with the universe. These healing properties occur even when just the sound of water is present.

This audiobook includes seven different ocean and beach soundtracks to help diversify your sessions. You can listen to a different version each day of the week or as often as you prefer. Each beach setting is designed to help you relax and increase the effectiveness of your session.

This audiobook includes the following seven beach settings:

1. Serenity on the Beach
2. Lakefront Home Private Shore
3. Quiet Reflection on the Beach
4. Gulf of Mexico Ocean Waves
5. Crashing Waves on Cliff
6. Ambient Oasis
7. Ocean Waves Crashing on Rocks

Listen to this audiobook whenever you feel like infusing your mind with affirmations that help you stay on track. You can even listen to this audio on a low volume setting during sleep for your subconscious to process.

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Successful Fitness Motivation Strategies

Successful Fitness Motivation Strategies will teach you motivational strategies that will help you structure effective exercise programs for all of your clients. You will learn the tools to help non-exercisers, habitual exercisers, and clinical populations stick with and succeed in their fitness programs.

The concepts and underlying psychology of Successful Fitness Motivation Strategies are geared toward personal trainers, exercise instructors, and others working in fitness center settings. The book is also a solid resource for allied health professionals in physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, and other environments where exercise is prescribed for therapeutic purposes.

Author Barbara A. Brehm, EdD, has studied exercise motivation and adherence for 25 years as a professor and as a working fitness professional. She thoroughly examines the many factors that affect exercise adherence and provides fresh insight into how readers can use this knowledge to improve program design.

Written in an easy-to-understand style and solidly grounded in research, Successful Fitness Motivation Strategies features the following:
-Numerous applied examples help you understand and relate the concepts to personal experience.

-Narratives document how instructors have successfully used the strategies presented.

-Question-and-answer sections in each chapter address questions from real personal trainers and offer solutions to the real-life situations that personal trainers address daily.
Successful Fitness Motivation Strategies will help you to design and implement programs that benefit all of your clients and ultimately improve your effectiveness as a fitness professional.

Product Features

  • Author(s): Barbara Brehm
  • Published: 5-22-2004
  • SHK00756
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No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness

We start out with the best intentions. We’re going to exercise more and get in shape! Then five days a week at the gym turns into two…then becomes none. We hit the snooze button and skip the morning run. We really do want to be healthy and fit, but we’re over whelmed and overextended – and exercise feels like another chore to complete. Is it any wonder we don’t stick with it? Behavior expert Michelle Segar has devoted her career to the science of motivation. In No Sweat, she reveals that while “better health” or “weight loss” sound like strong incentives, human beings are hardwired to choose immediate gratification over delayed benefits. In other words, we’re not going to exercise unless it makes us happy right now. So what’s the solution? To achieve lasting fitness, we have to change our minds – before we can change our bodies. In No Sweat, Segar shows us how. Translating twenty years of research on exercise and motivation into a simple four-point program, she helps readers broaden their definition of exercise, find pleasure in physical activity, and discover realistic ways to fit it into their lives. Activities we enjoy, we repeat – making this evidence-based system more sustainable in the long run than a regimen of intense workouts. Even if we don’t sweat, we really benefit. The success of the clients Segar has coached testifies to the power of her program. Their stories punctuate the book, entertaining and emboldening readers to break the cycle of exercise failure once and for all. Complete with work sheets, tips, and techniques, getting in shape has never been so easy – or so much fun.

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Fitness Motivation: The little book of fitness tricks that will help you get and stay motivated!

Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For! If you want to get in shape you need to get motivated and stay motivated! Most of us want to be healthier than we are today. Who among us hasn’t started a new fitness or diet plan with all the enthusiasm in the world only to give up a short time later? The reason this happens is that we lack motivation, or, more specifically, our motivation surges and ebbs like the tides. If your goal is to get fit and lose weight the key is to maintain a certain level of fitness motivation so that you can keep moving forward. When I was overweight in High School I battled with my weight as well. It was only when I started exploring the science of motivation, what it is exactly, that I started to make progress towards my fitness goals. Everything I have learned I have put in this book. Here are just some of the tips and tricks I discovered and you will learn when you read my book: The importance of the small things How to use a motivational ladder The dangers of giving yourself rewards The value of using motivational videos How to create positive habits Whatever goals you want to achieve, be they fitness or otherwise, the key is finding and maintaining the motivation necessary to keep moving forward. If you have ever struggled with maintaining a fitness or diet plan I believe my little book can help you. The ideas it presents worked for me and I know they can word for you too. Read my book and start walking boldly towards your fitness goals today! A new you awaits!

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Weapons of Fitness: The Women’s Ultimate Guide to Fitness, Self-Defense, and Empowerment

A groundbreaking self-defense and fitness book for women by a ballerina-turned-self-defense expert. Learn how to become your own weapon of self-defense and fitness so that you can create and target your best life.
After ballerina Avital Zeisler was savagely attacked as a young woman, she lived in fear—until she took action to train with experts in self-defense from around the world. Seeking a method specific to women and using Krav Maga as a base, she created her own self-defense program: the Soteria Method. It was an immediate sensation, and is now in demand by everyone from corporate executives to Hollywood stars—such as Amanda Seyfried, Megan Boone, Keri Russell, and Matthew Rhys, to name a few—who seek her classes both for the self-defense and for the intense, body-sculpting workout.
Unique and empowering, Weapons of Fitness will help get you into incredible shape—and just might save your life.

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Committed to Wellness: Motivation for Fitness, Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle: How to f# SMASH IT with Your Weight Loss and Fitness Goals and Stay … Motivation, Wellness Coaching) (Volume 1)

Motivation for Weight Loss Motivation! Committed To Wellness: How to Stick to your Diet and Exercise Plan. Motivation Techniques for Health, Wellness and Weight Loss

Your mind is stronger than you believe. I never truly realized the power of positive thinking and really believing in yourself, until I studied what actually goes into being motivated. The things that were destroying my chances of success were not diets that do not work, or pills that are not formulated properly. The things that I had been missing were motivation and the tools to stay motivated and to keep on track. I totally understand how you feel as I have been there myself. It’s time for you to make a DECISION: are you ready to change your mindset for a long-term success? You can boost your weight loss and fitness motivation and get enough will power to kill off procrastination and get back on track! No more procrastination! You know you want to be healthy and you know why you want it, so now it’s time to take some massive action and achieve your health and wellness goals! All you need to focus on is the right motivation strategy that will make you committed to wellness forever! What do you choose: Procrastination or wellness and fitness success?

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The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.

Build up your money muscles with America’s favorite finance coach.

Okay, folks, do you want to turn those fat and flabby expenses into a well-toned budget? Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? Then get with the program, people. There’s one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and that’s with The Total Money Makeover.

By now, you’ve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this—it’s the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it’s based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you’ll be able to:

•Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt—meaning cars, houses, everything
•Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you)
•Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

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The Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation: A Revolutionary New Program to Lose Weight and Stay Fit for Life

Are you wanting to tone up and drop weight? Do you have a special event that is coming up that requires you to look your best?  Do you want to gain motivation to exercise more often and more consistently? Or do you simply want to obtain the body of your dreams?

Grounded in evidence-based research, The Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation offers cutting edge insight on how to obtain and maintain fitness motivation.  If you haven’t found the key to unlock your fitness potential it’s not your fault…now you will in The Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation.  This book guides you through every step of the way to reach your ultimate body and fitness peak for life. 

Readers will discover the mind body effects of exercise and why exercise is an essential ingredient in your life.  The Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation will get you to:

· Improve your overall health 
· Control your mind and body and heighten peace of mind 
· Learn psychological techniques that are shown to increase fitness motivation
· Realize the powerful effect your mind has on your emotions and health and that you have the ability to realize the strength that is within you 
· Feel confident and ready to embrace new opportunities 
· Visualize your way to success
· Achieve weight loss and fitness goals
· And much more! 

This book is not just about obtaining fitness motivation. By learning to work-out regularly, you will also feel more energy and joy, feel more confident, more optimistic, and cope better with life’s stressors. You will enjoy being around others and they will enjoy being around you. There are endless possibilities of life improvements that can occur after learning and applying the valuable and evidenced-based tools waiting for you in this program.

Find out today why The Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation is your first and final stop on your path to the new incredibly fit you!

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50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew

Do you wish you knew…

• A way to have more motivation to lose weight and stay healthy forever? Tip #3 reveals a simple technique that ensures you’ll get and stay motivated to reach your fitness goals!

• The #1 cause of failure that almost no other fitness programs even mention? Tip #4 reveals the one thing that keeps people from losing weight and getting healthy more than anything else along with a step-by-step method to make sure this one thing never sabotages your results!

• How to get your best night of sleep ever? Tip #5 reveals something that modern research has just discovered in the past couple years and normalize your circadian rhythms and help you sleep like a baby your first night using it – Hint: It’s NOT a supplement!

• A way to reprogram your genetics? Tip #6 reveals what modern research shows can reprogram your genes and grow your brain!

• A force that is stronger than willpower? Tip #10 reveals the one thing you need to manage that is more critical to your success than willpower!

• How to overcome food cravings and emotional eating? Tip #12 reveals a simple “brain hack” to stop junk food cravings – instantly!

• The root source of all of your behaviors? Tip #15 reveals what this is so when you change this, your entire life will change for permanent success!

• A way to make healthy meals from scratch – in 5 minutes? Tip #16 reveals a cooking trick for making meals that are tastier, cheaper, easier, and FASTER than fast food!

• The best way to get organic food at a discount? Tip #20 reveals a little known known sources to get the healthiest organic quality foods at wholesale prices!

• The missing ingredient to good health? Tip #25 reveals the best way to get this into your body, and it’s by doing something only certain cultures on this planet do regularly!

• The best ways to prevent sickness from ever ruining your life? Tip #33 reveals unusual secrets to having a super immune system!

• The top 5 supplements you must take for good health? Tip #37 reveals the essential nutrients you’re likely missing that can all be replaced for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day!

• The truth about detoxing? Tip #38 reveals whether detoxing is fact or fiction, and what has really been proven to detoxify heavy metals and toxins from the body safely and effectively!

• A way to get “dumbbells” for a few dollars? Tip #41 reveals how to get adjustable weights for resistance training that only costs a few dollars and are available anywhere! (You’ve probably NEVER seen anything like this!)

• The most effective exercise routines to rapidly burn fat that only take minutes a week? Tip #44 reveals brutally effective workouts to burn fat fast!

• What to do if you have almost no time to exercise? Tip #45 reveals how to cut your exercise time down into half while increasing your fat loss and muscle building results!

Do you wish you knew how to have more motivation, less stress, faster fat loss, less aches and pain, complete emotional freedom, more money saved, and more time to enjoy your life all while enjoying the body of your dreams?

You’re about to discover how to have all of these things and more with these 50 valuable tips you’re not going to find in all the other “me too” generic and boring health and fitness books that rehash the same old tips you’ve heard a million times before.

This guide is pure cutting-edge content from someone who has spent the past nine years and thousands of hours of research testing and refining what really works to bring you only the best of the best health, fitness, muscle building, and weight loss tips you’ll ever find!