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A Theory of Human Motivation (Make Yourself Great Again) (Volume 13)

The present paper is an attempt to formulate a positive theory of motivation which will satisfy these theoretical demands and at the same time conform to the known facts, clinical and observational as well as experimental. It derives most directly, however, from clinical experience. This theory is, I think, in the functionalist tradition of James and Dewey, and is fused with the holism of Wertheimer, Goldstein, and Gestalt Psychology, and with the dynamicism of Freud and Adler. This fusion or synthesis may arbitrarily be called a ‘general-dynamic’ theory. It is far easier to perceive and to criticize the aspects in motivation theory than to remedy them. Mostly this is because of the very serious lack of sound data in this area. I conceive this lack of sound facts to be due primarily to the absence of a valid theory of motivation. The present theory then must be considered to be a suggested program or framework for future research and must stand or fall, not so much on facts available or evidence presented, as upon researches to be done, researches suggested perhaps, by the questions raised in this paper. (From the Introduction) Get Your Copy Now.

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Attune Yourself to the Vibration of Weight Loss (Affirmations Coloring Book)

Much has been written about the Law of Attraction, and the film The Secret was a sensation when released.

The idea that thoughts have a vibration and willl attract the energies – positive or negative – that resonate with the vibration being sent into the universe is now recognised not only in -new wave- circles, but also by the scientific community. So the aim is to keep one’s predominant thoughts positive.

The secret is to become aware of one’s thoughts in relation to one’s desires because it transpires that we really do attract what we think about.

Through this series of Affirmations Coloring Books, the user has the opportunity to attune their predominant thoughts to attract the good they choose.

While coloring, the mind calmly focuses on the message in the picture and simply enjoys.

There are many coloring books on the market, but this one has a concept that truly captures the spirit of the times. Users will be invited to collect the entire series of 10 such books covering a range of subjects including Gratitude, Business & career, Love/Happiness/Peace, Money & Wealth and, of course, Weight loss.

Printed on one side of the page only so that 30 beautiful A4-sized creations which include drawing and words may be kept and pinned wherever they can be seen constantly to keep one’s thoughts on track.

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Motivation: Master The Power Of Motivation To Propel Yourself To Success

Do you lack the desire to get important things done? Are you tired of wasting your life and not living up to your true potential?

Whether you want to (1) feel the desire to compete again, (2) learn how to light a fire under yourself to get powerful results, or (3) find ways to sustain your motivation over the long term, this book will teach you everything you need to know.

Do you fail to see a reason to do anything?

Life is so much better when you have the inner drive – the motivation – to go after your goals and dreams with reckless abandon. Motivation is a powerful force, able to drive you out of bed in the morning and keep you focused on your important goals, no matter what disruptions cross your path. Now you can tap into this mighty force on a consistent basis!

Transform your life by nullifying procrastination.

I have packed this book with the best ideas and easy-to-learn strategies discovered over the last few hundred years. Take note of your current motivation level before you dive into this book, then pay attention to the powerful results that follow when you apply the key motivational strategies within. These strategies will only become more effective over time and you will start to see massive results as your successes pile on top of each other.

Pursue your heart’s desire.

We know what’s important to us. Learn how to identify things that would knock the breath out of your motivation and learn how to disable them before they even get started! Delve into the four main sources of motivation and learn what tends to motivate you, personally. At the same time, discover simple ways that can boost your motivational levels so that would-be distractions have no power to sway you. When you tap into the core of your heart’s desire, you have unleashed a dynamic force that can help you accomplish wonders!

Discover how to sustain your motivation.

Motivation is only useful if it carries you to the end of your pursuit. Since we’re talking about sustained effort, anything you can do to fuel your motivation along the way will be helpful. There are specific habits that, once established, will provide a steady stream of nourishment to your motivation. I also provide some powerful thought adjustments that can make all the difference in the world when it comes to keeping yourself motivated over the long haul

What will you learn about motivation?

The driving forces behind your motivation. How to properly use goal-setting to boost your motivational levels. How to use powerful habits to increase your motivation. Motivational stories in the lives of inspiring people. Daily exercises to boost your motivation levels and inspire you to action.

You Will Also Discover:

Great strategies for recharging and sustaining your motivation. How to use motivation to overcome fear, excuses and other difficulties. Motivational techniques used by the best in the world. Some of the best motivational quotes of all time.

Ready to start truly living?


Put the charge back in your life: Buy It Now!

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Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life

Nothing is exempt from the power of guidance that Gary offers in this book. Divorce, loss, failure, burden, health… There is no circumstance or concern that won’t be affected and elevated to a state of workability by his offerings. Within the pages of this book, you will find the power you’ve given away and use it to untwist the veil that clouds how you see life. When you’re finished reading it you’ll likely find yourself going back to it over and over to feel the energy and passion that Gary puts into helping the world undo a lifetime of what’s been done by them. You’ll find yourself owning more than you ever thought you were responsible for and you’ll actually feel good about it, no in fact, great about it.

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An Invitation to Self-Care: Why Learning to Nurture Yourself Is the Key to the Life You’ve Always Wanted, 7 Principles for Abundant Living

Too often, we settle for the notion that self-care means giving ourselves treats and rewards for good behavior. But it’s so much more than that. Welcome to the self-care revolution! 

A day of indulgence at a spa—or at home on the couch—might help us unwind and feel temporarily renewed, but is that all there is to self-care? In this book Tracey Cleantis changes the dialogue and shows why real self-care is more than just routine self-indulgence—it’s a lifelong practice that’s essential to finding fulfillment and joy.

An Invitation to Self-Care uncovers seven principles for care that are rooted in self-empowerment and self-knowledge. Through personal stories and observations, exercises and quizzes, and interviews with experts and everyday people, Tracey invites you to consider self-care across your relationships, finances, spiritual and professional life—and more. By accepting who we are, what we need, and how those needs evolve over time, we create space for self-care’s transformational magic in our lives. In fact, an authentic self-care practice is the secret to the life you’ve always wanted.

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Inspirational quotes for women v.7: “Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.” (Volume 7)

“Bottom line is, even if you see ’em coming, you’re not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can’t help that. It’s what you do after wards that counts. That’s when you find out who you are.” by Joss Whedon

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Motivation – Get Motivated – Stay Motivated – And Motivate Others: How To Motivate Yourself, Motivate Your Employees, And Motivate Your Teenagers

Motivation – Get Motivated – Stay Motivated – And Motivate Others Do you love motivational quotes? Are you always reading motivational books? Do you find yourself looking for ways to motivate yourself, wondering how to motivate employees and trying to figure out how to motivate your teenager to do the things they need to do? This book will answer a lot of those questions for you. With inspirational and motivational tips, this book can help you to reach your success goals and help others to be motivated as well.

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Mind Freedom: Re-program Yourself for Success and Happiness with Meditations, Affirmations, Mindset Shifts

Do you want to clear your mind and find your purpose? This booklet will add more freedom and happiness to your life. It could change your life too. “If you want to break free and live life on your terms, while doing work that makes a difference and adds value to other people’s lives. Then you should read this book.” SA – verified purchase review.

We are all freer than we think we are

But sometimes when you get up for work in the morning, freedom seems like a privilege reserved for the rich and famous. It isn’t. The freest people in the world aren’t usually rich or famous. This book will show you how you can experience freedom now! This book explains the mindset shift you need to enjoy a life of freedom and happiness. This book contains: A focus on the present as the only reality we have A “we are capable of anything” approach Encouragement to evaluate your true purpose and directions on how to do that Explains how you are the experience and not the experiencer Show you what it means to label things, and how to catch negative thinking before it turns into limiting beliefs Directions on how to stop judging Teaches the easy way to meditate Guidance on affirmations and how to make them work; turning affirmations into a positive statements that focus on helping people I used to do unsatisfying jobs and not have any aspirations that my life could ever be any different. It never occurred to me to question what I was doing and why I wasn’t free to do what I wanted. I kept on going to those boring offices to do unfulfilling work, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Now, I’ve just got back from a eight-month long vacation where I was travelling through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines whilst working on my online business. How did I turn my life around? Well, every journey starts with a single step and the first step was the mindset shift which is explained in this book. You will learn about how to create a new mindset that is positive, creative and energetic. After reading this book you will be able control your thoughts in order to concentrate on the most important things – your life, your loves, your calling.