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Off-Centered Leadership: The Dogfish Head Guide to Motivation, Collaboration and Smart Growth

Find out what happens when companies stop competing and start collaborating.

Off-Centered Leadership considers an innovative approach to business by exploring what happens when companies stop competing and start collaborating — both externally in the marketplace and internally in building a culture of communication, trust and alignment. Brimming with lessons on entrepreneurship and culture from the founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, one of the fastest growing independent brewery in the country,members of his leadership team and external mentors from the worlds of business and art,  this game-changing text turns competition on its head by showcasing how competing organizations can work together—and with other local businesses—to reach a common goal. The text dives into how Dogfish Head has blazed a new trail through the development of a revolutionary business model that has called upon musicians, community organizations, and even other breweries to keep product development fresh and create engaging customer experiences.

This book documents and addresses the growing pains a company experiences as it evolves from the awkward early start up years into a mid-sized sustainable company with hundreds of co-workers. Calagione is candid in sharing his personal leadership challenges and success and calls on other seasoned vets inside and outside the company who inform and influence the journey of growth and creative expression Dogfish Head is on. This book is rich with practical information entrepreneurs and business people can apply to their own professional journeys.

Competition has long been the name of the game in the business world, but what if there was a different way to approach business? The collaboration over competition approach to business has been proven to foster positivity, productivity, and, ultimately, success. By partnering with your competition instead of trying to outsell them, you could actually create a memorable customer experience that will have people coming back for more!

Internally as well the dogfish approach has evolved and is not traditional org chart driven top down leadership. Calagione shared the challenges of evolving from a founder-driven entrepreneurial company where he was the sole creative and strategic director into a more collaborative collective where he is now one of many creative and strategic voices in the company.

Discover the methods and approaches dogfish head has used to grow a rich diverse leadership team and evolve from a company basing decisions on the gut and whims of a founder to one with a more robust wholistic strategic approach in a way that allows them to stay creative and maintain their irreverent off-centered culture. Discover how ditching your competitive nature and embracing collaboration can allow you to better serve your customers Explore innovative solutions to the challenges that today’s businesses face Consider how your company can grow through the collaboration over competition business model Leverage the experiences of other companies to truly understand how collaboration can contribute to your businesss success

Off-Centered Leadership is a groundbreaking book that explores the power of collaboration within the business world.

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Managing Motivation: A Manager’s Guide to Diagnosing and Improving Motivation

This slim motivation guidebook was written to bridge the gap between the academic research on motivation and to present it in a form that is useful to the practicing manager. In essence, the book presents a theory of motivation and how to use it without ever mentioning the word “theory”. The goal of the book is to give managers a kind of mental model to use in thinking about motivation and to show them how to use this mental model for practical management actions to diagnose and improve motivation of subordinates. The book is written in three sections: Understanding Motivation, Diagnosing Motivation and Improving Motivation. The book incorporates case studies and many examples of how to successfully manage motivation.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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El manifiesto por la motivación. 9 compromisos para recuperar el control de tu vida. (The Motivation Manifesto) (Spanish Edition)

«El manifiesto por la motivación es una llamada poética y potente para recuperar el control de nuestras vidas y para recuperar nuestra libertad personal. Una obra arrolladora que va más allá de su propio título y transporta al lector más allá de la mera motivación hacia una vida repleta de sentido y propósito.» Paulo Coelho El manifiesto por la motivación es una invitación urgente y fascinante a recuperar nuestro poder individual. Para conseguirlo, el prestigioso formador y especialista en alto rendimiento Brendon Burchard nos enseña que la búsqueda de la libertad personal siempre ha sido el motor fundamental de la humanidad. Siempre ansiamos disponer de mayor libertad de elección: libertad para disfrutar de nuestro tiempo, libertad emocional, libertad social, libertad financiera, libertad espiritual… Sin embargo, hay dos enemigos que se interponen en nuestro camino: el externo, representado por la opresión social, que nos conduce a la mediocridad; y el interno, una represión infligida por nosotros mismos, generada por el miedo y la inseguridad. Solo lograremos reconquistar nuestra libertad personal con éxito si defendemos nuestra propia voluntad e independencia, si luchamos contra las distracciones del día a día, si nos enfrentamos a nuestras inseguridades y reivindicamos las voces de quien escogió la libertad en lugar de la tiranía. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION “The Motivation Manifesto is a poetic and powerful call to reclaim our lives and find our own personal freedom. It’s a triumphant work that transcends the title, lifting the reader from mere motivation into a soaringly purposeful and meaningful life. I love this book.” – Paulo Coelho The Motivation Manifesto is a pulsing, articulate, ferocious call to claim our personal power. World-renowned high performance trainer Brendon Burchard reveals that the main motive of humankind is the pursuit of greater Personal Freedom. We desire the grand liberties of choice-time freedom, emotional freedom, social freedom, financial freedom, spiritual freedom. Only two enemies stand in our way: an external enemy, defined as the social oppression of who we are by the mediocre masses, and an internal enemy, a sort of self-oppression caused by our own doubt and fear. The march to Personal Freedom, Burchard argues, can be won only by declaring our intent and independence, stepping into our personal power, and battling through self-doubt and the distractions of the day until full victory is won. Recalling the revolutionist voices of the past that chose freedom over tyranny, Burchard-at times poetic yet always fierce-motivates us to free ourselves from fear and take back our lives once and for all.

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Motivation: Mastering the Game

In his world, anything less than the top isn’t an option. Manipulating women, the streets, and everything in between will earn Keyshawn “Key” Watson not only money and prestige but the privilege of being deemed one of Milwaukee’s finest players.

In pursuit of higher earnings, Key spreads his ring of prostitutes and thieves across the country. When tragedy strikes his camp in New Orleans, he gains some unwanted attention from the US Justice Department.

As federal agents begin to close in on him and two of his closest associates, their case appears to be airtight while the charges continue to pile up.

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Stress Free Life: Guided Meditation and Self-Hypnosis Set for Anxiety Relief, Stress Management and Peace of Mind

Anxiety can keep you from enjoying your life and getting the peace you need to stay centered. If left unchecked, it can destroy your inner calm, make you worried, and keep you in a whirlwind of negative emotions. Controlling your anxiety takes practice, but it is worth the effort.

This is a bundle which includes the following audiobooks:

1. Coping with Anxiety: Meditation for Anxiety, Stress Management, Unwinding, Relaxation and Peace of Mind

2. Declutter Your Life: Guided Meditation to Clear Your Mind, Relieve Stress, Stop Worrying and Find Peace

Each audiobook includes one meditation that is 15 to 20 minutes long with four different setting options:

Meditation on the beach Meditation during a rainstorm Meditation near a flowing creek Meditation near a waterfall

You don’t have to feel nervous, worried, and anxious all the time. You can make yourself calmer, more patient, more confident, and less stressed. These meditations will help you clear your mind and strengthen your resilience to everyday stress.

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Declutter and De-Stress: Meditation and Self-Hypnosis to Clear Your Mind, Worry Less, Find Peace and Simplify Your Life

The media would have you believe that the way to happiness is to purchase more. But, deep down in your soul, you can feel this not true. Happiness does not come from external possessions. This meditation bundle is intended to help you reconnect with true happiness through the art of simple living and an easy life philosophy that will instantly make you feel better about life.

This bundle includes the following audiobooks:

1. Declutter Your Life: Guided Meditation to Clear Your Mind, Relieve Stress, Stop Worrying and Find Peace

2. Simple Living: Guided Meditation to Simplify Your Life, Clear Your Mind, Let Go of the Past, Worry Less and Enjoy Your Life

Each audiobook includes one meditation that is about 15 to 20 minutes long with four different setting options:

Meditation on the beach Meditation during a rainstorm Meditation near a flowing creek Meditation near a waterfall

You can eliminate most of the stress in your life with this wisdom passed down for generations. This meditation bundle will guide you through the process of simplifying your life and decluttering your mind.

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Keep Calm and Carry On Page-A-Day Calendar 2016

Inspired by the powerful slogan that was created to help Brits keep their chins up through World War II—and that continues to resonate today—Keep Calm and Carry On delivers a daily motivational quote, slogan, or proverb guaranteed to bring energy and spirit to every morning. Be intrepid: “To conquer we have to dare, to dare again, always to dare!” (Georges-Jacques Danton). Be positive: “We are made of star-stuff” (Carl Sagan). And be resolute: “You may not control all the events that happen to you but you can decide not to be reduced by them” (Maya Angelou).

Product Features

  • Inspirational Quotes
  • Height: 6.250 inches. Width: 6.250 inches.
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Jumpstart Your Motivation: 10 Jolts to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

Warning! Exposure to the contents in this book may cause severe change in attitude, unbridled enthusiasm, unlimited accomplishment, renewed passion, a more active lifestyle, heightened joy, extended moments of happiness, or increased earnings. These changes may affect your family, friends, coworkers, even complete strangers. If you experience any of these symptoms, keep going. You are now motivated!