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Affirmation | The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations For Your Inner Child – 2 Amazing Affirmative Bonus Books Included for Success & Health: Dream Big, Have Fun and Play All Out… (Volume 4)

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible!

Exclusive Offer — Today Includes 2 Amazing Bonus Books: The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for Massive Success & The 100 Most Powerful Affirmations for Optimal Health

You will not achieve fulfillment and happiness until YOU become the architect of your own reality. Imagine that with a few moments each day, you could begin the powerful transformation toward complete control of your own life and well being through positive affirmation. Because you can.

You will be able to release all fear and doubt simply because you know that you can. Utilize this simple, proven technique to regain the lost comforts of joy, love, and fulfillment in your life.

You have the ability to unlock your full inner-potential and achieve your ultimate goals. This is the age-old secret of the financial elite, world class scholars, and Olympic champions. For example, when you watch the Olympics, you’ll find one consistency in all of the champions. Each one closes their eyes for a moment and clearly affirms & visualizes themselves completing the event flawlessly just before starting. Then they win gold medals and become champions. That’s merely one example of how the real power of affirmation can elevate you above any of life’s challenges.

Life is too short to be exhausted on thousands of everyday anxieties and fears. Sadly, the average person will get to the end of their life and realize that more than half of it was spent struggling with these kind of problems. Because they didn’t know what to do, many of these people never found any satisfaction in life. You can and will become bigger than those struggles by enhancing the energy that already flows within you.

Too often people are held hostage and limited by a cycle of negative thinking and pessimism. This kind of thinking creates a streak of what many choose to call, “bad luck”. I have good news for you. There is no such thing as “bad luck”. This phenomenon is merely a cycle of negative affirmation that must be broken and mended with a fresh regimen of positive affirmation and vision. By repeating and remembering these affirmations in times of difficulty, we transform our rigid affirmations of defeat and intimidation into warm, confident manifestations of the world as we choose it to be.

Get what you want and desire from the world like millions of others around the globe using affirmations. You already possess the power to assert your own perceptions and transform your thoughts and desires into reality. By using positive affirmations daily, you will unlock that natural potential inside of you.

If you want to see positive change now, you’ll find the quickest path to fulfillment with positive affirmation and visualization. There is no time to spend on loss, negativity, and defeat when you can be achieving tangible, historically proven results with minimum time and effort invested.

There is no limit to changes that can be made through the power of creating truth with affirmation…

Read This Book To Change Your Life Today!

Also available in Audiobook & Ebook Format

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Committed to Wellness, Fitness, and a Healthy Lifestyle: How to Unleash Your Inner Motivation, Change Your Mindset, and Transform Your Body Fast! … Weight Loss Motivation) (Volume 1)

How to Finally Create a Healthy Lifestyle you Enjoy! Exciting Motivation Techniques for Health & Fitness!

Weight Loss & Fitness Motivation without the B.S…
Your mind is stronger than you believe. You are just about to discover how to re-program your brain with powerful psychological hacks to create unstoppable motivation-motivation on demand!
Ready to transform your body? Ready to debunk the most common motivational myths?
Well, you don’t need to depend on other people as the source of your motivation, success, and happiness…


•Your motivation for preparation phase- make it exciting!
•How to combine different motivation techniques effectively
•Your motivation for the actual fitness/weight loss program
•Psychological aspects of internal motivation- how to ACTIVATE YOUR INNER FIRE and be successful with your fitness and weight loss goals
•How to deal with haters and bad influences when creating your healthy lifestyle (don’t let them stop you from succeeding!)
•Your motivational techniques for the feedback phase
•How to feel healthier and utilize it as your motivator
•How to actually keep on TRACK; MINDSET CHANGE: diet vs lifestyle
•How to pull yourself together after falling off the wagon and take MASSIVE ACTION AGAIN!
•How to successfully plan your meals and how to enjoy them
•How to fall in love with WELLNESS
•Little weight loss tricks that work as massive motivation boosters
•How to aim for progress and stop being a perfectionist
•How to use failure to actually achieve success (make it your asset!)
•The concept of self-coaching: how to be your own weight loss and fitness coach
•How to be creative during your weight loss/fitness/physical transformation journey (you need creativity to make the process as exciting and fun as possible!)
•The concept of holistic wellness- how to make the most of your wellness journey and use it as a personal development tool as well

Would You Like To Know More?

Download your copy now and start enjoying a healthy lifestyle today!
Scroll to the top of the page and select the ‘buy button’

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Break Through Your BS: Uncover Your Brain’s Blind Spots and Unleash Your Inner Greatness

Tired Of Bullsh*t Holding You Back From The Greatness You Deserve?

Whether it’s BullSh*t excuses, limiting Belief Systems, or the hidden Blind Spots created by a biased brain keeping you stuck in mediocrity, this barrier of BS is the reason the current reality of your life pales in comparison to the potential possibility of the greatness you were made for. Something inside of you knows this… and this is why you’re here, reading these words, ready to say “Now I make the choice to break through everything that’s keeping me from my greatness.”

This Is A Game – Are You Willing To Play?

“Break Through Your BS” isn’t your typical self help book… It’s a game. A challenge. An experience to be had. A journey through the tricks your mind plays on you so you won’t continuously be deceived by them wondering, “How can I do everything right, and yet everything is wrong?” Part poetry, part smart-ass humor, and a heavy dose practical empowerment, this book will likely leave you with more questions than answers, and yet you’ll find this is exactly what you’ve been needing all along.

What’s In Store For You

If you’re looking for clarity and want to make sense out of what the hell is happening right now in your life, you’ll get a playful poke in the side, a compassionate kick in the ass, and sometimes a sobering slap across the face to “Wake up!” and see your own BS. Throughout all of this, you’ll come away with not only more compassion and understanding for yourself, but more compassion and understanding for others. In turn, you might finally be able to help other people that frustrate the hell out of you break through *their* BS as well. #winning

If You’re Brave Enough To Explore Your BS…

Then you’re invited to take the journey into your mind to go beyond your mind. You will discover how to turn what could be your greatest enemy, a bullsh*tting brain with its false assumptions and limiting labels, into your greatest ally. This is a book where you must choose your own journey… You will not always be told what to do… You will be implored to explore your own thinking – and choose for yourself. You will be given many insights from psychology, philosophy, and spirituality – and walk away with no one size fits all answer, and yet still walk away with the only answer that matters.

You’ll Never Be Free From BS, But…

You will be able to work with your BS rather than be overcome by it. Some of the insights you’ll find in this book include… • How going after what you want is the very thing that keeps you from getting it. • The most common mental traps smart people fall for – and why your intelligence can be your greatest enemy. • Why every excuse you have may be 100% factually true, yet still be complete and utter total freaking bullsh*t. • The tricks people use to manipulate you, and how your own brain is using these tricks to sabotage yourself without you even realizing it. • Why your attempt to love and sacrifice for others may be what’s keeping you from experiencing true love. • A simple mental switch you can flip that turns fear into your friend allowing fear to propel you towards your goals rather than push you away from them. • The “myth of independence” and how your desire for self-sufficiency is keeping you from true empowerment. • One mental distinction unlike anything you’ve ever heard that automatically moves you into a growth and progress mindset rather than a perfectionistic fixed mindset. • Why you will never get rid of your BS, and why you should rejoice in that fact. • And more…

So Now You Have A Choice…

Would you rather be bound by your BS, or use this book as but one tool to help you discover how to unleash your Greatness? The choice is yours… Choose wisely.

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Yogalosophy for Inner Strength: 12 Weeks to Heal Your Heart and Embrace Joy

“Heartbreak is a universal experience, and self-compassion is vital to healing. In this moment of truth lies the opportunity to find action-oriented ways to love yourself.”

Building on the concepts in her New York Times best-selling book Yogalosophy, Mandy Ingber, fitness and wellness instructor to the stars, now gives us Yogalosophy for Inner Strength—a revolutionary and inspiring self-care program to uplift and strengthen the alignment of mind, body, heart, and spirit during times of adversity like loss, transition, grief, or heartbreak.

Yogalosophy for Inner Strength is a twelve-week wellness program, which includes five exercise routines for strength, happiness, and cardiovascular health, as well as meditations, recipes, playlists, and rituals designed to support the healing of the heart and build lasting resilience.

In Yogalosophy for Inner Strength, Ingber incorporates anecdotes from her personal journey through loss and trying times, and stories from experts within her inner circle of friends. Whether you’re experiencing crisis or simply feeling adrift, Yogalosophy for Inner Strength will help guide and carry you through your transition by providing a path to emotional strength, inner balance, and ultimately, to a greater capacity for true joy.

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The Emotional Edge: Discover Your Inner Age, Ignite Your Hidden Strengths, and Reroute Misdirected Fear to Live Your Fullest

Ever Feel Like Your Inner Age Doesn’t Match Your Outer One?
The Emotional Edge empowers you to stop knee-jerk reacting in ways that hurt and instead start expanding your life to become the greatest expression of you possible.  Once you know your Emotional Age, you can take any needed steps to become more fully grown-up so you stop giving your power away. You’ll now see when you’re inadvertently sabotaging yourself and understand why. You’ll be able to channel your fear and anger into courage and willingness, and live your best life without guilt, shame, or blame. Never feel like a victim of circumstance, genetics, or your past again, instead dive in and discover:
–The EA quiz to see whether you’re a Parent, Child, or Adult ‘archetype’—and what to do about it
–Learn your communication scale and style: moving from passive or aggressive to appropriately assertive
–Tune into your unique needs mentally, emotionally, and physically
–Rewrite your relationship, work, and bliss paths
Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you, now it’s time to get the best of them!

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Invitation to Happiness: 7 Inspirations from Your Inner Angel

Are you searching for joy, inspiration or a deeper spiritual connection? What if you found it wasn’t around you or in others – but already within you. This book is your personal invitation and path to finding happiness, and a more authentic life.

Please join you, in a new discovery of self and perspective. And it’s not only an invitation; it’s an introduction to the driving force that guides you through life and the secret to living true to you – your inner angel. Inside these pages are easy-to-use tools to get there, including easy-to-use practices for introspection, guided visualizations,
tips for contemplation, Simple step-by-step action plans, and discovery journal space to record inspirations from your inner angel.

Through reading contemplating and writing – you’ll find a path to your truest self – allowing you to live a more confident, connected life of inner peace.